“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
– Me
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
– Me
Other urls found in this thread:
2nd for culture
when the thread is so low quality that it's easier for the mod to just delete the entire thing rather than individual posts edition
heil hitler
the OP was anime shitwar inducing too
Please rangeban australians for a month atleast.
Someone cap this. Literally the best post of this century.
Did they actually died lol :DD
/balt/+/ausnz/ must be cleansed of weeaboo filth.
I just heard about this thread on Instagram, what happened?
The janitor likes anime
now THIS is an obsession
Weebshit genocide.
alri lads what's ahppening in this thread
janny is deleting anti-weeb shitposts
*parachutes down into this thread*
hey buds
kiss me, simon
Why are you thanking me?
/balt/ is huge on Instagram right now desu. Some celebrity was talking about how terrible it is.
The normie genocide is already in progress
he's doing his nut, before our very eyes
why is there a sudden influx of foreigners? get the fuck out and stop filling this thread with rubbish
anime = canceraids
I love you, Janny!
>weebshits bribing with hotpockets
Not surprised, weebshits always resort to the lowest tactics.
janny wtf is going on?
why are you oppressing our baltic culture?
u mean anime normies?
I came here from Instagram
Daily reminder that pedok*to is a kiddie fiddling low life scum that deserves nothing more than to rot in jail along with all the other weebshit trash
bit rude
what would motivate someone to spend their time deleting posts in a shitposting general?
I will secure a future for a weebshit free /balt/+/ausnz/!
Reminder that anti-anime posters are the best posters and the pillars of our community! And weebshit pedophiles need to die.
Daily reminder that pedok*to is a kiddie fiddling low life scum that deserves nothing more than to rot in jail along with all the other weebshit trash
Weebshits must be flushed like shit is flushed.
fuck off pedo cunt
Daily reminder that weebshits are paedophiles and degenerates that need to be purged from this earth.
Daily reminder that weebs are pedophiles.
>there is a legit paedophile browsing this thread right now that SHOULD be in jail
Based janny!
Gas the pedos, weebshit purge now!
Ok, so does everyone remember their daily reminders?
i think its a new janny, yesterday all weebshit generals got deleted
Reminder that anime is pretty okay desu
Fuck all weebshit pedo lowlife scum
Webshit pedos deserve nothing more than to rot in jail
Save the children, arrest the pedos, ban anime
Daily reminder that weebs are pedophiles.
you're just as pathetic as they are
It's more than daily now
>be mikoto
>be cool
>get huge following on /balt/
>people discuss you even when youre not there
>become famous outside of /balt/
>buy Sup Forums
>delet it
oops leaked my plan
Daily reminder that pedok*to is a kiddie fiddling low life scum that deserves nothing more than to rot in jail along with all the other weebshit trash
Exquisite posts my dear friends, bravo!
How is 13 pedophilia? I'd love to fuck a 13 year old. And yeah, mayyybe 12, but certainly no younger. It's normal.
fuck off kiddie fiddling cunt
Stay away from children
Stay away from this general
Go rot in jail
what's happening, the janny is deleting anime?
delet before u get delet
How did the Easter meme start?
Threadly reminder that all weebshits are paedophiles that must be killed.
I control the janny.
>the confessions of a pedophile
unnerving to be honest. weebshits should all be shot in the face.
Good night, friends.
Degenerate weebshit scum will all hang on the day of the rope.
*flushes this thread down the toilet*
Janitors did a good job on regulating /balt/ today.
Janny, I salute you.
This desu.
This. The weebshits are showing their paedophillic tendencies. They all must be purged.
fucking retarded avatar fag is back. kill it.
Gas all weebshit pedos
post roos
bet you could NEVER say any of this to my face
I wait EVERY day in front of origo for someone to come speak their mind but noone ever shows up. maybe they just change their mind after seeing how big I am
All weeshits are paedophiles
Yes, hello.
Nice "@" meme btw.
Should I learn Latvian or Mandarin Chinese if I want to get a job in international affairs?
Daily reminder that pedok*to is a kiddie fiddling low life scum that deserves nothing more than to rot in jail along with all the other weebshit pedo trash
good night. don't let the weebshits "win"
(being a weebshit is already losing at life)
go back to instagram
All kiddie fiddling cunts should be shot. Gas gas the weebshits now
12:00 pie bribibas pieminekla vecit nu tev hana bus
Weebshits are retarded losers.
right, it's been fun. gonna log off now, keep bants clean!
ha ha kā tad. kritīsi pirms varēsi pateikt "piedod"
>confirmed paedophile is browsing this thread at this very moment
>he isn't in jail
Reminder that sodomites will burn in hell.
GOOD post
the lack of monetary compensation
latvian, cuz chinese is really that shit and a waste of time, not only cuz of chinese language but cuz of chinese people
Literally not shit is going to happen.
If you really need some fancy fucking term, it's ephebophilia. Lower than that is hebephilia,and then pedophilia. Here's the thing though, there are also similar terms for liking individuals in their 20s, 30s, etc, so it's not like the terms are supposed to describe something abnormal.
If you do not find attractive 13+ year olds then you are a homofag.
post links/pics
Pedophilia is not a legal term,[9] and having a sexual attraction to children is not illegal.[6]
man pacani pa visu agiti un zoliku, atlausu atvainoties tagad
that's a lot of deleted posts