>in 3rd world countries they take shits and then subsequently throw that feces-laden toilet paper they wiped their ass with into a trash can
>in 3rd world countries they take shits and then subsequently throw that feces-laden toilet paper they wiped their ass with into a trash can
we don't do this in my house
Too much paper can clog up the pipes so it's recommended to throw it on the bin.
I don't do that, sounds gross
Poor irrigation and plumbing, I would assume.
They do that in Mexico.
>mfw gringo tourists go to Mexico, flush paper down the toilet, and end up fucking up the pipes
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
Heard they had to do this during the olimpics in Rio because it would have cloged the pipes... fucking disgusting.
they do this in Ukraine and Russia. Not sure about Belarus tho.
This is what those savages use to shower.
We housed an american exchange student about 7-8 years ago, he kept doing that even though we told him he could flush it
that's why they're called turd world countries
That's a lie. I take shits into a trash can in my room as well.
Inferior plumbing, obviously
We don't all do that, you idiot. Sometimes I forgot to dump it into the toilet after pooping in the can, but that only happens once in like 2 years. Don't tell me you haven't done it either. Stop acting so high and mighty you dickwad.
it's a suicide device
Did you licked a battery?
What would you prefer we keep it in our pants like you?
That would be nice to smell and masturbate, when some qts use your toilet and leave their user tissues
I always hated this thing. Who wants to look on shitt'n paper on a basket? I think they enjoy it. Actually they love to cover they selves by shit and masturbate, imagine than shit is a grate organism and it swallowed them.
If you have one of these next to your toilet, you literally live in a third world country.
Great *
I have one in my sink. I use it to wash vegetables.
This device it is for muslims, I guess?
lol, is this the case?
but you cant put it in the basket, the whole room would stink no?
I been throwing my toiler paper to the toilet for years and it has NEVER EVER clogged, the houses of my grandparents and old houses have poor plumbing that's why people do this, hopefully new generatios with new houses will get rid of this backwards practice for once.
Been to Bangladesh and luckily the plumbing where I stayed was fine.
Went to Taiwan and was advised not to flush it, so I flushed after every single wipe not to clog the pipe with too many papers at once. Taiwanese have toilet paper the thickness of a single atom anyway, useless stuff. Good thing is that they all have wet rooms that are both toilet and shower so I usually just showered the asscrack real quick.
Korea is the worst. And believe it or not, Seoul smells like shit every few steps because their awful plumbing. Walk through a fancy skyscraper lined avenue and you'll still find that absolutely putrid rotten sewage stench in your nose every now and then. It's just sudden bursts out of nowhere. (Koreaboos will try to deny this)
And a masterpiece is what it is good sir! The designer was trying to make a statement with it - Just look at the beauty of it, it's sheer doggedness.
Tesla would be proud.
for what purpose?
Is this mostly tied to the number of people or just bad sewage design?
>tfw girl comes over
>have to dispose of half used trash bag full of toilet paper so she doesn't see
>have to use a WHOLE brand new one
bitch if I do this we better be fucking
Soviets created shitty pipes in the "it just werks" way. In many soviet-made building (especially the government owned ones with old toilets) people have to throw paper into a bin. Also, they use shitty soviet toilet paper which feels like it's made of sandpaper and it's not easy to decompose it with water, so it could clog a toilet if used a lot.
wait so I can flush modern toilet paper down fine?
>and it's not easy to decompose it with water, so it could clog a toilet if used a lot.
wtf what would a dog do?
Cant you guys just squat around and fugg ontop of the garbage?
Why not? It would clog only if you threw a whole toilet roll.
agreed, better do it in your pants :^)
I am not able to understand any of your word desu.
not even tru
what the fuck??
Little bit of both
t b h => desu (autocorrection)
I don't know what kind of "scripting" that is but I'd recommend you to just fuck off.
explain this meme to me
how is a trashcan bad
Filled with paper with shit on it? Pretty fucking nasty.
then why do so many houses use the rubbish bin? including the ones in sochi
ARe you a bot?
what if the trashcan has a lid
it's gross to throw poopy toilet paper in a bin and leave it in there for a whole day
unfortunately it's really common in brazil. sometimes i'll go over to a friend's house, use the bathroom, look at the bin and literally see shit. absolutely disgusting.
thankfully this has never been customary in my family.
Still fuckin disgusting, does it really need to be explained to you?
I don't have a trash can in the toilet, but do you not take out your trash out twice a day or something?
Why do people put cactuses near computer monitors? Why do people turn off electrical devices when they hear a thunder? Why do they kiss silver crosses, religion idols, icons, etc.? Why do they put a jar with water near a TV? Why do they watch "the fight of extrasensories"? Should I continue?
isn't it just because you have better plumbing? can't really blame the guy more your incapable government
im foreign student so I'm not knowall. I rent apartment and my roomates use a bin so I just assumed I had to do it and have seen in some other houses too so have never questioned it
We call that a word filter.
yepp.. thin pipes that dosent handle shit papper..
When I was young I went on vacation with my family to greece, where they told us we have to throw used toilet paper in the bin. I was suprised why we had to do this and my father explained that they do this because in greece they dump sewage water straight into the sea and toilet paper would be too visible on the surface of the sea.
Yugos also