Which country is the gayest on Sup Forums?

Which country is the gayest on Sup Forums?

Brazil, not even insulting or something

I wonder what happened to the Fagstralia shitposter

definitely funlan

What exactly makes you funlandians so gay?


this. int is quite a gay board though anyway.
was gonna say australia but haven't seen his gay posts for a while.

i don't know, maybe because we have purri :3


I think you are just memeing me

Yeah, he is cute

>tfw no french qt bf
I will shelter a cultured french refugee fleeing the arab invasion

Austrians are the gayest. We just appear more cause they rarely post outside of their general

It's the finns or the dutch, the dutch just won't openly admit it.

you're constantly posting gay shit. not memeing.

you can tell int is a very gay board from the amount of anime, overuse of the word cute and :3

I say no homo, so not really gay if you ask me

let me fuck your boipanela

Oh yeah, I forgot that gay shithole called /luso/. That's why people think we are gay.


It's brazil. We are gay as fuck, you have to admit it, OP.

sweden yes

Brazil for sure. glad that fat turk looking autist got tired of posting his disgusting face complaining about no bf.