
safety always off edition

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American girl with her Asian husband / kid


Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of. Be at performed preferred determine collected. Him nay acuteness discourse listening estimable our law. Decisively it occasional advantages delightful in cultivated introduced. Like law mean form are sang loud lady put.



you can fuck right off

Written enquire painful ye to offices forming it. Then so does over sent dull on. Likewise offended humoured mrs fat trifling answered. On ye position greatest so desirous. So wound stood guest weeks no terms up ought. By so these am so rapid blush songs begin. Nor but mean time one over.

/brit/ is a very shit general, very third world

>American girl with her Asian husband / kid
Beautiful AWMF family

thats pretty common knowledge

the average IQ probably never peaks above 90

left or right?

this is important

Are you the opposite of Elliot Rodger or something

>Chang desperate to date a white woman


he's a literal paid shill

I'm originally from Queens. Can I bandwagon the Mets?

low standards. meanwhile asian men get the hottest mexican girls


I love you, Canada!

Have a good night.

go with the one that has the biggest ass.

Right looks thicc

She definitely has the biggest ass

Best baseball wife

thats not ms Met

i love mountain goats

There is nothing better than going to a MLB game with your White girlfirend


>tfw no qtpi girl to take to AT&T and cuddle up with while everyone joins together to sing Lights


the orioles are a coastal team too, dummy

heterosexual couples in San fran? Really making me expand my neural network


A team with no actual fans

not even close to true, but here's your (you)

Ms met dated girls in college

have a fucking KILLER headache buds, gonna try and sleep it off
good night /cum/sluts

>why yes, I am a boston red sox fan from chattanooga tennessee bandwagonning them

thats hot

Sleep tight, don't let the feels bite.

>tfw you get sentenced to over 141,000 years in prison

If you post memes you are a white supremacist

lol yes it is

There's only one real team in all of california, including soc*l anyway

In a susan from seinfeld kind of way, yea

the one blacked out from all TV networks with mexican fans that usually leave by the 7th inning?

>haven't followed baseball for years because the kikes can't work out a broadcast deal


They have to wake up early, man.

>vin scully's last year
>TWC still wont let anyone watch games

I dont know how you guys havent rioted yet

Who are you quoting with such trips?



I'm voting with my wallet and not going to games.

Parallel universe version of /cum/ had us talking about boston

>It's all in your head you whiner

No. Ew.

m8, shut the fuck up

Ive been to the collosseum and there were so many empty seats

Ah ok, that makes sense

Nightly reminder that Remain in Light isn't Talking Head's best album

Giants are the west coast red sox minus any actual fans

Cheap seats too. It's great.

I had to get seats up on the top parts

do the ushers care if you go down to the lower sections?

Talking Head is my fav dj

Never been called out when i wouldn't have been risking getting kicked out anyway.

*drinks more theraflu*
we turnt now boys

>Civil war reenactors

so...is that a no?


Imagine him catching a cannonball in the gut.

It technically is
The way I see it, depression is a habit rather than an emotion. You get so used to feeling like shit and telling yourself that you're worthless and whatnot that it gets molded into your psyche, and literally into your brain. If you had stopped the cycle when it first began, you'd be a healthy normal person. But feeling sad is addicting, and the more you think about it the worse you feel because you want to break yoursepf down further and further until you get to very bottom. Once the damage is done, you will physically be worse off because of your lack of mental discipline.
So basically what I'm getting at is that depression is a vicious cycle, and the beat cure would've been simply positive thinking had it not advanced and consumed your personality. And now, no matter what you try to do, there'll always be that voice in your head telling you "you're not good enough", because it's what your brain is used to doing. Self-deprecation has become a habit, almost like it's part of your muscle memory, except it's your brain's subconscious memory.
Tough shit, man.
First thing I'm gonna teach my kids if I'm lucky enough to have any is to always stay positive, no matter what. I think that's the most important lesson for anybody to learn, and the earlier they learn it the better

no wonder they lost

Canadians can you tell me about provinces and why their names are so cool

got any sources for any of that?

I don't feel like I'm worthless or think in a self-deprecating manner. I hate living.

Personal experience
Don't believe it if you want, it's just my two cents

>look up numale's sky
>hmm interesting concept
>the implementation is insultingly lazy
fucking christ this is why i stopped playing video games

Then kill yourself. What's the issue?

I feel weird senpai. Was snuggled with my older sister watching movies and she started kissing me and I got turned on even though it felt wrong

I have obligations

then no, it ""technically"" isn't
people with depression (and bipolar and schizophrenia) have bigger lateral ventricles too, got an explanation for that?

its just like my animes

Fuck obligations, they'll work themselves out one way or another after you're dead, and you won't care about the outcome because of course you will be dead.

Why is life so unfair?

According to the stars, I can only date a Catholic libra on Thursdays and Fridays.

listening to the boss buds

I don't even know what a lateral ventricle is

there is nothing wrong with sexing your sister if you both consent, don't feel bad. Obviously not for procreation, but enjoyment. Totally fine.

>actually believing in astrology

really want to visit the america south, perhaps go deep undercover there in somewhere like Tennessee or Louisiana or something weird like that

what could i expect? as a bricklayer, could you get work? how is the south?

>taking the bait

I didn't believe in it either until I went to a psychic

That is an incredibly childish mindset
If I kill myself, it effects everyone around me. I will not be responsible for ruining someone else's life

It's hot, humid, and depending on where you are, poor
I'm sure a bricklayer could find work

good choice, lad


Have you ever shot a gun, cum

dixie is hot and humid, and as long as you aren't causing trouble you'll be welcomed warmly. There's lots of whites and lots of blacks, and if you head southwest there's lots of mexicans. Louisiana is pretty much a swamp. Wages are lower down south, however cost of living is also lower.

Because fairness is a social construct

not surprised desu

Yes, shot several, own several
fun fun fun

gun license? more like fun license
license to kill? more like license to chill

it seems cool, kinda spooky and desolate which i'm into i also wanna jam thick mexican girls, one imagines boxing is popular down there

tommy wright III is from there too

What happened to unions buds? They were apparently really important decades ago, but you don't really hear about them now

No, it's selfish of them to want you to live, they just want you around because they'll have less work to do in their lives with you pulling some of the weight
Sorry for the edginess but I call 'em like I see 'em

>what is family


The labor movement died down and now everyone's screaming about social justice and all that crap

They're still around, just not reported on because it isn't saucy enough apparently


A foolish reason to care about people.

the changing politics of the 1960's drove white american workers to be more conservative. They didnt like the new goverment actions forcing women and minorities to get more positions in the workplace, and thus protested against equal pay legislation and the like in order to stick it to the minorities, despite it actually shooting them in the foot.

Couple that with the huge economic recession setting in, where most jobs were shipped overseas or went out of business, and most of the workforce had to shift from factory/manufacturing to standard retail jobs. THose that wanted to petition for better working pay and such now couldnt do so because of the decline in jobs, so unions didnt have as much support since they couldnt fight for workers rights