Why suddenly Sup Forums hate my country?? What have we done? Is this the vengeance for creating the shithole south america is?
Why suddenly Sup Forums hate my country?? What have we done...
I still love you
I think we are alone in this world...
Kiss me
I don' hatet you or you country. There's just too much cultural similiraties for me to hate Spain.
I love spain and want to move there if I could get a job there
yo estudio espanol
por que me gusta la cultura espanol...
no, pero que yo lo necesito para mi profesion.
any mistakes?
It always was like this but we recently got the swedish haitiANO and the literal candian cuck spamming threads against Spain.
i lik spen
who no lik spen?!
>Thinking Sup Forums hates Spain for 4 butthurt cucks
>la cultura española*
Pretty good tho
I like Spain.
Pls give Rioja and qt (but slightly insane) Iberian girls
third sentence doesnt make sense, like, i dont even know what you intend to say. in the second one it should be "por que me gusta la cultura española"
sorry guys I don't have a marked o (ó)
I actually noticed that I missed that 'a' in espanola after I posted, thanks
also in the third sentence I mean (no, but I need it for my job)
Why you need spanish for your job?
can i have one first?
Como busco uno novio espanol?
I don't hate you Spain, god what could have been if we stayed together and vanquished the eternal Anglo.
enseña las tetas y decidiremos si enviarte a jorge
We had our chance back then... and we missed it.
Gitanos and andaluces are a-ok
You really aren't helping your case much basing it on throwing others under the bus.
I created Turkey
no trust me they're not ok at all
You've created bolivians.
>enseña las tetas y decidiremos si enviarte a jorge
soy un hombre pero soy qt imo f a m
Do you even know what Andalusia is? kek
no soy CHIcano t b h
italiano, judio, y anglo
lazy cunts, why do you close your stores in the middle of the day when i visit you
Sup Forums hates everything.
I like spain. You guys should leave the EU and we can start a new super EU with cheap booze and all the slag you can handle.
Finlands invited too
But we open untill 22:00 you dumb retard. You should be sleeping 14:00 to 16:00.
It's because you're so damned racist.
I like Spain but i thinks the forced bullying is something from Canadians, Canadians are obsessed with Le Moors meme, same thing with Le Mongoloid meme for Finland.
Wait, is the siesta thing real?
I thought it was just a meme
>we open until 22:00
No te lo crees ni tu
Yo estudio español
porque me gusta la cultura española
No, en realidad solo lo necesito para el trabajo.
Spain is our enemy. Turbot wars never forget.
Ese ''por que'' va junto. Porque.
Every post under a spanish flag in Sup Forums is cringeworthy mess, including this one you are reading right now.
Don't worry spain I still love you
Is real in Andalucia
D: i wanna be your very first friend.
Pues yo soy de Catalunya y a veces me pego mi siestecica de medio día. No me dirás que con este calor no apetece? Y tan vago no seremos cuando trabajamos más de 8horas al día que es lo (en teoría sería)establecido.
But Canada needs enemies and the Finns just meme us whenever we try to talk shit
Lol i just realized Spain have 10 million more people. The fuck is wrong with your country? I thought Spain was deserted but Canada is just a USA wannabe, all your population lives near NY.
Shut up Spain.
This is a comfy thread, dont post those things pls.
tmor row i get euthan-naisa is it taste good?
We dont joke about the siesta, that is sacred for us
>caring about 5 autists in a mongolian website think about your country
kill yourself my man
ask you´re mom
hello it's me. coming to save you.
No one hates you Manolo. At least no burger. I don't know about South/ Latin Americans but they're probably a bit mad about those daily "fucking sudacas" threads.
where's my horo
I would argue we're too irrelevant to get any real hate.
Revisa el arbol genealógico y algún charnego encuentras, en la sangre lleváis la siesta los andaluces y sus descendientes.
I love Spain t.b.h.
>tfw no THICC Spanish gf
Mi familia es Austriaca pero se fueron a vivir a Andalucia(y se casaron con andaluces). Maldición!
No, y yo soy directamente un puto andaluz de mierda, y nunca he tenido la necesidad de una siesta. Lo único que me apetece con el calor es que llegue el frío, pero después llegan las inundaciones de otoño y invierno, además de la humedad y el viento de mierda y se me pasa las ganas de frío.
Ha, you both suck ass
lo teneis merecido por gilipollaz tio
stop oppressing gibraltar you paellanigger
Bueno cada uno hace lo que le salga del coño.A mi me gusta echarme la siesta y no me parece de vagos.
andale andale
t. britfag here, love your country, sun, cheap , nice beaches, friendly people, prostitutes everywhere and you love fiestas, only germans would dislike the spanish..
also, sorry for some of my more uncivilized bredrin in benidorm, majorca etc.
Been in Benidorm this summer with friends and man, you dont know how to party. In the day the city is full of dunken brits, but by the night you are all sleeping.
You miss the best part man.
were not used to the sun m8, booze+sun=nap time,if you ever come to the uk (minus the south) we will show you how to drink
Quizá no en un pueblo en mitad de la nada
El supermercado de al lao cierra a las 22
>Is this the vengeance for creating the shithole south america is?
God told me yesterday that every Spaniard has to suffer purgatory until the apocalypse comes, just for that reason.
>How to drink
>To a spaniard
haha cmon man its 2 am the night is over go home
please remind us what is there to like?
best parties of all europe, by far
hoes, alcohol, drugs, blood, deads
>Spaniard telling a scotsman how to drink
moscatel and sangria's are for women m8
Rum or whisky, with m or coca
burundanga for bitches
>burundanga for the bitches
Igual, soy Andaluz y no me he echado una siesta en mi puta vida ni conozco a alguien que lo haga.
You guys talk in spanish, which is a shit language, but don't have the "we-re poor, not" charm of latrineamerican countries. You're the worst of both worlds.
i like spain :)))))
spain truly is the best country. i lov u spain ;_;
(jamon is shit tho)
I would move to Barcelona, it's a pretty comfy place desu
Catalunya independence when
Hola, perras
that's a shame
Spaniards are kind of hard to troll because they take the bantz really well.
I used to think Spaniards bullied Latin Americans harshly but it's always some South American sperging about Moors.
There's a well-known Canadian poster that has been probably cucked by a Spaniard, I don't understand the hatred.
a toda onda vital tio joder
I just came here for the senoritas. I like redhead Spanish girls.