
someone save Russia from this stupid world someday?


> someone save Russia from this stupid world someday?
what did he mean by this

stop creating these threads please

OП пoeхaвший или мнe пoкaзaлocь?

russia took part in making the world this fucked today

someone save russians from russia someday?

пoeхaвший. Oн плoдит тaкиe тpeды c бeccмыcлeнными вoпpocaми пpo вce cтpaны.

Oн yжe нe чeлoвeк, oн Zitto Animale нaхyй


Why is japan man always speakings such bad englandese?

Your country destabilized the middle east, and made it a terrorist hellhole. So you shouldn't be talking.

>someone save Russia from this stupid world someday?
Chinese again?

Atleast we didn't bring about one of the most toxic ideologies to many parts of the world which killed altogether almost 100 million, and the slavery of many other people and making allll of eastern europe and china shit for decades

> and the slavery of many other people
When did we enslave any other people but Russians?

Many many people to forced labor even if it was only russians it is a horrible practice

other slavs

German POW's while the women were raped

The first thing the Russians did was to separate the German women and girls from the men. What followed was a brutal orgy of rape and debauchery by Red Army soldiers. When the greatly outnumbered Americans tried to intervene, the Russians charged towards them firing into the air and threatening to kill them if they interfered. The raping continued throughout the night. The next day a Russian General arrived at the encampment and immediately ordered a cessation ... Later when a few Russians violated the order again and assaulted a German girl, she was asked to identify them from a lineup. There were no formalities, no court martial. The guilty parties were immediately hanged in front of all their comrades. The point was made.

- Erich hartmann when he was given to the russians via the yalta agreement

>I have the moral high ground
t. sharter

>the america is evil meme

t. red army towel holder

America committed lot of war crimes too. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, slaughtering Native Americans etc. And enslaving blacks.

Vietnam, korea and Normandy

Oh, you took effort and wrote this. Well, I dislike Stalin Era too, but it's not like we hate other people just because they exist.


fuck the natives honestly, baby killing savages literally

what would have happened if we did not help korea?

full north korea control sounds cozy and fun

You think think you are better than the japs just because you are more detached when you kill with your bombs and drones
kek amerishart denial

Aren't Native Americans related to Native Siberians?

The japanese were literally brainwashed and committed a new warcrime every week m8

220000 in hiro+naga

now look at the Nanjing massacre

that is only one of the japanese ww2 atrocities,

you reap what you sow

In Normandy American soldiers enjoyed French girls so much

the difference is they were disciplined afterwards

what's 208 rapes compared to the other axis or Comintern nations?

>you reap what you sow

It is cute how you think you are not brainwashed. Ideology works that way. You believe with all your heart that the war with Japs was about fighting for good and justice

>Japs was about fighting for good and justice

Because it literally was? did you forget how our war with them started?

By staging Pearl harbor? Leaving it undefended to bait Japs to attack?
But i'm just a tinfol hat man, don't listen to me :^)

ah yes, le tinfoil

Even if pearl harbor didn't happen I still hope we would have went to war with japan eventually

They did so much horrible shit over there, also to save aus bros, and we made them into a much better cunt afterwards anyways

That is your justification for murders of millions, and Japs have theirs too

ah yes, allow the Japanese to opress and murder all they want in the pacific

let's just let them establish their empire lads

let's allow them to to invade a commonwealth member and british india

this same practice allowed nazi germany to become so strong

At least you're starting to talk about power now. Moral justification is just a story for the masses.
Hint: America literally armed Khmer Rouge