Why do hispanics write so badly?

I noticed that when spanish speakers write on the internet they make so many spelling mistakes, much more than any speakers on another language that I'm familiar with (mixing b and v, missing the h at the beginning of words, and especially in the case of Lat-americans mixing up s, c and z), this even happens with common words that pop up very frequently.

Is this due to a bad education system? since the whole trend seems to be somewhat more prevalent in the poorer countries, but not limited to them; also this doesn't account for instances where bad spelling would be intentional.

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Asians are way worse.

You've had a boner for us for a while now, I see your flag a lot in hate threads lately. Why is that?

not me, it's another algerian

do you have any answers?

>tfw more educated than OP and also not a mudslime

That's Latin Americans. They're basically unable to use language. Their natural languages consisted in basic sounds as "chunga teklecl papa petel" and their brains should've erased the part where complex sounds process.

jaaaskjaksjakskajsjaajajaja no te la puedo believe

Still an Umaru poster though

I have the advanced cambridge certificate so fuck you moor.

You got lost, sand nigger.

What answers? You're asking us to explain something that could very well be observation bias.

I've never met a Spaniard that could actually speak decent English.

ive noticed this too
central americans and south americans for the most part all have good english
spanish suck at it

We miss something here.

I saw andaluces do it as well, which is strange considering that your wrighting system is fairly consistent and simple, languages like French, English, German... all have a lot of silent letters and weird spellings and their speakers still commint less spelling mistakes.

It honestly isn't, I've read through thousands of pages, comments, internet ads... and it's a lot more present in Spanish.


why do you care about grammer you're on the internet lol


It's orthography not grammar, and I see no reason why someone would intentionally write mosion (instead of moción) or aver (instead of haber) unless they want to sound like an illiterate retard, nothing to do with being on the internet.

Lulz XD, mai englizh is gud enouf bro, dont h8.


it depends on the site. if it's a site like Yahoo answers, is full of underage kids who write very poorly. Other websites like Stormfront are full with cultured white Sudacas writing perfectly.

Those would be on purpose see


I say in the OP that notice when people do it ironically, this isn't not what I talking about.

But English and French Yahoo answers are also full of underage kids and they write significantly better.

Anyway thanks for answering.

ke se io no soi 100tifiko jaja salu2

This gotta be a joke

You are Hispanic, not Latino.

Noooooo lad,

Hispanic literally just means Spanish speaking. How the fuck do you not know this? It doesn't have anything to do with race.

you mean when we type in english or in spanish?


No you twats speak shitty English too. Castilian overall is a very strict phoneme language, it has some very specific sounds that must be spoken in one particular way, so you really have it hard with saying a word like "space" without saying "EYSHPAYSH"

>FRENCH Guiana


ahh yeah, I cringe hard every day

lel, was that ironical? Dude, what do you expect as an answer? All I see is bait.

>no hispanic gf missing personal pronouns when texting you in English
>why even live

This is stupid because hispanic should be referring to the whole peninsula, like iberian. Hispania was the name the Romans and the Phoenicians gave to this Peninsula. That should include Portugal and it's former colonies too.

do you want to annex us that badly?

>All I see is bait
Did I say that mexicans are niggers or something?

I noticed the habit frequently enough to make thread about it in the languages & cultures board.

ajajajja q loko

While you're technically correct España took its name from Hispania which kind of screwed you guys out of that connection. I thought that was the whole point to you people in turn appropiating Lusitania which if we are going to get technical does include areas which are today a part of Spain.

jajajaja el algeriANO salu2

>Did I say that mexicans are niggers

>>Is this due to a bad education system?
>>more prevalent in the poorer countries

ajkkjkjakjakj un musulman


No, I just like the word "Hispania" more than the word "Iberia".
Iberia is of unknown origin and there's another region on Earth with that name.
Hispania is most likely based on the phoenician word for "hyrax", a type of mammal they have in the Levant, which they used to name rabbits when they first saw them, since rabbits don't exist in the Levant and are actually native here. The Romans introduced them to the rest of Europe. When I think of Hispania I think of a lot of ancient civilizations but also about the native fauna, like the rabbit (which like I said is native only on this peninsula) but also of the iberian lynx and the iberian eagle, two animals that have evolved to ONLY eat that rabbit and are now endangered. It also makes me think of how old portuguese and spanish sailors would typically release a couple of rabbits on every island they came across for future meat whenever they would set foot on that island again.

TL;DR: I feel like Hispania as much more cultural history than Iberia, which is why I like one more than the other.

We only appropriated that culturally, not nominally.

I only notice this in text chats or in "poor-class" music videos' comment sections. The higher the education, the better typing etiquette.

El AlgeriANO

I am too lazy to notice sometimes.

Didn't Spain call itself as such because they were hoping for a future reunion with Portugal (uniting the peninsula under one crown, which they tried to do multiple times)

>tfw we went for Scatalans instead of based Portubros

They called themselves that because some kings in earlier times had tried to unify the Christian Kingdoms of the peninsula, during Reconquista, and called themselves king of this and king of that EMPEROR OF ALL SPAINS. So this became a thing of prestige. So when the crown of Aragon finally united with the crown of Castille, it became SPAIN.
And yeah they were kinda hoping for that. It did happen, though. But eventually we got tired and fought back for independence.

>which they did
The Spanish crown was the union of all Hispanians.

That's because a lot of anons here are so autistic that they spent much more time on anglo IBs than using their native tongue. Even I being a NEET can't comprehend how fucking autist can you be to get to that point.


I'd slap the asshat who made that diagram.

Brazil is also still in the middle for some reason.


te afanan los trapos

llamas a la YUTA

sos de ciudadela

la hinchada mas PUTA

Whenever I see these walls of text I try to find some hidden meaning in it. I don't know why but I do.

It's very easy to make a mistake when writing Spanish. On the other hand look at how many English native speakers confuse "its" and "it's".

spaniard m8, not hispanic

>pUeLtO LiCo

i think the same about all the fucking bullshit music that came from puerto rico, you guys fucked a whole generation of latin americans with that nigga wanna be music and culture.

Lick the cat AlgeriANO

Not everyone in the island likes that genre of "urban music" my man.

yeah but now it's every fucking where

Niggas are have really, really good agents to sell a false lifestyle that they haven't even lived.



Maybe someone already said it, but:
-In Spanish, the H letter makes no sound. It may sound stupid, but we can use it to make the 'ch' sound just like in English.
-In Spanish, V and B are pronounced the same.

So, you can't tell the difference between 'haber' (to have done something) and 'a ver' (let's see) by phonetics alone, for instance. Those mistakes are common, and it's difficult to learn that in English the sounds are different for V/B when you're a beginner.

una VELA


>Niggas are have really

dude what

was this on purpose?

sabe pa

I write quickly and this Sup Forums window text is too small, so reading again what i wrote for any msitake is a pain in the ass
Spaniards are one of the most consistently bad english speakers i've seen here. Almost on par with the japanese/koreans. I'd say us Latin Americans are way better at english

Just noticed, sorry.

kek i think you did it on purpose didn't you ruse master

thats not mistake that is dialect

I've interacted with spaniards in english m8. My ex boss constantly had to talk in english to some people in the UK. Made me throw up a little in my mouth every time I heard her accent

I wish I was that good of a shitposter my man, but it was an honest mistake in a thread about how bad hispanics/latinos write in english.

Yeah. All spaniards i´ve heard seem to have a really heavy accent when speaking english.

>I'd say us Latin Americans are way better at english
I'd say you are way more cucked by USA.

Aren't you more cucked by the EU friendo?

Spanish speakers really do this, I can't understand anything when I browse /lat/ and I usually understand spanish very well. Brazilians write well on /luso/, but if you go to youtube, you'll see a lot of mistakes, like "eu assistir" when they should have written "eu assisti", "voçê instead of "você", etc.

>spaniards speaking english


Unlike most of Latin America, spaniards are hardly exposed to english since they dub basically everything, at least that what I saw in Madrid

onda vital

aslkdjalksdjjasa la wea weon asdlkjajdlksja q wea qlo wn fome la wea weon culiao ctcm asdkladjsaldaskljdsalaslkdjasl

here B and Vs sound the same

same shit with CSZ

H is mute in spanish

at least here the 90s and onward generations are completely fucking retarded. They are shit at everything in general.

And yes the quality of education went to shit but more importantly they are fucking retarded and lazy

most /lat/ users are niggers from the favela who found the site when the previous government made them shill on social networks, most don't even know basic english

you're just jealous your couldn't zarpate your viejo's lata

che choris

At least in Argentina we have the excuse of having one of the worst 4th-worldish education.
Not sure what happens in other countries.

You forgot about taringuerean diaspora too

so you're basically telling me you guys don't dodge bullets riding your bike to get some faso?

1: adolescents (in general) think that it is not "fashionable" to write properly. If they see you writing correctly they would say " why do you even care/bother?"
2:they are not interested in learning basic things as acentuation rules because of point 1.
3: people are generally stupid and lazy, but i also blame school. I remember studying at primary school, but i wasn't able to remember anything until i got interested in writing decently in the first years of highschool (something "strange" among people during that age)

>same shit with CSZ

All these letters sound the same at least in rioplatense spanish. Do you pronounce cielo as thielo instead of sielo?

Still better than in here.
What the hell is a faso

It's a culture thing. In some places you will find "ólá" instead of "hola", because they think it looks cool. These people are low class and retarded as hell.

this too

Only in Spain tho