How are girls in your country?

How are girls in your country?

Here they're mostly "fighe di legno", meaning they won't fuck you unless you're turbochad.

Other urls found in this thread:

h-how do Italian betas do

We call Federica.

We don't have a chad-normal people divide.

We have a normal people-turboautist divide and there are practically no chads.
If you're a 6 it's easy as fuck to shag another 6.

e-excuse me

think of subhuman.....
done? ok

Federica la mano amica, slang for masturbation.


Some are cool, some aren't, what's the point of this thread? You really have to spend time with women from different countries to have a relevant opinion.

>he buys into the Chad and 80/20 meme

back to your containment thread, beta virgin

That girls is white- Italians are black.


He's right, improve yourself instead of whining on Sup Forums with other virgins.

hang yourself

kys my man

Lmao you'll be a virgin forever. Pathetic


>How are girls in your country?
Generally shit: overrated, with huge ego and non-feminine. Luckily there are good ones too but just a few.

ugly and mannish but if you're a foreigner with low standards they will put out easily because of low self-esteem and nazi guilt


they're black, smelly and ugly as sin

must be the loud and deep voice

interesting, in spanish we call "her" Manuela

Proof that Spanish and Italian culture are very similar.

good to know, danke Nils

What's this 80/20 meme?

In polish we call 'her' Irenka, it's a play on words cause ręka means hand and those sound very similar. And obviously Irena/Irenka is an actual female name.

here we call "her" Madame Cinq : Madam Five

kek, nice to know for future jokes.

Same in spanish: hand= Mano and Manuela is a female name as well

fucking torture yourself before kys my nigga

Kys retard

Half of them look like men.

and the other half look like whales?

women are the same in every country of this world lol

I mean, except arab countries kek

basic bitches who drink a lot of booze, suck and fucks chads at festivals and clubs because they are empowered and wont let the patriarchy bring them down.

Its 85/15

>mfw no way to make a woman name related masturbating joke in Finnish

Anča Dlaňová here, Dlaň=palm

that's what you deserve for speaking voodoo language

Lmao, no it's not you're just an autist

The same they are everywhere else; picky and only get laid with men higher social status than themselves.

That's the nature of women.

It's scientifically proven to have been 100/60 in the past.

I don't think one exists in English either.

Wtf I love the netherlands now

>inb4 it's false and I'm replying to Chad

only girls i know are related to me, so i dont have a valid view


Very hard to get unless they actually want you. They tend to lash at fuckboys and chads trying to flirt with them. Macho attitude really doesnt work here, French men complain about our women a lot because they are too independant.

I make it sound like its a huge SJW fortress here but actually not. Women here actually are usually strong and independant so they wont whine about pointless SJW bullshit, can take banter (and usuallt dish it out admirably).

Of course if you look like Chad you have a better chance than a neckbeard. But if yku have an "alpha" personality you wont really get anywhere.

>fighe di legno
Does that mean wooden cunt?

pretty sure turbo chad in italy is just having a job and not living with your parents

Here too, too bad I'm a turboautist

>mfw i saw this pic

i made a mistake

>not living with your parents
that rules out over half of Italian males

Hehe :^)

What does it means to be a Chad in Italy then?

I just broke up with my Italian gf of two years. She is Italian. You have some difficult women, Italy.

It was good while it lasted. I had to come back to Mexico for long periods of time (school + work) and the distance killed it. But would recommend everyone to try it out.

In Canada I know some people who call it "Jill" because of pic related

This basically.
They think they deserve the entire world for having vagina.

Ask your cousin if she wants some Guido dick.

How good are the rare good ones??

What the fuck are you guys talking about?? Just call it jacking off.

t. cultureless mongrel

I have an italian gf and if I can do it anyone can

20% of men get 80% of the women. Stupid meme that only shut-in NEETs believe.

I don't get these jokes. We just call it runkkaaminen and there's no female names attached to it or anything nice. Even the word runkkaus sounds terrible.

>What is your gfs name
>Angie Handy

14% of males are virgins by their late 20s, up to 5% die virgins in old age (over 55).
Statistics are not a "stupid meme that only shut-in NEETs believe". Sure, /r9k/ loves to take things to the extreme by claiming that 80% of people don't get laid, but to deny that this isn't a problem that many people have it's just stupid.

Not really, you're just socially retarded

t. piteco zerbino

Fuori dai coglioni lambreshill

Having a date with Rosie Palms.
as in the pamls of your hands.
Also this:

Scommetto che dai via il culo per la tua morosa 5/10 col trucco e fai lo zerbino ogni volta che tratta da schifo. Ma te la tieni perché è la tua unica fonte di scupaggio.

Handsy Palmer and her five best friends.

Palmela Handerson.

I'm sure there are many more.

Kind of a shame we don't have something like that in English other than simply "beta", although we do call sissies in general "Nancy". "Amanda" would be the closest pun-wise (am-hand-a), but even that doesn't work as well.

There are no Chads in Italy you retarded cuck


Typical Italian chad:
>6'0 or 185cm average height
>owns a BMW or an Alfa Romeo thanks to daddy's money
>doesn't smoke
>gym-obsessed but doesn't actually lift, goes there for the girls and show his body
>listens to dance music
>works by daddy's fabbrica and earns more because he's a raccomandato
>drinks only cocktails, occasionally may drink wine or beer
>smokes weed but only occasionally
>has a gf but does one night stands anyway
>typical hairstyles: buzzcut or long hair
>may have hipster beard
>has his own apartment, rented thanks to daddy's money


In Mexico all you need is what's called "labia" that's being a smooth talker. While obviously money/good looks matter, I kinda coast on the latter, labia will kill those. It's not uncommon here to see guys who're objectively good looking with girls way below their range or to see guys who are ugly as sin banging qts left and right.

The silver lining is even the guys who do badly are a rung above most foreigners so Mexicans tend to do above average when travelling. This obviously doesn't aply to chicanos (cultural Americans) and we do have basket cases/autists.

We just call it "laba", meaning "paw" because you use your hand to do it and laba is slightly more vulgar than mana (hand).

>6'0 or 185cm average height

First mistake, 6'0 is not 185 cm.

>owns a BMW or an Alfa Romeo thanks to daddy's money

No, that's called a wealthy person of above average height

>works by daddy's fabbrica and earns more because he's a raccomandato

Doesn't look like a rich person's job, a wealthy guy would most likely study at Uni

Looks average to me

Need I say more?

I'm going to Sweden

>Looks average to me

>We have a normal people-turboautist divide
This sounds like something Chad would say

>Looks average to me
kek if you say so

Have fun m8. Unless you're a massive turbo autist you will get laid a lot.

What the fuck

Oh you mean Rosie palm and her five sisters

You look like that?

I have a feeling i wouldnt get laid evrn in sweden

>tfw met an Italian named Federica and we shagged on the second night I knew her

Then people wonder why spree shooters exist.

that's hilarious + creative as fuk

>First mistake, 6'0 is not 185 cm.
Actually, 185 cm ~ 6'1", so one could indeed use that approximation.

Dats beyond chad, our chad concept is merely esthetical

Qualcuno sta avendo il ciclo qui

Not really, no.

Well, if you want to get really technical about it, 185 cm is 6'0.8346457", 2bh.

The guy he posted is most famous italian male model and he is definitely not average