God-Tier Soft drinks from your country

God-Tier Soft drinks from your country

Oasis is indeed god tier. Why don't they sell that outside of France?

soft drinks make your dicks smaller



Mountain Dew makes you sperm sterile

>Energy drink energy

what a shitty name

Unless they also sell it in protugal since the chain super market that sells them is from portugal.

that's finnish cuisine you racist

fuck you



This shit is better than coke t.bh

I can also vouche for the finnish Jaffa.


ei vittu onks toi valkeakuulaiden makusta limpsaa?? eesti I'm coming!

quick someone post reaction image that describes maximum excitement

>haha nigger amirite guis :DDDD

>can't find grape and strawberry coda in stores these days
It's sad

20 cent

It's a good soda. It only costs 50¢ from a vending machine on my walk home from class so I often buy one to have with lunch.

Shame that finding it is a pain in the ass.

Your mom was just cheap Mehmet

Tastes almost exactly like typical sparkling wine (minus the alcohol)


Does France also have the meme where all blacks like watermelon and grape flavor products?


>drinks processed water with sugar and chemicals
Enjoy your cancer pleb.


Alcohol is a sugar.




this was the best thing ever
now its called volt and is only distributed in germany

this as well

and this

>tfw crossed the border to Strasbourg last Wednesday to buy some oasis
>tfw I already finished the 3 bottles

Why do you fucks don't export it over here? I've been literally thinking about importing it to Germany myself and get rich af. It's the beverage of the gods.

I totally forgot about these

They used to be my favourite energy drinks along with pic related. It's so weird how nostalgic seeing that shit is

>tfw ywn play 1.6 drinking cases of bawls with ur lan crew

No, it just shrinks your balls

Dublin Dr. Pepper.

Bottled in Dublin, Texas (Yes, Dublin). It's made using the original formula and sold only in Texas.

I don't think they do or they might sell the same drink under a different name.

does it have fructose corn sugar?


No. It clearly says on the bottle "Imperial Sugar". It's the original formula.

Manzanita deliciosa



maybe not known in europe but its known in NA
its very goat

just realized soft drinks means it has to be carbonated water
excuse my stupidity
rayhan makes soft drinks but they are shit we mostly drink western brands like pepsi

It was popular over in Burgerland during the late 90's, but under the name Surge


Orangina > Oasis

I love Oasis though, especially Oasis Tropical (coincidentally the main drink of Arabs here).

Traubi is love, traubi is life


Some people say it tastes like ashtray. Some people are idiots.

>Not Itubaina


Too expensive now because of the meme

Muh brewed softdrink

i fucking love club mate

brings back memories of clubbing in berlin in my younger days

Bitches dunno about my kvas.

Swedes are commies confirmed

better version of cola

I've always been wondering about the name.


I've heard that's really good, and the bottle design is really neat too! When I was in Germany once I had a cola called Sinalco Cola, I remember that as tasting pretty good.


>american beer

cola and orange

sinalco cola is not bad, but i still prefer afri cola. taste way better.

For some reason pic and all their other flavors where quite popular in Danzig when i was visiting last year.

Gotta try it next time I'm in Germany then.

I will commit violence upon anyone who speaks poorly of root beer, jokingly or not

desu american muh cane sugar micro spruce breweries are pretty good

More of a Big Blue and Big Peach man myself.

>implying we make softdrinks

to be honest i have never taste root beer before, so i cannot say if it taste good or bad, but i drunk 5 different us beers and they all tasted absolutly disgusting. one of them was a budweiser. jesus this taste.

best on earth

We get this over here, but it's not that good imo


I live in Scania, so I see empty bottles of that drink quite often laying around on the trains. I've had it a couple of times when going to Copenhagen.

Dutch beer is a softdrink

There is almost no correlation between beer and root beer, it's a non-alcoholic sweet soda. It has beer in the name because it has a head of foam when you pour it, and it's more marketable that "root soda"

maybe i will try it, by my next us visit.

desu lads

Do you really not have root beer anywhere there? Even we have a couple US brands sold in our supermarkets

>Do you really not have root beer anywhere there?
maybe some markets have them, but i have never heard or seen it before here in germany.

Only this. Dr Pepper here has artificial sweeteners along sugar now, so it sucks. This tastes like how dr pepper was before.

Can't believe nobody said GuaranĂ¡ Dolly yet...

do u like it my man?

no but the chicken meme works here as well

It's fine I guess, but it tastes a bit sickly sweet. I don't drink much soda at all anymore since I'm trying to cut down on sugar.


Soda is actually dying out among millenials, most people are all about flavored sparkling water now.

What is this

Fermented semen
t. diaspora gook

Lifeguard always been my favorite, go-to carbonated drink

A tie with MATCH


yeah from ur reindeers

Double Sars is some damn good stuff


Mighty fine soft drink that is, beats most of the sugar and additives ITT