Please don't come.
Mexico is shit, poor and third world
I don´t see it, but neither would go.
This is common sense, this thread is unnecessary kys
ok now I want to go to Mexico
anyway if you are careful and don't into cartel warfare zones, mexico is pretty cool, at least that's what I heard
En serio, dime si hay buenas oportunidades por un maestro del ingles ahi. Aqui en eeuu (olvida mi hoja) creo que no voy a lograr suceso pero en otro pais quizas puedo usar mi ingles para ganar un poco de plata y vivir en un lugar mas comfy que mi dinero podria alcanzar aqui
or is it really too much of a shithole to even bother?
Its a self hate b8 thread, english teacher only in private schools or on your own
The worst country probably
En ningún país hispano hay buenas oportunidades para profesores de inglés, es la memecarrera favorita de los normies, filología inglesa; Si supieras alemán si tendrías empleo.
La verdad no sabría decirte. Me imagino que sí en el sector privado, en el público ni lo pienses.
I swear to fucking god, if I see ONE chicano I will blow my nut
Nice proxy
ya veo, gracias amigos
Nice 2006
You keep sending all of your trash up here.
Really? "United States of Mexico"?
Save some money, $3-5k and get on a bus (much cheaper than air flights) from the border bus companies to the Mexican valley (not necessarily Mexico city but that whole area is so heavily populated if you can't find a job there just give up) and job hunt for a couple of months, after you've several good offers go back to the US and have them help you apply for a work Visa, then you're done.
Having an actual degree, especially in english helps immensely, even if its just from a non name university.
Hispano? Nosotros no somos hispanos, somos europeos
Bitchin' coat of arms, though.
We stood with Spain when no one else would, we opened our doors to civil war refugees and never accepted Franquismo. This is how we behaved when it was Spain that was torturing its own citizens and putting entire families in mass graves. Now that we are fighting a war this is how some Spaniards feel its appropiate to respond. How cute.
Esto, yo no quiero que me asocien con esta escoria
No point in aswering them
Probably uneployed children
Franco was right
Nos guste o no somos hispanos, son unos pesados sin la más minima capacidad de autocritica, pero son de los nuestros... Desgraciadamente...
Don't reply to any spaniard, do yourself a favor
If you decide to work as a teacher here, do so in the private sector.
t. german citizen
Will keep this in mind
No, no somos hispanos, yo no puedo asociarme con gente indígena que hace barbaridades
Sounds like public is fucked?
What's wrong with it?
It seems that I'm the only cunt that reports fucking gore pics. If I don't do it, they stay here forever.
I fucking hate gore, and the fact that my country is so widely associated with it really fucks with me, holy shit.
I fucking hate this country and the subhuman fucking faggots that save this pics.
Go to fucking Sup Forums, or any of the other goddamn red boards where you can post all this disgusting shit all you want, fucking hell, autistic pentanigger.
Son indios como puedes decir que son de los nuestros???
Law mandates that only mexican born can obtain jobs in public sector
And, they are all asigned
Hablan nuestro idioma y le violamos.
You get paid every other month, and when they pay you, it's only the money you earned for a couple of weeks of work.
And you basically can't get a job in the public sector as it is reserved exclusively for mexicans.
What are you doing here?
Sigues estudiando?
No, la mayoría son indios mira el censo de mexico.
>no somos hispanos
Entonces que eres? Anglo, arabe, germano, francofono?
>public sector jobs only for mexican citizens
kind of a good idea in theory, I don't blame you guys for having such a law in place
sucks for me though
>also they are all assigned
>you get paid every other month for a few weeks' work
see pic
Literalmente /esp/...
Iberos como los portugueses
Just on being Canadian you'll be hired on the spot, Mexico City is where the better wages are. Keep two things in mind tho, you will have to work full shifts (8 hours a day) to lead a middle class lifestyle as an English teacher, which while it will be better than the equivalent you would get in Canada once you've settled in and aren't handling moving expenses, will not afford you the oportunity to save anything significant. It's a pretty good deal if you're young and like to party, Mexico City has a lot of Americans/Europeans for instance and you'll have it somewhat easy with the local qts, but it's not viable as a long term career if you ever want to afford a home or go back to Canada with any real amount of money. Your chances of landing a good job as a profesional, outside of small business which will roughly pay about the same as teaching English, are not unlike what you would find in your country for whatever your career is. If you're actually serious contact the Canadian community in Mexico (yes, there's enough people from your country here that's a thing) and try to skype with a couple of people your age before you make any decision.
Nosotros somos iberoamericanos, como te parece?
Sorry lad it gets worst, no matter if you become a citizen, if you werent born here those jobs are still out of reach unless someone helps you get in
Still can do ok in private, like that other guy said if you have a degree you can do ok for yourself, but save money before comming so you can afford a nice spot
Indígenas *
My parents moved here when I was 5.
I went to Mexico City once and I didn't liked it; the air had a strange smell.
I live in Tijuana BTW so I get to go to the US anytime I want/can.
Pero no entiendo por que le siguen dando (You) a ese español si es todo lo que quiere, lleva muchos meses asi y sigue todo el mundo respondiendole como idiotas
Tijuana is one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico right now. I don't know, no offense, but Tijuana really seems like one of the worst places in here.
Im talking to a canadian
Thats a shitty garbage collection plant and a water treatment plant that dont work properly, it hasnt happend in a while
For now but shit I remember when those pieces of shit malfuntion, you can smell them everywhere REEEEEEEE
I really liked Tijuana there's a lot of tourist,shops etc 10 million times better than mexico city desu
>public school consists of assigned natural born citizens only and is probably shit
>private school is an international free for all and probably doesnt do anything to assist public education
I can see why your poor are coming to the US
wealth gap sickens me t b h
good info, thanks. I'm actually american though
sounds like a good deal if you've settled in/adapted to the city, although you should try going to Southern Baja, especially La Paz or Mazatlán if you want to see what comfy living in that region of Mexico can be.
You can say that but, only until uni, UNAM IPN and UAM hire a lot of international teachers, in mine
>Math in DE is ukranian,
>Math in complex variable is Russian
>Math in multi variable calculus is chilean
And there´s more. These are public schools that manage themselves
That's pretty cool
I just want education to be high quality all over the world so people can stop living in shitholes
That would be nice, but here is a far future still,
The best teachers stay on the cities and abandon rural areas, the best schools se above only have precense in mexico city and limited precense in other state capitals
And even if they offer 4 levels of education for free they reject 75 to 80% of applicants
Anything outside the black line is no man's land, people often joke saying that killing is a sport in all of that area.
I live inside of the black line, thankfully.
I went to Mazatlán before, god tier beaches there.
Como ven en Mexico a los turistas colombianos?
Come to Acapulco and give money, please. I promise we won't kill you.
>And even if they offer 4 levels of education for free they reject 75 to 80% of applicants
>The best teachers stay on the cities and abandon rural areas
Makes sense but also makes the problems much worse. I imagine too that after being continuously abandoned, rural places would not respond well to any teacher wandering in to educate them, since they've probably become fucked by drugs and crime by that point sadly
How do we fix it lads? do you think its getting better?
The US is fucked too but obviously doing somewhat better. If campesinos wanna come here and siphon some $'s away for their villages I think that's a good idea until something better comes into place. i would rather border a country that leeches off of mine than border a hopeless hellhole.
Bien en general. Desafortunadamente hemos tenido algunas malas experiencias con criminales de Colombia, (defraudadores principalmente) así que no falta el pendejo que les extiende el mismo prejuicio que algunos sienten contra los Centroamericanos ("jodidos", "rateros", etc.) pero en general no tendrías problemas mientras tengas una buena actitud. Hay muchas escorts Colombianas en la ciudad de México.
I did not know that the real name of Mexico was like USA.
You copied the name of USA
Todos los turistas colombianos del mundo explicados en una frase.
In all fairness the UNAM exam isn't hard at all, I passed it stoned and hung over without anything in the way of studying a guide, and that was for one of the literature careers which only accept 8-12 people a year.
If you actually want to get in, and put in a good half year of real work/study you can get in no matter how stupid you are. It is a fair deal. The state autonomas also aren't bad there, better than most "affordable" private unis and same deal, no problems getting in if you want it.
Fine the worst latin american tourists are central americans
A lot of countries in Latin America did that. Venezuela and Brazil included.
Others, copied their flag instead: Uruguay and Brazil at some point.
I guess it was a way to say fuck you to European invaders, although I honestly don't know.
Also, it is United Mexican States, not United States of Mexico or anything like that, and the congress has tried to change our name to just Mexico a couple of times, but it never pass for some reason.
Almost all of the countries over here are the Unted States of _____ or Republic of _____ and they just go by the last part. Then everyone gets mad at the US for calling itself "America" when its just doing the same thing everyone else is
It is hard if you want to study medicine. You basically need to get 111 right answers out of 120 if you want to have a chance.
I don't know how people don't get in in careers that only ask for 60 right answers, though.
The thing is that in romance speaking nations, America is the name given to the totality of the Americas, and it sounds really weird at first.
Same, I passed the IPN exam with no problems into UPIITA, its easy but many dont want to even open a fucking book, for at least a month the "MAES" movment was outside the admision office protesting.
We are trying to fix it, but its going to take time, its a problem breeded for over 100 years, and the state cant fix it in 6 years like our current president thinks
Best friend is in medicine got 117/120 he is a nerd tho
The IPN exam is a joke, m8. I got in the first time I did the exam with no problems, whereas the UNAM exam, I only managed to get in medicine the 4th time I did it.
>The IPN exam is a joke, m8
And people still manage less than 50 points
Remember the compiems exam? One idiot broke the record and got 2 / 128
Yo hice el de la UAQ y la verdad es que no está difícil. En lo personal, todo es cultura general y conocimientos basicos de mate y español. Pero aún así, hay un chingo de vatos que no dan ni para 20 aciertos, ah pero eso sí, se ponen a protestar cuando los mandan a la verga. De hecho, en mi facultad bajaron el puntaje de admisión porque los fenómenos no paraban de llorar.
There is a guide, if like I mentioned you spend half a year of your life focused on passing the exam you will get it, it's what those who do actually get admitted do.