>higher homicide rate than Africa
>less human development than Africa
>inability to learn a white language like English or French
I'd literally rather be stuck in the middle of the Congo than be anywhere in Spicland
>higher homicide rate than Africa
>less human development than Africa
>inability to learn a white language like English or French
I'd literally rather be stuck in the middle of the Congo than be anywhere in Spicland
Other urls found in this thread:
What exactly is it about South America and Africa that makes them so shit? They were colonised by all the right countries.
Too many socialists
Socialism and you falling for the memes
Why didn't you eliminate Africans like you did the natives here?
Since when colonization is about making a place to be good?
You get in, you take what you want and you get out.
i.e this: en.wikipedia.org
Literally live in places worse than Africa
How does it feel that places like Lagos are more livable than any of your cities?
Spain was by far the worst colonial power. Non-whites shouldn't have been allowed to colonize a place.
Britain would've made all of the Western Hemisphere great
Once we get a president with balls, every single Mexican will feel our wrath
I dont want to feel billions of shartings at the same time
I was in the Minutemen
I know how cowardly Mexicans become when a gun is pointed at them.
Amerigan imperialism stops all humanitarian progress :D
Non - whites like you chicano
How does it feel to share a language win a bunch of Mexicans?
The most developed state of India was ruled by democratically elected communist marxists for decades.
>trusting African statistics
>trusting spic stats
Trust me, Latin America is more violent than Africa
>all we had to do was to castrate the slaves
>all we had to do was to force and embrace our european inheritance
>they made us literally choose to become a new Africa
I guess it's true that you can take them out of Africa but you can't take the Africa out of them.
Chile is good though
Every Spanish colony is better than Moors.
US Blacks don't act like Africans though
Not even comparable mate
I am 3.4 time more likely to be killed if I moved to the best S.A country (Chile)
compare gdp and wealth.
meme stats, just face it, we're a trillion times better than any S.A crimehole
Argentina is decent though, Chile too
Morocco/GDP per capita
3,190.30 USD (2014)
Algeria/GDP per capita
5,360.70 USD (2013)
Tunisia/GDP per capita
4,316.69 USD (2013)
Libya/GDP per capita
11,964.73 USD (2013)
Egypt/GDP per capita
3,314.46 USD (2013)
Jordan/GDP per capita
5,214.20 USD (2013)
Mexico/GDP per capita
10,307.28 USD (2013)
Colombia/GDP per capita
7,831.22 USD (2013)
Venezuela/GDP per capita
14,414.75 USD (2013)
Ecuador/GDP per capita
6,002.89 USD (2013)
Chile/GDP per capita
15,732.31 USD (2013)
Argentina/GDP per capita
14,715.18 USD (2013)
Brazil/GDP per capita
11,208.08 USD (2013)
Explain why Latin America has higher homicide rates than Africa?
Unintelligent people with lower impulse control and empathy.
Mental racial differences exists just as physical ones, and they become meaningful at a large scale.
>implying spic stats aren't cooked either
Yeah, most people are really brave when you point a gun at them.
No, they're actually worse.
Le Africa dangerous is just a meme
Only a few african countries are S.A-tier crimeholes, South Africa and Lesotho to name a few
It's more urbanized and is the source of much of the worlds drug trade
>blablablah violence blablablah homicides blablablah higher chances of being killed
Only way to get murdered in SA is by being a criminal/being involved with drugs.
No one is randomly going to murder you while you're walking down the street. Do people seriously believe this?
According to this, there are more criminals in S.A than in Africa ?
I'll believe the official stats
And they say Latin America is more dangerous than Africa
But doesn't south africa have teh best infrastructure?
yes and yet you keep trusting """official""" african crime statistics
The same thing can equally apply to Latin America though
Do you think every murder that happens in fucking Burundi gets reported? Hahahah.
Also, yes, there are plenty of poor people in SA that get involved with drug trafficking. If you don't, you're pretty safe overall. You might get mugged if you don't use common sense, but that's about it. Gotta use common sense everywhere.
I've never been mugged and neither have any of my friends or relatives, and I live in one of "teh 50 most violent cities in the world!!11"
That was my first post in this thread :|
South America has several advantages over Africa.
1. The countries function more like nations rather than lines drawn on a map to contain a fuck ton of tribes like in Africa.
2. South American politicians are corrupt, but at least they're not corrupt and warlords like many heads of African nations.
3. South Americans are more united among themselves than Africans. Pretty much all of them share the same religion, common love of their own country's culture, and a desire to improve their lives, if they don't know how to do it. Africans have always lived in the shit hole and they're content to leave it like that.
4. South America really is on the cusp of real progress, unlike Africa which is eternally fucked.
>teh best infrastructure
In Africa ? Nope, that title goes to Botswana and Tunisia and Us
But yeah I understand your point, you see South Africa is unequal as fuck where the white area have excellent 1st world-tier infrastructure, but the majority of the population are poor af niggers living in slums
Oh, and daily chimpouts and riots
You think every murder in Haiti or Honduras or Colombia gets reported?
In Colombia? Probably most.
Not sure about Haiti and Honduras.
You really fell for the Colombia meme lmao. Nothing will happen to you unless you're involved in drug traficking or fuck up big time with the wrong person, it's not random violence
Much of Latin America is even LESS developed than Africa
Compare cities like Cape Town to San San Salvador, which is one big MS-13 home
Lmao Sierra Leone and Liberia are officially safer than Brazil or Argentina
Yeah, Salvador is really bad. I was talking more along the lines of South America. No doubt that there are some areas that are technically worse off than areas of Africa but is there an ongoing jihad in South America? Are there millions of people reliant on UN food trucks? Are there thousands of different languages making universal communication difficult? Is AIDS dooming entire generations of children?
Just take a look at the post around you. How many South American flags do you see? Now how many sub-Saharan African flags do you see? Yes, these posters may represent only the upper middle class of South Americans, but at least it shows that this class exists and is connected to the world at large.
Never lump on Southern Brazil with the rest of these shit holes. The South is White and prosperous - monkey Brazilians from other states are the shit heads.
pic: Southern Brazil
That's a city in Sao Paulo State, not in Southern Brazil
Imagine living as a chicano and knowing your lineage was so dogshit they had to emigrate to a country where they knew they'd become second class citizens and do labor even blacks wouldn't do just to eat. Imagine living with that. You would make this kind of shitposts daily too.
I find it hard to believe that I could visit Colombia without being robbed at least once. If I can't wander to the shittiest part of town drunk at night without ending up in trouble, your country is not safe for tourists.
> If I can't wander to the shittiest part of town drunk at night without ending up in trouble, your country is not safe for tourists
Yeah that's not limited to Colombia though. That's something you can't do safely on this continent. Not even in the US, maybe Canada would be an exception
"lo valiente no quita lo pendejo"
Too many niggers. They ruin everything they're close to, no exaggeration here, they really do. Their simple presence makes stuff not so good.
The US isn't safe for tourists then?
Hell even Belgium wouldn't be safe for tourists by your standards.