Black Americans

How do we fix black Americans???

One way oversea light rail to liberia

hihger standart of living

We take things like OP pic into consideration. And not just for black kids, but also for poor kids in general. The "loser kid" this guy is describing exists everywhere, and is always taking shots at whoever is the advantaged group in their eyes, because they feel that they can never achieve that higher status (and really, they're probably right, with the way things stack against poor kids, poor white kids certainly but with an extra layer of stereotypes for non-white poor kids).

I grew up in a pretty racially mixed area, and success was always demonized in that way, either someone was "acting white" or they were acting like they were from the nearby town that was percieved as more upper-class. "Acting white", or acting above your percieved class level, is shamed and seen as uncool. Suffering in poverty and making the most of your life in the ghetto or working class is seen as "cool" in a way. It's really pathetic, and causes even intelligent kids to carry alot of shame and mixed feelings about wealth and success for the rest of their lives, I include myself in this.

People (here) really quickly dismiss any suggestion that we should be sensitive to "disadvanataged" people and blame them. But do you really want to live in a society with all of these disillusioned people who feel condemned to poverty, and so turn to drugs and crime and gradually become mentally ill and physically ill until they are too far gone and frankly too expensive for the rest of society to help? Why not try and reach out to people before they become unreachable, and improve your entire society? People look too much at the "far gone" and extreme secanrios, instead of helping people who are still reaching up, before their hopes of success are completely obliterated.

this mentality also exists in turkey

it's basically 'hating success' which creates incompetent societies

You change the culture, this is something Obama should have done. Have the POTUS a number of academic experts with unimpeachable credentials, the black community leaders and and the media/entertainment industry. Have them acknwoledge there is a cultural problem largely stemming from American black culture itself and the idolizing of thugs and pimps. Have those wholesome influential figures in their community, the Michael Jordans and Will Smiths, push this. Have Morgan Freeman and Forrst Whitaker and Lawrence Fishbourne do the talk circuit and visit the inner city high schools. Have a comitment from the music industry, film, vidya to stop profiting from this shit, and don't just focus the efforts on at risk youth but on the lost causes as well, have them serve as park rangers, firefighters, police, armed forces (after vetting) and have the middle aged blacks go back to school and finish college. Yes, it takes money and it takes comitment to change a culture, but the first step is acknowledging there's a problem, as long as black guys think it's ok to call each other nigger that's how they'll be known to the rest of the world. And make it about American traditions and not some return to Africa, make it about gospel choirs and not prison Islam.

If the black community makes an effort that is seen as sincere and far ranging by the public their credibility will go up and real issues, eg police victimization, can be dealt with on the basis of dealing with rational edicated partners and not populists who want to walk into a serious discussion using "ebonics"

This. This is what I was trying to say.

In the USA it becomes a racial thing because the US is racially mixed, and people are idiots and race is a really easy way to create an "us vs. them" mentality, but the reality is that this exists everywhere, where there is racial homogeny it becomes what town you are from or how wealthy you are, or what religion you are, etc.

I might get knocked as being SJW for recommending this book, but as a poorfag it was eye-opening because it talked alot about the shame and mental obstacles created simply by growing up poor, and it also included some racial context. I would think that if a richfag read this book it might help them understand the emotional component that goes into being poor and disadvantaged. It creats this big mental/emotional hurdle that alot of us never get over and leads us to act irrantionally and against our own interests. I hope I don't sound like I am making excuses, what I'm saying this that this has got to stop.

Black American becomes conservative and get fixed. Really makes you think.

My parents and relatives:
> learn drawing.
> really get into it like 6h a day just trying to draw.
> wake up at 2am and clothe myself for newspaper delivery and drawer one hour before I went out.
> bundan para yapilmaz user.
> is bulamaszin user
> dua ören user
> Adam ol Adam, user.
> some years later with apathy and depression kicking in, trying to find therapy
> sen delimisin user?
> niye gidiyorsun oraya, Sen iyisin
> fast forward to now
> still in college since three years
> fail all classes
> I really do not care anymore
> be zaman evlenip kendo yuvani kurcaksin user?
V-vatan sag olsun

I can picture that

just ditch your family and start from the bottom

that's what I sometimes think too

Doesn't do shit at all.


Take note of how we Brits dealt with them, yanks. We had a good thing going. The african colonies were spick and span and running spiffy. You just have to make sure white people run the society and only the intelligent outliers from the african community can partake in government. Make them take an IQ test to vote, or whatever. Doesn't mean we hate africans, that way of running things is actually better for them.

By reversing the effects of the drug war and actually finding ways to close the economic gap between black and white Americans, whether it be through policy or change in culture. Honestly at this point, anything beats white Americans burying their heads in the sand and acting like nothing's wrong. All they've been doing is silencing black protest and preventing its resulting changes.

t. black American

Objectively false.

Their culture is a problem, but there's no way to magically overcome the IQ gap without a comprehensive eugenics program or nanomachines, son.

The average negro has an IQ of ~80, and NO SOCIETY IS BASED ON ITS EXCEPTIONS.

If this has been 'silence', they've done a pretty piss poor job of it.

You fucked them since the first time you make them come here, you don't slave a race of people, lynch them, treat them worst than dogs for 100+ years and spect them to be perfect members of your still racist society. I think race relations in USA will never be good, until everyone mixes with everyone and everyone there looks and speaks like pic related.

Start by electing Don



>literally gibsmedat

>races are different and will never get along
No shit.
>race of people


whatever Flips speak