Your name and what it means in your language

Your name and what it means in your language

Stanislav-home of glory

my mom's a retard and picked me a horrible name

>tfw latin name

present from god

What is it? Bogdan?

Means winner
Whats the name user?

based, my grandpa had this name too

Tai Shaun: Nigger Name.

i can't post my actual name, but my dad was going to name me Pavel, my mom didn't like it and changed my name to what I am now, I have a pretty badass Russian name, the thing that sucks is living in the US every first conversation is about my name, where I'm from etc..

Now that I think about it, Pavel is such a Russian name, what would it mean?

old polish pagan name meaning "a gift of god"

Brayan, with the stress on ya.
It's just weird for a slavic name.
I asked her what it means, and she said "brother".
Spoiler: it doesn't mean brother.

I think it comes from Batbayan (also known as BayanorBoyan), who was the eldest son of khan Kubrat.

Basically my parents are subhumans.

it's roman retard. Literaly Paul.

my decendant of african slaves

Its not Russian name though


>From Ancient Greek Ἀρτεμής (Artemḗs, “perfectly healthy”).


It means nothing as its Greek name

That's the classic name that is given to the lowest denominator of colombian society.
It has spawned endless memes.

Just so you see i'm not lying to you, this is a fresh facebook maymay about it.
It says "When you are in the uterus and hear your parents are going to name you BRAYAN"

Vladislav - someone owning fame

>Hubert is a Germanic given name, from hug "mind" and beraht "bright".
not bad desu

You're an adult, you can pick a better name for yourself.

Another one: "When you were just born and realize your name is Brayan"

>in latin the greatest

oh the irony

It doesn't have a meaning, I was named after the main character in an old radio/TV show.



means commander or order (given order as in orders from the commander)

just 3 first

>Derived from the Germanic element bern "bear" combined with hard "brave, hardy". The Normans brought it to England, where it replaced the Old English cognate Beornheard. This was the name of several saints, including Saint Bernard of Menthon who built hospices in the Swiss Alps in the 10th century, and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a 12th-century theologian and Doctor of the Church. Another famous bearer was George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), an Irish playwright and essayist.

The anglocentric webpage doesn't say it but it was also very common in south France and the crown of Aragon during the middle ages, which is why my dad selected it.

"When you want to play pokemon go but you remember there are many 'Brayans' (ie robbers) where you live"

yonatan (jonathan)


Awakening, get enlightened, realize, comprehend.

Moritz, literally negro. It's pretty German though, dunno why.

Light giving.

Usually meant as a refrence to St Francis of Assisi in my country, actually means Frank



It means that your mom watched too many american bullshit shows

My god is he

Life of Bryan

i really need to visit columbbia one day

Idk wtf Isaiah means but I do know it's Biblical

>follower of jesus
I hate my name.

Dylan is a nigger name in Argentina.
Dylan, Alan, Brian are some of the most popular among the niggers.

Piotr (Peter), from greek Petros, meaning a rock or stone.

Kek, it's a stereotypical bydło-child name here too

David, the loved one

I guess it's fitting because everyone loves me and I drown in boypucci

protector of the forest

My full name translates to "Victorious Savage"

Patryk - polanized patrician, I'm basically royalty and upper class you plebs. Suck my golden cock.

That means that i am perron

It's derived from hebrew/latin, it means "gift"

guess were my parents are from.


you have to go back

My names Elizabeth: It means God's oath according to wikipedia

Means absolutely fucking nothing.
>tfw boring name

So is mine. Wanna fuck?

But I'm already home. :^)

depends, how qt are you from a scale of 0-10

Matthew. It doesn't mean anything in my language because it's Hebrew.

Mine is an abos name , you can translate like "old wise oak" or "oak of the wise"

Spencer - keeper of provisions


don't know I'm not Italian

my name is ETERNAL KING

like a roman
my name is Roman and it means roman

means "twin" in Greek apparently. dumb name, im not a twin

I think it comes from the Norman Grand

you really took your name for granted


It means Paul you fucking Mongoloid.

It's very common in Russia
The name Paul in a translation from Latin ("Paulus") means "little", "light", "baby". It is believed that this name is treated as "Jr.", which was important when matching names of father and son

Christos. In my family's language of Greek, I am quite literally Christ.

Thomas sounds more formal than Tom, which is my name as well. Sucks though, with people who tease me with "Tommy". ;_;

Jacob, a happy merchant name, which means "supplanter". Obviously a biblical name.

In the Bible, Jacob basically fucked his brother out of his fortune by tricking his blind father on his deathbed.

>name literally means noble & bright
Fuck yeah

My parents gave me a merchant name which means "Jehovah is God"


Means elf.

The eye enchanter and deserver of all good praises

Literally means "dedicated to Artemis".

Nikolai, which means "victor over peoples" in Greek. My family has Old Believer hurritage, so it's just three recurring male and two female names in my entire family from my mother's side, so my family has a shitload of Nikolais, Alexeis, Alexaders, Marias and Annas and pretty much no one else.

It's inconvenient when an Alexander is mentioned by your mom, and you try to figure out which one she meant, but on the other hand it's sort of nice to know your grandfather was named Nikolai, and his grandfather was named Nikolai too, and his too, and that's all the way down to the 18th century at least.

>Means "Who is like God"
Bow down to me now!

>wears red cap
>drives mercedes 124
>commits petty crime on a weekly basis

>Desires to protect
Always felt the name was kind of boring, but whatever.

Lets also play what name would you give your kids Sup Forums?
>Boy's name
>Girl's name

Trygve - Loyal, or trustworthy

My name is Holger and the name has swedish origin. It developed from Holmgeirr which means insular and spear.


Means nothing in my lang, it's a latin name


Danish version of Nicholas which means "victory for the people".


>a fucking flower

Marios (Μάριος)
It is the masculine form of Μαρία and the only meaning it has is making people think I'm Italian

It means "Enlightened" in Turkish

praised one or one who constantly thanks God


Mine means "manly man" or something to do with the god Mars

God tier scandi spelling Erik or shit tier anglo Eric?

I'm unironically called Erik

good name
t. Erik


Tomaz here. An archaic Portuguese form of Tomás which is the equivalent of Thomas.

Hey other me.

The small one.

>tfw latin name
Piotr - it means rock/stone in greek
My father is Zbigniew - the one who lost his anger and his father was Zdzisław - the o;ne who makes glory, or the one who praise work