I am Jewish girl

I am Jewish girl.
Live in Moscow in upper middle class.

I have only one quetion to each one of you.
Why do you hate Jewish people and why do you hate women?

I wonder, because I am Jewish woman.

We don't it's a meme created by Muslims

They created ZOG

I think they are not muslim, cuz I usually see UK and German posters post that.

Jewish are successful and weird which breeds hatred. Plus Israel is cancer.

Those are the most Islamic countries

I love women.
Come to Brazil pls.

Jews are the reason why I have no gf

The Jews are behind it.

American ones and orthodox jews give them all a very bad name.

I am a muslim, but I do not hate Jews and females.
I just had some very bitter experiences which caused me to close myself off women.
My fault is that I love people much more than they could love me and I have decided to learn my lessons and not be hurt again.

There us a Jew among my friends and we do banter with each other.
That's one aspect of male friendship.

please marry me pedojew

>this post
>this flag

Think and say what you want, I don't care anymore.

Germany is a failed state

cuck loloool

Am I ugly? Tell me honestly. I am Right one

>I love people much more than they could love me
"rape" is not love, ahmed

you're ugly as shit and should fucking hang yourself you insuffrable cunt

>tfw no russian jewish upper middle class-gf

ohhh definetely jew

i love you so much pedojew, why won't you let me marry you?? i want to rest my face on your butt while you shitpost and keep you entertained in between bans.

I'd date you.

Cuz I am married now. Life changed so much and no time for shitposting.

post nudes plz

Post marriagepic, mate

post your ass or legs to rate

you are pretty qt

You know the rule, show tits or fuck off

I'd date you too.

Ok, lol

Aye, pretty good. Genuinely happy for you.

Just don't rape your potential children.

he is jew too?

I am not even pedo. it is just a meme.
I am not happy, desu. Married for the only jew girl I have met in my life and she agreed.

>There us a Jew among my friends
Jews in Germany? Stop the planet, i want to go out

Lmao what the fuck man why did you marry her then?

Because I thought I would be happy, but no.

When did you marry? Is she happy? Are you planning on leaving and taking half her jew-gold in the divorce?

stop, aren't you woman? lol jews are always laying.

Wow... I didnt expect that reaction. I thought you would hate on me

It takes one to know one, right?
Seriously, this place is too toxic.

Looks do not matter in the long run.
Most of the guys her will slobber up your clit, though.

dont be rude, germanball

I'm sorry, it was uncalled for.

>Seriously, this place is too toxic

Just stop being muslim and stop whining, your sounding like an American black right now.
It's not like you actually believe, you probably do alcohol aswel.

Pedojew. You need a timestamp.

How does it feel when your family basically embezzled millions from the Russian people? Is there even a hint of self-awareness?

I am sorry, We hung out only with normies.

I wonder if pedojew has 2 personalities or he's a trap

Is it really rude to be this honestly blunt?
I just stated the fact and all the replies have backed up my claim:
you got the good kind of attention.
What else do you want?

I still forgive you.

omfg holy ur so fucking beautiful i wanna fuck ur ass so hard daym

It really doesn't change the fact:
It is toxic.

jew nose/10

r u qt?

and btw i dont think normal people will care if ur jewish unless u meet some fucking neo-nazi shit.
just dont give a fuck what people saya bout you ur fucking boutiful daym i wanan fock u so hard

Cyкa, я нaйдy чьи фoтки ты тyт фopcишь и выeбy тeбя

Thunder cock'd again

fuck off, poolack, you wanted genocide this

>All these newfags falling for pedojews obvious bait

But are you gonna divorce? And do you only go with jews per se, pedojew?.

Дa вoт жe oнa vk /avivaaa

are you one of those russian instagram sluts that have fake boobs and take pic holding giant flowers?
If you are kys please.
If you aren't, i have no grudge against you.

are you me?

One more attantion whore detected

That is why I have nose ring. does it helps?

>vk /avivaaa
Boт и вce. Eдy eбaть.

ecли ты нopм выглядишь, тo мoжнo)

Fuck off Pedojew

тaк a чтo oнa тeбe cдeлaлa? мoжeм вмecтe пoтpaвить

I don't hate Jews. They give us good sitcoms and their women are qt.

alt-right-Sup Forums doesn't hate jews

come right in, we love jews ;)

Tell me about you.

Jewish women are literally the worst creatures God created.

There is no more a repulsive and disgusting sight in the world

Oy vey/10


I love you.

Why haven't you taken the golden ticket to Israel? Are you stupid?

Long time no see, Russian pedojew

Nothing wrong with Jews, but there is something wrong with Eastern Europe. Putin's desire to set up the government on Christian religious moral principles could easily go badly for Russian Jews. Do as my great-grandparents did, come to the US. Don't wait for the pogroms though.

Don't fall for the Israel meme, you can't trust political establishment of religion, it'll fuck you over when the backlash happens. Rely on democracy, religious freedom, and sweet industry nepotism points.

Jews rules over Russia.

Do Jews rule the Russian Orthodox Church? Because Putin has a history of collusion with them, and they're a Christian denomination.