Japanese posters like to lick eyes

Japanese posters like to lick eyes.


No matter how many earthquakes or tsunamis or nukes or nukes God sends them, they just don't learn.

don't worry they day is coming when China will glass them for good

That's western media being typical western media full of racist fabrications

let me lick your eyeballs

So this weird shit isn't happening? Thank goodness, I was going to take away your title as honorific aryan.


Ahh yes but if it is bad news and about China or Korea it's 100% accurate and objective.

t. Abe

We don't have to make shit up unlike western media on Japan when we report about them because they really do crazy stuff like Chinese human baby soup and Korean dog hotpot.

And you are saying OP's source is wrong?

t. netouyo


Nope. He's the average Japanese.

The amount of cognitive dissonance and disregard for historical facts in that country is insane.

>be Japanese
>hitomi ni daeki

It's just an (dead) online meme in Japan
Mean posters in 2ch would make threads like "Eyeball licking was so exhilarating and awesome! You guys must try too!" to make a fool out of dumb kids on the board and make them actually try that stupid play at school which nobody ever does only to hurt themselves.

A western writer who is as dumb as those preteen kids must have seen that page and written the article. English speakers believe it and boooom it's a huge success.

On the other hand, those savage Chinese do eat baby soup and Koreans do drink human poo wine.
I don't wanna post a gross pic here, so just type chinese baby soup in your search box. It exists in reality.
If you still don't know the differences between Japan and those third world garbage countries, I just conclude you are just one of those nationalist chink robots with no human soul and brains.

I thought Japan was Western, though.

If it wasn't for the West, you'd still be worshipping

>Eyeball licking
>hurt themselves
do japanese girls have rough tongues?

Infections you goof

>ruptures to the cornea

it's from the original pic

that's just a dunderheaded goofster doctor's warning, probably in case a tooth scrapes the eye

Germany has lost the privilege to grant Aryan anything to anyone
