God bless Poland and God bless United States of America

God bless Poland and God bless United States of America

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Polska nie potrzebuję Amerycucków


literally ivan
fuck off commie subhuman

Thanks Jan! You guys are alright.


Truly our greatest ally, I love you Poland.

It's Stefan in Polish, my ivan

You're probably from Western Poland think that NATO will come to help you? You can only count on yourselves, like every time.

I'm not even saying this to be a dick, you can only trust yourself. You guys need a nuke program going.

Oh yes, the famous russian butthurt.

>unironically relying on westerners, especially Americans, for anything

let them learn

>le russia stronk meme

we've been with you for 60 years and as soon as we got a chance we run as far as possible, do you really think it's a problem with us?

Any Russians here? I want to kick your asses


How did you gather that from his post?


he's r*ssian

>his country would have been steamrolled without american help in wwII
>hurr durr ebil westerners

>implying you had it bad with us

Everyone had a comfy job where they barely had to do anything, you were essentially autonomous and were never hungry.

Now half your people under 40 live abroad, your birth rate is third worst in the world and you're a vassal state of EU/NATO.

Come back home, white man.

Truly our greatest allies.

>His country was taken in 40 days.
>Ayyy le russia strank meme


Never change, onion niggers.

It's not even bait, I'm being serious. Ask your parents what they thought of living in commie times.

t. ivan

They hated it like everyone in Poland. Now go be a commie somewhere else. This is a capitalist thread of friendship between two lands of freedom - Poland & USA

O tak, Ameryka taki wielki przyjaciel.

To Amerykanie sprzedali nas dla Sowietów i ruchają nas za naszymi plecami z Rosjanami. Jesli myslisz, że Amerykaniec to twój przyjaciel, to jestes pierdolniety albo ktos ci placi.


t. ivan

>cebulak believing TVN propaganda

Why can't Poland build its own nuke program so they're not reliant on anybody?

Nawet nie umiesz pisać po polsku, głupia kurwo.

John get the fuck out from Poland.

Daj umrzeć temu tredowi, on co jakis czas robi takie temaciki na ktore nikt nie zwraca uwagi oprocz Polaków. Niech robi laske razem z sikorskim,jego wola.

10/10 would capitalize with

Why do Russians get so triggered by this?

Cuz we hate em

Because we are Poland's greatest ally, whether they know it or not, and we will help them better than the Americans/NATO. :^)

Because you fucking ruined this country for 45 years.

This is Sup Forums you retard, not karaluch

>This is Sup Forums you retard, not karaluch
And you don't even understand what is going on in the real world.

America is toying Poland with Russia, we're nothing more than a puppet. No allies, nothing. We're USA's bitch.

It was the Americans/British that sold you to us. The very same ones who you think are your friends now.

some politicians are eager to run that and in my opinion it would be best solution

We defended Polandball once against Hitler.

We will always defend true friends.

Fuck you, Soviet scum

>We defended Polandball once against Hitler.
>We will always defend true friends.

Holy shit, look at this post.

me love :3

Still better than being Russia's bitch. Learn how the geopolitics work m8

What I know is you are our enemies and subhumans, Americans are nice and NATO ally.
We had no alliance with US in WW2 so all blame goes on UK.


wypierdalaj pajacu nie widzisz że to wspaniały fred do podkurwiania kacapów i szkopów?

>me love
you dropped
>you long time

Is PiS for it?

If you had your owns nukes, countries around you would be more scared.

Yeah, you sold them out to us and they were stuck in time for 45 years.

Doing any deals with the west is like dealing with the devil.

ASSHOLE revisionist scumbag.

Suck vodka from your mom's cunt.

>Still better than being Russia's bitch
We don't have to be anyone's bitch, you fucking retard.

What is "Realpolitik" Oh, that's right. Polish onion subhumans don't know what it means. Fucking trash, this is why this country is such a shithole when we should be on par with Germans.

shut the fuck up you filthy latvian nazi

Uwaga! Szitpostują :DDDD

more like go polish some toilets


fajny pomysł zuchu

Yeah just like Ukraine wasn't Russia's bitch. Or like Belarus.

Get real m8 there are no neutrals in our part of Europe.


t. Cuckold

t. ivan in usa

t. assblasted Ruski




>mfw all the relevant and civilized countries on our world are members of NATO

God bless best ally

>no crown
into the it goes

you're literally a buffer country for america you oblivious dolt

Belarus & Ukraine are buffer countries lad, not us

>Russians get so triggered
My guess is it's because of these people being vocal on Poland-West relations:

1. Delusional USSR loving fags who believe that a somewhat functioning anti-consumer economy with a guaranteed shitty job is worth the oppression and annihilation of national elites (commies were doing the same to the ethnic Russian elites too) who can't imagine that most Polish people have a different view on that time period.

2. Delusional panslavists/Russian imperialists who believe Russia is getting up from its knees and is on its path to greatness and they can't imagine that Polish people don't share this delusion

So these people believe that Poland should be in love with Russia and get offended when it sells itself to the highest bidder which is the best thing they can do anyways, plus it's to a country that haven't repeatedly fucked them in the ass historically like we did (and not like Poland didn't do the same few times they got a chance to).

I wish these retards just gave up on their oneitis with Poland and instead focused on making Russia the country which at least its own intellectuals won't flee, which incidentally will probably make Russia more appreciated internationally anyways

really makes you think
thank you for your input

buffer for what? We do not live in europe. Now Poland is a buffer for russia, hence why they do not want us buildup there.

RusAnons, who would win

The chechen army, vs poland.

Trick questions, the chechens would march on Moscow

It's the same, but chechens won in warrior competition

They put some amazing numbers on the russians in the first and chechen second wars, but i don't know if they'd turn their back on russia?

Meh, that's will be3rd chechen war with same result as 2nd

I'am not sure about that, you'd have to get the civillians trust, the second campaign was mainly russian backed local pro russian forces vs separatists, maybe this time it's different? i heard they hate russian government there because they are opressed by the current leader in charge

So much of this

oh yeah, and Germans are bros, amirite?

Yes indeed

Seriously, Poland, do you think America cares about some eastern european shithole on the other side of the world?
Like, you know US doesn't give a fuck about Arabs dying, but you think they will care for you because you are white?

i luf polan much

Don't bully Poland

you very well might, but for your gouvernment, poland is just a pawn that can be sacrificed when necessary

Why Polish people here insult each other using word 'onion'?