Why is Texas so attractive?

Why is Texas so attractive?

Utah is a religious inbred shithole in which families have like 10 children.

Dakota has a small population, so it is easy to get a fast increase of its population and I think it was caused by the recent extraction of shale gas in this area.

I heard Colorado has a good economy and like Dakota it has a small population.

But Texas, how and why? It has a good economy but it doesn't explain everything when you have a big population. The population of California doesn't increase as fast.

All shit skins immigrate there

cheap land

decent weather

low taxes

This. But you have to put up with an unreasonable amount of mexicans, it gets very hot in the summer, and some texans never shut the fuck up about how good texas is.

"Utah is a religious inbred shithole in which families have like 10 children."

South Park says Utah is the best state in the US.

I'd say it's fairly reasonable given that Mexico is right next door.
Now, California...

Oil niggers

Anything would look attractive compared to the filth spilling over the border

Mexican, central americans, and chicanos.

>Dakota has a small population, so it is easy to get a fast increase of its population and I think it was caused by the recent extraction of shale gas in this area.
North Dakota actually has a booming tech industry in Bismark, things are going well there but the landscape is still cold and bleak

>Utah is a religious inbred shithole in which families have like 10 children.
Since when are Mormons known as inbreds? In fact their genetic samples are the ones used when population geneticists compare white American to Europeans

As a Libertarian I've become very interested in moving to Colorado because of their politics. So many of the wedge issues like weed, abortion and gay marriage are just non-issues in that state, so Colorado Republicans actually focus on small government and personal freedom like their party claims to be about, without all the Christian nanny state bullshit that you get from Republicans in other parts of the country.

I also think a lot of the immigration to Colorado would be "dude weed lmao" related as well. I'd certainly like to be able to do what I want in the privacy of my own home without being treated like a criminal, but this is the life I have chosen I suppose.....


>I disagree but I'm too stupid to articulate myself so here's a meme

What you got against freedom, comrade? Do you honestly think the government knows what's better for you and your family than you do?

Well a big thing is that it's a border state, and the country on the other side of that border is very poor and corrupt and practically run by drug cartels that routinely do literal ISIS-tier shit to the families and acquaintances of anyone who crosses them. So obviously there's a lot of immigration and most of those immigrants end up staying in Texas. Second, Dallas and Houston are fairly major cities (the latter being the location of NASA headquarters and mission control) despite how rural and honestly backwards most of the rest of Texas is. And third, it's one of the oil states from which come 90% of our oil production, along with North Dakota, California, Alaska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming.

>Now, California...
...also has Mexico next door?

New Hampshire might also be a fit for you, buddy.

but even with that being said, the number is high.

>37.6% Hispanic
>37.6% Hispanic


Yea I haven't signed the pledge but if it actually starts happening I might join them in their migration. I live in DC right now so the question would be finding a job in my field

Texas received tons of German and Mexican immigrants, so it was poised for greatness from the start.

No there are a lot of spics and Californisns in CO now, it will become Washington/SoCal tier soon

Sounds good. I've heard that it has started somewhat, and there are 18 of them in the 400-person NH House of Representatives.

Organised beheadings and tequila-flavoured beer?
Sounds like a dank mix

Sounds like it'd make for some good TV 2bh.

Utah isnot inbred whatsoever, they do have solid birthrates though

Dakota is because oil and also its a state that has jobs

Colorado is because weed, it has a MUCH larger population that I think any of its neighbors

Texas is because it is absolutely booming, great rising universities, low taxes, very free laws guarded by a iron constitution, great state. Amazing economy. Also oil.

Maine and Rhode Island are both red because they are jobless shitholes, Maine has good laws and governance just no jobs. Massachusetts is only slightly less free but has a lot of jobs with high wages to counterbalance the high taxes.

i hope u like suburban life because texas is endless suburbs.

that looks comfy