Why is Portugal so fucking white?Seriously why is portugal so nordic...

Why is Portugal so fucking white?Seriously why is portugal so nordic?Is it because it was populated by Suebi people who came from germany after the fall of rome?It were the suebis who created the portuguese day system(monday=segunda-feira) etc...
Why is portugal so fucking white,nordic,germanic and fucking based?~~

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this is it
this is the point at which I begin to hide whiteness-shitposting-threads

good bye to these kind of threads

Stop this Picolé

It's been a long time coming Ramón



i literally don't know what Portuguese people look like

They look nordic

They look nordic

obligatory nordic looking portuguese football player

they look nordic

They look nordic

He's a nordic gypsy

Jersey emblem look slick as hell though can't lie

he's a gypsy.
that is white in turkey i guess

My dad and sister have blue eyes so I guess you're right. :^)

What about you? Are you a bastard child?

Portuguese are the darkest Europeans, along with Greeks.

No. I have what I would call "army" green.

You don't have nike there?

I think he's talking about the FPF logo

Deus nosso senhor te acuda, cachopo.

yeah I should go to bed

Like mexicans

Descança bem.

Like broader shoulder Spaniards, with a less orange-tint skin.

Is Cristiano Ronaldo white?


Not in terms of skin maybe in terms of hair. Still have a good amount of blondes

Portuguese are cool

Not really. He's a quarter cape verdian or something, I think.

Yeah, he does look like the typical white Med. His son looks part black though.

Nobody know who the mother is tho, so he might have gotten some nigress genes

>tfw my grandma was a blonde blue eyed spaniard
>mfw i was blonde as a child
at least i am a white Spaniard.

He fucked some black girl in the uk when he was in manchester and the nigger asked for money in exchange for silence.
He's so fucking stupid.he could have fucked a blonde prostitute at least

>fucking random nigresses to spread his seed
Truly a Portuguese champion.

I was born blond and my hair was pitch black by the time I was 10. It happens with testosterone.

I was born bald.

I know, I was there. Sort of.

>be white
>son is black

>be black
>son is white

Testosterone? Women also have their hair darkened in their puberty.

Don't women also have a bit of testosterone in them too?

Well, yes, but hair and eye color turning darker with age doesn't seem to have anything to do with testosterone.


So now Portugal is Schwabenland?