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Post non-white countries
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How dare you. Apologise.
Spanish is mostly spoken by non-whites
Spain was mostly owned by the moors
Spanish contains a lot of Arabic
Even Japan is more of a white country
It's harder to find a white country than a non white one, the few ones I can think of are Iceland, Slovenia, Slovakia and Netherlands.
>average Americans
America is the largest white country in the world
France is new Pakistan. There's no American city as non-white as Paris
Wew lad what the heck kind of memes are that?
USA is far, far beyond France and any other European country in diversity.
According to Wikipedia 8,75 % of the country comes from "non-western" countries. Also Indonesia is considered Western for some reason, so you can add another 2,9 %
>5,7 percent muslims
>1,3 percent hindu
>1,0 percent buddhists
Also those are all 2005 numbers
Asians are pretty much white Americans at this point
Every country in the world
In proportion Paris have more white people than the US and it is the less white place of France
We're doomed but we're not dead yet
Our non-whites aren't Muslim
I'd rather deal with 1 million niggers than 1 million Muslims
Spain is black and moorish
Portugal on the other hand is white and Germanic
But mexico is white bro
>It's the "Asians are culturally white and over half of Western Europe isn't" poster
Master race
we are niggers and Morocco 2.0
morooc is white but you are not
Asians are culturally white
I feel more cultural affinity to Japan than I do to France
It feels good to be 100% Hollander
That's because you're retarded and/or had a shit education.
What do I have in common with a bunch of Muslim lovers?
Japan is a rich country that respects it's native culture, much like white america
They aren't that different than us
Non white and proud
>muh mooooslims
>praise jeeebus burgers
Shut the fuck up you liberal piece of shit
Real white america isn't full of welfare addicts unlike non-white shitholes
We all know you're only labeling them as white so you can damage control at your 60% white demographics. Your muslim population is also similar to the UK's too, you have 3.3m muslims within your borders, and that's of those stats aren't adulterated, which they probably are (see: CIA Factbook)
And do you really think you can just label 120m people white, out of which all of them don't label themselves so? You're pathetic.
Most Japanese identify as white and part of white civilization. Notice how popular plastic surgery is?
France left Western Civilization and joined the Islamic civilization
Spain was never part of Western Civilization but was also a mixed nation.
The fuck do you know about being white anyways you Brazillian shit?
White culture has advanced humanity with science and math and other technological advancements
What exactly has Spain and France contributed?
40% of your country isn't white.
Over 95% of Japan isn't white.
Even if Asians were considered white, you'd be less white than France, Argentina, Germany, UK, Canada, Uruguay, Netherlands, Belgium. Saying Spain isn't white only shows your ignorance: basques and galicians are whiter than you'll ever see in your "white" country.
You're the resultados of multiculturalism in itself, you're the creator of modern feminism, you're the creator of the refugees crisis.
I don't care about being white because I live in a non-white country. I suggest you to do the same.
When was your Age of Enlightenment Achmed? When did you land on the moon?
wtf I love my countrymen now
>t. 60%
I enjoyed so much speaking spanish everytime when I visited Miami, keep going sharters.
It's quite hilarious that the country who created BLACKED.com is talking about respecting white America.
Miami is the wealthiest Spanish speaking city, and has the prettiest Spanish speaking women.
>and has the prettiest Spanish speaking women.
Just stop mane
only you fat fucks still care about this shit. the rest of the world gives no fuck about melanin. they care about what a person can bring to their country. if they bring medieval traditions, violence and rape they need to fuck off. but since amerisharts are dumb they still care about skin color. what a fucking joke.
>Miami is the wealthiest Spanish speaking city
Miami is full of Spaniards living a better life than they could in Madrid. Plus you guys have ugly women.
Miami as a city has hotter women than any Argie city, and from all over Latin America. I have been to Mar de Plata and Miami has better talent.
They are Mexicans like you, chi.
There are few Mexicans in Miami. I am American - one of the few that lives in my area of Coral Gables. I have the perspective of a foreigner. People from Spain on average are uglier than most South Americans.
Miami Costa Rican girl.
>Miami is full of Spaniards
Cuabsn and Mexicans*
>living a better life than they could in Madrid
Categorically wrong, CHIcano.
>Plus you guys have ugly women.
Categorically wrong again.
So Spanish isn't mostly spoken by non-Whites and not heavily influenced by Arabic?
A country is white only if cloudberry grows within its borders.
>heavily influenced by Arabic?
Not heavily, though, only influenced.
c-c-can i visit italy then?
>a rich country that respects it's native culture, much like white america
>says the country that committed one of the worst genocides (after us and Belgium) in human history
wew lad, they sure rev up some good memes in the American education system
You forgot to say that Spain is near Mexico.
>Only people who live in a nation state may view this post.
>Spain was never part of Western Civilization but was also a mixed nation.
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE fucking chicano retards I swear to god
As in white American native you German cuck
sorry i couldn't resist
>white American native
wew your native Great-grandfather probably came from Rüdesheim and escaped justice from the Kaiser for fondling little children's balls by escaping to your wretched country you fucking puritan faggot.
What is going on in this thread? Are the Spaniards claiming to be white Europeans again?
One Mexican defending another. Surprise
Yet we are a much greater country you will ever be, Hans
>Yet we are a much greater country you will ever be
You already lost and you don't know it you faggot. We survived Rome we sure as hell will survive you.
>all this american butthurt
It's funny how everyone but Spanish people don't see them as white Europeans
Here in the US, "Spanish" is seen as a non-white language and people
You won't survive the refugees. Enjoy your Sharia
>One Mexican defending another
you're the only mexican here f.a.m.
>influenced by Arabic?
just some words but nothing important. The spanish language was born in North Spain and it was influenced by others like the asturian, leonese, basque and mozarab (language of the christians of al-andalus that was basically a derivation of the language of the visigoths with some arab words)
You share a fucking language with them
You're just as much of a subhuman
>It's funny how everyone but Spanish people don't see them as white Europeans
citation needed
Think of the average person who speaks Spanish. They're non-White, right?
Thought so
You share the same fucking land.
You're just as mexican as one can be.
most of those people are americans or spaniards
He's just a troll
In America Spanish refers to Cubans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Spaniards
>Think of the average person who speaks Spanish
In Europe they are whiter than you Tyrone
>In America Spanish refers to
In America everyone is fucking retarded, you are mistaking Spanish for Hispanic you daft fucking cunt
God... I hate chicanos now
>you are mistaking Spanish for Hispanic
deutschland dont tell them that, i 'll have nothing to make fun of american tourists here
>everyone fucking retarded
>welcoming refugees in by the millions
Enjoy your camel herders
your stupidass country was built by immigrants, wtf u blame others for taking immigrants lmfao stfu pablo
We were built by white people. Everyone else is excess life here
Muslims can't even walk outside without feeling safe. That's how great a real white country is
This is bait thread
Let it die
Unironically but literally most of those words are greek or persian in origin.
>We were built by white people.
rofl, now this is were you went full retard pablo,
40% of your cities wear spanish names, if spaniards arent white, how the fk you got built by white people then? you did a selfownage there bro, or is americaa only the cities that dont wear spanish names lmao
what a stupid baitfag,
Was this supposed to be English?
I don't speak day laborer
>mr. 60% talking shit
made me laugh, have a bump
Delet all spics
can't wait for the donald to make us even whiter
Jesus Christ, you fucking yanks
Just kill yourselves already
>your irrelevant shithole
Trump won't do shit.
Your destiny is inescapable.
United States will be the next hispanic country. The answer is it will be a hispanic country who speak spanish or not.
Is just one chicano