european """""""democracy"""""""
European """""""democracy"""""""
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el otomANO
anything to combat the disease known as islam is acceptable
especially more efficient ways
WTF! I love Turkey now!
What the fuck. In Turkey Islamists are literately in the process or purging any opposent, half ot the internet is blocked and you talk about European democracy? Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
meanwhile in turkey people can freely wear what they want
They have no other choice. Without our money you'd be nothing.
>implying çomars don't want the beaches closed
akposting yapma ananı kan getirene kadar sikerim
>Islamists are literately in the process or purging any opposent
>implying gülen cemaat is not a islamist one
If Muslims didn't chimp out and kill hundreds of people, maybe people would have some sympathy.
Not anymore
>Not anymore
what changed?
are you fucking retarded? 90% of the people purged have nothing to do with gülen
yeah sure
this is just what your media says
i need proofs
It used to be illegal for men to show their nipples on the beach
You know what really confuses me is that this single picture of this single event when the Muslim woman forced to take off her headscarf caused much more aggression and anger in the Muslim world as the footage of the horribly murdered people in Nice, Paris, Brussels.
This is not even bait, I am just asking what the bloody fuck is wrong with you people?
what the fuck you retarded you can't just reverse the burden of proof like that
>T*rkroach education
muslims are not human and should be exterminated
muslims are subhuman and they should be purged
just like we did to gülenists
What men used to wear
Tribalism but everyone's guilty of that. People care much, much more about, and have a much stronger reaction to, things happening to people they relate to or see as similar to themselves than they do to others. Everyone's guilty of that. It's human nature.