/zh/ China 今日也是今天中午版

Good morning!
Wake up and embrace the Eternal Red Sun!
Celestial Empire aka Zhonghuarenmingongheguo loves you!
Submit now to eternal China!


Word of day: 五 wu five

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Thread theme of today 为梦征战 Wei Meng Zhengzhan Dream Battle :

>you will never be cute 5th generation multipurpose fighter jet

What do you think of this video?

I've seen worse in Finland. Bitches be berserk if someone steals their kultapöpönassu.

What's the most endearing way of saying boyfriend/girlfriend in Chinese?

delet this

What does it mean when cantonese go:
>aaa gam louaaaa gam louaaa

It means 屌你老母


>everyone is afraid of bunny (= china)
>the only people who are not afraid are hippos (= niggers)
>bunny asks what them what is 1+1
>"I don't know LOL"
>hippos proceed to steal all the bunny monies

but wait it gets better still
>bunny brings weapons
>hippos take weapons
>hippos start shooting all around
>"what the fuck are you doing?!"
>"I don't know either LOL" t. hippo


That's telling the story of China's long time partnership with Tansania, who's now sporting an entire army equipped with Chinese weapons. They are China's main client state in Africa nowadays.

I get your anger. It is very upsetting how free independent strong nation like China can joke about their friendly relations with racially inferior people of Tanzania while you are forced to shut the fuck up about obvious black people characteristics and take all the worst niggers in the world by dystopian multinational EU. All you can do is squeal like a pig.

Abandon your sick European overlords and embrace the smiling Red Sun. Gentle submission. There there. No more angst, only happy now.

>mfw I understand enough Chinese now to read '今日也是今天中午版'

Anyone here taken or planning to take the HSK exam?

Anyone ever watch old historical dramas? Like 康熙王朝 or 水浒传?
What about lang ya bang type stuff?

You guys ever play 围棋? Saw them play it in 三国, is it the same game as 'go'?


Where the fuck is '3 land'? I thought I knew most of the countries

Muslims with beards and carrying machetes are to be shot on sight.

Report them when they try to flee the country

>lang ya bang
cause i have no interest in most chinese culture or chinese history related thing

Go and Weiqi is the same game.

Another case where the Japanese stole a Chinese invention and popularized it through their animu and mango, making everyone in the world think it as Japanese invention.

Same as with "Ramen", which was stolen pretty recently.

3 kingdoms

The J-20 is pretty nice looking.

I cant wait for the Zhuhai Airshow. Fucking admittance fee of 600 kuai, but if the J-20 flies there, it is worth it.

Do you guys love shanghai dialect?

When *insert country people* come to Australia they admit their country is a shithole and they have come here to save themselves

When Chinese come here they struggle to admit this. The level of cognitive dissonance in the Chinese mind is staggering

Pretty good series.

Three kingdoms. San guo. Guan yu and all his homies gettin clowned by cao cao and sima yi

Saw let the bullets fly the other day. Good movie

Reminder that the Chinese government is actively subverting Western democracies through their brainwashed immigrant communities and insidious propaganda


Reminder that USA is doing exactly the same, in addition to waging insidious propaganda campaign against China by seeking to undermine its credibility on fundamental level:

But looking at how things are in the west, wouldn't we all be better aligned with China instead? Yes we would! Everyone would be happy! What do we have to lose? Nothing but our cuckoldery!

Are you a cuckold who thinks he's Japanese?

To be fair, Russia/Vietnam/Japan/Korea/India/America do that.

I heard you guys claiming the exact same thing about the "Wogs" and Lebs" when I was a kid in Australia. Go fuck off.

China has a massive, MASSIVE inferiority complex to the west and use it as the boogeyman for every single thing that goes wrong for them, even if their century of humiliation was a quarter Japan's fault and three quarters CCP's fault

The saddest part is that these immigrants actually tow the party line and are extremely nationalistic, even though the west gave them everything

Take South China Sea for instance, the Chinese think it's a way to combat American imperialism and make themselves seem competent for once even though they're the ones who are doing exactly that, against the wishes of their neighbouring countries who view it as the biggest threat to stability in the region.

As reprehensible as the American world police can be they're at least held accountable by the public for their worst crimes, and a superpower that accomodates international organisations like the UN is the only reason why it has any power at all, if China ever supersedes that role (god forbid) then they will do whatever the fuck they want, until a change of government is made to give them actual democracy and accountability Chinese eminence is the worst thing that could happen on a global scale

>even if their century of humiliation

>The century of humiliation (simplified Chinese: 百年国耻; traditional Chinese: 百年國恥; pinyin: bǎinián guóchǐ; Wade–Giles: pai3 nien2 kuo2 chi3), also known by permutations such as the hundred years of national humiliation, refers to the period of intervention and imperialism by Western powers and Japan in China between 1839 and 1949.[1]

My mistake I meant the 20th century in general

Dude, the Chinese haven't gone to war since 1979.

America literally invaded a country in 2003 against international law.

Also, we ignored the exact same Hague court ruling in 1988 that China ignored this year.

Finally, "the public" has no fucking control over our foreign policy. Don't fucking tell me about my country.
The US government is only accountable to business. Hence the bailouts.

All the top players these days are japs and koreans. The terms and rules are all based on the jap rules.

Seems like japan jacked go from chinese and made it better

Except 1972-present has been arguably the best time ever to be Chinese or to for China relative to the world.
At least under the CCP they could JUST FUCK up themselves instead of some foreign power doing it for them.

Century of humiliation is only 1830-1940. The late CCP and late KMT were not considered part of it.

Chinaman detected, your logic is the exact same as Japan's in the 20th century.

>b-b-but the West has colonies so we can do it too!
>Japan proceeds to kill millions of Asians for its colonies
>b-b-but America breaks international law, we can do it too!
>China proceeds to ignore international maritime law and bully much smaller nations

No matter how China portrays itself as an underdog, China reattained its position as the dominant East Asian power. The US is the only thing keeping China from establishing a regional hegemony.

>and made it better

Kek what?

Only the Japs even play Go at a significant level. How can something be "made better" if no one else likes it?

Because they didn't have the ability to force project onto countries that weren't in their immediate vicinity, China has had conflicts with Russia, Vietnam, and India

I won't defend the Iraq war because it ended up being a total clusterfuck, but the starting intentions were noble enough if you exclude the oil meme, Saddam was to be overthrown for crimes against humanity and so forth, and it was a hotbed for terrorism since it was essentially state-sanctioned, and even though no WMDs were found in the end that was another driving factor. Besides some dumbass policies which have resulted in the ME being a clusterfuck, it wasn't a war of imperialism at all and every state actor who got involved regrets it. You can also see that the US is more wary these days, and isolationist sentiment in military matters is increasing, outside of NATO support against Russia. I think you underestimate public accountability, western countries have to answer to their constituents via elected representatives or nothing gets done. American imperialism is a massive issue, but imo economic factors are the big one, military is second rate.

China is undeniably an economic superpower already and has been for some time, and can strong arm foreign governments using that much more effectively than military threats.

>your logic is the exact same as Japan's in the 20th century.


China hasn't gone to war in since 1979. Japan invaded 36 countries in 40 years.

How is this comparable at all?

>Because they didn't have the ability to force project onto countries that weren't in their immediate vicinity,

They have land borders with 12 countries. 5 of which they have fought 1949-1979.

And your logic is that somehow they suddenly lost that ability in 1979?

>All the top players these days are japs and koreans.

No my point is that if some dictator in Uganda made a nuke and pointed it at China, militarily speaking very little could be done because until very recently China hasn't even had a working blue water navy, let alone true force projection. The US has been involved in a ridiculous amount of conflicts since WW2 but all of them have ostensibly been in the national interest, and none have involved colonisation, just economic exploitation. That's the problem with superpowers in general, they can pretty much do what they want because nobody can stop them without provoking a nuclear shoah, but the instinct for self preservation outweighs sheer stupidity at least most of the time.


Pretty disgusting list really but until after WW2 the US wasn't the only superpower, and from that point it's mostly been CIA operations to install friendly dictators and the big wars have been against communism and kebabs


You made an argument herethat somehow China is trying to be imperialist.

Yet they haven't gone to war since 1979.

Then you make a retarded argument herethat somehow the Chinese were incapable of going to war. This is stupid since they went to war against neighbors many times 1949-1979.

The Chinese are stupid for alienating everyone over the South China Sea, but in no way are they imperialists.

>and from that point it's mostly been CIA operations to install friendly dictators

Was Kim Jong Un a part of the CIA's plan?

Chinese economic imperalism is all over the place, but the military is building fake islands in the SCS and it's only because the neighbours are trying to see if the CCP will back down if the alliances in the region keep adding to their military presence that there hasn't been outright conflict yet. Like I said before the wars with India and Vietnam were both land grabs, let alone the entire annexation of Tibet and the operations against Russia in the 60s. China has let go of international communism for some time which is nice and is increasingly at odds with NK too, so no more ideological conflicts either. China has gone to war with its neighbours because a land invasion across a single border can be pulled off by the Vatican, anything more complex needs logistical forces but most importantly transportation and working aircraft carriers, which the military is doing a lot of work on. The SCS situation is absolutely imperalism, turning Africa into their personal fucktoy is imperalism too, except there aren't any competing colonial powers anymore because Europe is the one being colonised instead

I don't know much about Korea but the split only happened in the first place because Russia had one half of the peninsula and America had the other at the end of WW2, and they didn't go north while it was possible just like not going to Berlin fucked up Germany for the next 45 years

My fucking sides.


>China has a massive, MASSIVE inferiority complex to the west
Yes and? At least they are equally massively activelly striving to become hegemonial number one in everything and having quite a success at it, too.

>Falun Gong

Into the trash it goes.

China did well in ridding it of larger organized religions and superstitions, as well as taoist/buddhist/christian mass sects that have ravaged the country with their fanaticism in the past (Yellow Turban rebellion, White Lotus rebellion, Taiping rebellion etc).
To tolerate and not to outlaw and persecute Falun Gong would be a crime to the Chinese civilization and history.

Religious nuts should be controled and checked by the state and mercilessly exterminated when they challenge the respective dynasty's monopoly on power. Failing that, you have shit like this:

>Rebellion/Civil War
>Total dead: 20–30 million dead (best estimate).[3]

What kind of haircuts do you lads have?
I got a new haircut today and I got laughed at.

A. Heaven believers were not christian, it goes pretty much against christian principles to believe that Jesus was your brother.
B. The Taiping rebellion is actually looked upon rather positive in the PRC. Something with a class struggle or something. I dunno.

I dunno about Chinks in Aussie land, but anyway Chinks on Sup Forums are undoubtedly the worst Chinks Ive ever met.
Like I said yesterday, these dont even know who they themselves are and what they should do. They dont understand what's the right thing to do to themselves. And somehow they reject facing anything negative about China.
So they irreversibly only get into patriotism and ethnocentrism as the most possible easiest way to figure out their identities and stay it forever, unlike the weeb youth in mainland who are flexible and very motivated in learning other countries' cultures, manner, behavior, norms.

>When *insert country people* come to Australia they admit their country is a shithole and they have come here to save themselves

You make Australia sound like the AA.

>unlike the weeb youth in mainland who are flexible and very motivated in learning other countries' cultures, manner, behavior, norms.



>Japanese YouTuber Yuka Kinoshita, who is known for consuming large quantities of various food items on camera, has been subjected to the wrath of Chinese netizens after posting a video of herself eating 137 bananas on Saturday.

>Internet users from China questioned whether Kinoshita was eating bananas that originated from Philippines, and if 137 bananas was an allusion to China’s 1.37 billion population, Ming Pao reported. The video was posted shortly after the South China Sea ruling last week.

>“During this sensitive period, you eat 137 bananas from the Philippines to insult China – do you have brains? Do you think us Chinese people can be easily bullied?” one comment said.



>unlike the weeb youth in mainland who are flexible and very motivated in learning other countries' cultures, manner, behavior, norms.
Dude, I'm a weeb and you have to have serious cognitive dissonance to not be able to separate lewd cartoons from reality. I don't give a fuck about little Japan dogs or their volcanic shithole inbreeding island, but I sure love to wank to their animes. Literally the only thing Japan is good for beyond anime is for shielding Great China from tsunamis cäcäcä.

>literally plagiarized entire Chink culture
>but Chinks baaad

>Have to learn the bible or get beheaded
>I-It wasnt christian!!11

>Have to learn the Quran or get beheaded
>N-Not all muslims!1

End yourself.


Dont matter. The PRC under Mao looked positively about the Taiping in the ideological sense, but religiously motivated rebellions were never tolerated - even during the Cultural Revolution, which was the closest thing to being a state-sanctioned grass-root revolution.


Chinese weebshit is getting better animated by the day.

>And somehow they reject facing anything negative about China.
>So they irreversibly only get into patriotism and ethnocentrism as the most possible easiest way to figure out their identities and stay it forever

Because Japanese are well known for being all that right.
Tell me about Nanking buddy.

CIDF pls go

How to transliterate Pepe into hanzi? Baike didn't have article.

dont infect them with this cancer.

I'm Finnish. It's in my nature.

Today was a fine day to live under complete submission. But alas, now I must suixing. It's chinese and means to sleep. Another productive day awaits tomorrow, knowing the salvation by eternal China is lingering near!