Which is more aesthetic? Latin or Cyrillic?

Which is more aesthetic? Latin or Cyrillic?

Cyrillic by far

t. Ivan Ivanov

>defending this autism

This is not russian alphabet.

xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa )))))))))))

тниc тняeaд = тop кeк

Unironically Greek

lol stupid question
cyrillic is no match for latin

Ἑλληνιkον αλφάβητον.
Ἠμί νιkητής!

I think they're quite even.
The way it's written matters more.

umm, a few things:
T т, У y, Ы ы, not Y, not t, not "Ъ" in "Ы" not "ъ" in ы.
t from low case is wrong.
Whence is this image?
what else to expect from eesti nigger (?)

Whatever you say Nonphoneticgibberish MacWorsethaninenglish.

I don't speak Irish Gaelic, nor do I care about it, nor can I make sense of how it came to be spelled the way it is.
Kurwa, Kyrillica makes much more sense than Polish orthography. Thine is a struggle.
(In B4 English, I already know.)

Cyrillic фтв!

Arabic script

>ą ę
are nasal vowels. Being special they need special diacritics. :D It's so much better than how French treat their nasal vowels.
>ć cz ś sz ź ż dź dź
We distinguish all of them and they always make their sounds. č š would be better than cz and sz but it's not bad either.
>rz ż
Used to be distinguished, now they make the same sound except for some eastern or southern caveman villagers dialects. Should be merged but desu it's not a big struggle to use them.
>ch h
Same as above.
>u ó
Might be đ like in southern Slavic but again it's not a big deal.

Here's the special snowflake. I don't know what kind of idiot brought this letter while making w sound like a v and rejected v. I blame Germans who also fuck up the v and w. Looks like we brought their retardation on a new level.

Our orthography is bretty consistent all in all. All letters and digraphs always make their sounds, except for rz which is actually r and z in like two or three words in the dictionary.
Our phonetic and the digraphs make it look scary but it doesn't bite. Heck, we don't even have the bullshit letters q x

>ITT: Ex-Soviet cuckstates bashing the cyrillic while the rest of the world is actually having a meaningful discussion




Mongol and Manchu.

okay, but what about j and i? I cant tell whether to pronounce them the same or differently,
I think an apostrof or something equivalent to like Russian soft and hard signs will be a good changement.
also, thanks for taking the time with that response.
>that choice
>that flag

yes, it looks very nice.

Cyrillic obviously