>There are millions of Jap girls who are just waiting to be BLEACHED
Well Sup Forums, why are you still a virgin?
>There are millions of Jap girls who are just waiting to be BLEACHED
Well Sup Forums, why are you still a virgin?
Other urls found in this thread:
don't live in japan do i
That guy could use a fucking bleaching.
Japanese girls love the BBC
You're mentally ill.
they don't want you davido kun, they want chad.
Because I'm yellow, and so are you, zhang
He's right. They live big British cock
Only the sluts of the sluts go for white gaijin cock
I woulda laughed at that cuck too with the old lady.
>British cock
No one will ruin our eternal friendship. Japanese girls love manly brazilian men.
kek, you're quite right. The people who have the so called "yellow fever" are no better than niggers. Utterly disgraceful. Its mostly yanks as well, I'm not surprised.
sauce and whose the guy
>lib media promoting race mixing in japan,next immigration.
that 1 girl seems scared
Those bloody yanks shoulda spread their asses for DA KWEEN
>S-stop it you're not allowed to like women of different races!!!!
>inb4 someone calls me Chang
I'm white as fuck, I literally have freckles all over my body for fuck's sake. But nig behaviour (i.e. "muh dik") is unacceptable, regardless of who's doing it.
>that 1 girl seems scared
its because theyre fucking actors on those gook gameshows
Now we know where the African Americans get it from to be quite honest.
Yeah, it means you hate women of your own race. You hate yourself. You want to cuck yourself out of having a child that looks like you because you feel the world would be better off without you.
theres bbc porn with jap girls, plus theres that guy that wrote black passenger yellow taxi
indeed their reactions seems fake as fuck.
Post discarded
thats not what hes saying, just like niggers muh dick white women whites do it to asians and brown women and its a nigger thing to do
"People" with yellow fever should commit sudoku.
The same goes to footfags.
because i'm still looking for a real girl
>theres bbc porn with jap girls
>Using porn for your sexual deviency
Most races stay inside their own race, get off Sup Forums
Why do Sup Forumstards come to Sup Forums
And because of a fucking porn, you think japanese people like blacks?
No one fucking likes blacks
waa waa i need a safe space
Sup Forums is taking the internet by storm, and that's a great thing. kill yourself if you hate us, cuck
their parents will like not like you i heard often this story even though they are a plenty of korean/japanese young couples in both countries old generation people are really closed people
celebrate diversity ;^)
Holy shit
>Sup Forums is taking the internet by storm
>this is what Sup Forumstards actually believe
only the ghetto types it seems otherwise its just the elders but they are more xenophobic in general, young ones dont care.
true, but when they date out its usually same pattern
Sup Forums is actually weeaboo. check your facts.
Cuck :^)
I had japanese gf but her parents didn't like me so we had many troubles
It started with Japan making redpilled animes. Now everyone loves Japan and dislikes America. It only takes one quick visit to Sup Forums and a righteous heart to be redpilled, to find out why Japan is so great and America sucks.
>redpilled animes
That's because you are literally a cuck for not agreeing with us. Go back to your Reddit safe space and promote your race-mixing degeneracy there. Sup Forums is a segregationist board. Sup Forums included.
>Just a recolor of the "shiiiittt!" meme
How lazy
They want handsome fit white men, not a pasty NEET that sits behind their computer
>Y-you're a cuck because you disagree with me
>Reddit safe space
You would know what reddit is like wouldn't you Sup Forumstard
Actually, Sup Forums hates all weeaboo autists and the shit that they like. Are you new here?
>G-go back to r*ddit
Why don't you go back to /r/The_Donald
>Wants a future where his people don't exist.
>Thinks he's not a cuck
Take the redpill dude.
Oy vey!
Sup Forums is not one single entity.
Sorry forgot to turn off my proxy
Not white btw
Anime is a Jewish run industry. If you haven't figured that out by now, you're a bluepilled Redditor cuck.
>s-stop calling me out on my bullshit
Why dont you go back to r/Sup Forums?
>t-take the redpill
>he doesn't know what cuck means
Average Sup Forumstard
wait what is redit? Everyone talks about it on here.
And you would know that how?
Because we publicly shame weebs for the degenerate disgusting filth they are. In fact, we actually beat them up while we're off Sup Forums. You should be proud of us.
What bullshit
Sup Forums is the equivalent of redd it. Basically a safe space from the alt-right. Arr rook same
>rage comics
>complaining of being told to go back to /r/eddit
Hmmm maybe those user's you're arguing with are on to something
>taking the accomplishments of people dead long before you
Lmao, okay little man.
You seem upset?
Why is this?
>No shart mart
Good thing Sup Forums is the tumblr of Sup Forums
>he thinks ragecomics are bad
Kek Sup Forumstards
>White man comes in trying to build railroads and hospitals
>Red man gets jealous and tries to mercilessly slaughter the workers while his son is dying at home of a fever that could be cured by whites.
>Eventually Whites get tired of cowardly attacks and organize a war between them and the Natives
>Natives get absolutely BTFO and cry for eternity
>Cucks use lies and propaganda like your pic
>Idiots don't do their research and buy into to stupid shit that "sounds right" like all whites owned slaves and killed natives
>"Oh man we'd better do our part to give back and let the same people who wanted to destroy our progress back then in now"
>"Oops, our national monuments and people are getting killed/raped, but there are a lot of shills saying everything is okay so I'd better just go along with the crowd"
Ah yes, excellent post my dear Anglo friend. Very nice. Exquisite.
>implying I'm a cuckservative
You must be new to Sup Forums if you think we're cuckservative. Most of us support Hillary now. BRING THEM TO HEEL
if you're white you can have protected sex with asian girls but you must have white sons with white women.
White sons for white people
Asian sons for asian people.
White/Hapa alliance.
Daaaaaaaz right nigger boi! White man dindu nuffin , dem damn natives always trying to bring us down but we won't let em!
>tfw parents are immigrants
>tfw have fucked 4 white women so far
oh man this shit feels great
The White man was simply trying to help and got fed up with dealing with savages. If they want to play in the dirt and get diseases that's fine. But I'm going to take a fucking shower and go to work like a civilized human being.
>he thinks rage comics are good
>he is attempting damage control
I can't express how much I love Australians.
Are you sure you're not making that shit up you fucking gook?
Gook men are at the bottom of the hierarchy. You should know that by now. Quit dreaming, cuck.
Pfft all women are easy
>not fucking all race of women
They're all pink on the inside
omg I can fucking hear those stupid idols screaming out EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! without playing webm
I'm only half Asian
That's what great about being American, you can fuck all the different types of women in one place
Why do Japanese girls make weird noises like that?
Do they think it's cute?
It's not cute
Sup Forums has always been like this
What changed was Sup Forums became more like Sup Forums
its not supposed to be cute
japanese males also shout that EHHH when got surprised
its only annoying because they are clearly exaggerating
>I'm only half asian
Why is she ragging on fucking asians of all people? They're like the only non shit minority.
It's funny but what a dumb cunt
yeah but we can just like, overpower them
>working night shifts
>Civilized human being
It's pretty sad if you know her history . She got scammed out of 100 I by this Dutch bloke she met online on a dating website. She was probably just projecting everything that she said
>"You couldn't get a normal girl so you had to go get a gook from out there!
But anyway
Why are uou so insecure m8 lol? I have plenty of gook friends who slay with women simply because they're /fit/ and have game.
Considering it's around 2am in US time and you're spending your night screaming at random people on the internet, I'd say you do worse than most chinks.
* 100 k
>scammed 100k
so she's an idiot? that explains a lot
t. english teacher in tokyo
>you are a so stupid
>I bet you make a 1400 on your SAT
god fucking dammit
I couldn't handle that kind of scrutiny
even if actual confrontation is rare, it's still what everybody around you is thinking. I'll just stick to my own race. She wasn't even a native English speaker either. You can't build a solid relationship without communication.
even the people in the background are laughing at him in the beginning
Sup Forumstards are usually the ones with yellow fever, dumbass
Because of several social anxiety and I don't think things would be any different on the other side of the world.
The girls would just laugh at me like they do here.