Why do we not have any culture? Even niggers have culture

Why do we not have any culture? Even niggers have culture.

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This must be a ruse.

This is considered right-wing in sweden. Admitting you don't have culture but calling blacks niggers.

The true scandinavian red pill is to realise the African is superior to the Scandicuck.

You're just to used to it.

>this post
>this flag
how original




Even Africans know we're more than humans and need no foolish human needs like culture

Come on you people do have culture, just learn to fucking use google and you'll find more than fucking plenty on whatever area you're looking. That it isn't well known/celebrated outside your countries is a different matter entirely.

This applies to sweden and probably norway as well.

forgot pic

why is the environment so fucking toxic nowadays?
it makes your balls shrink and vanish
fuck this gay earth

You have Ikea and Ingmar Bergman.

Ikea is the defenition of soulless

Because americanisation and immigrants. They usually go together. Enjoy, Sven..

>muh white people have no culture meme
Even if you're just aiming for (You)s, you're still a gay cunt.
> The arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group

>employment low
>in Denmark

>posting the wrong pic

LOL, why would you wan't to be nordic? I mean yeah sure the Netherlands suck balls as well but it isn't as bad as Scandinavia.

you're not supposed to reply to Sup Forums propaganda

Drep deg selv Sven

>Bred with dog like creatures

We have culture. But modern day scandis is destroying it.
For example, we should always welcome travellers and settlers with open houses (sælaloven) and socialise in church every Sunday. Nationalists who only pretend to care about our old ways destroyed the first. Liberals wanting us to be modern the second.

Amazing, what a rich culture. Even an Italian would be jelous.

I love how they stuck a female picture on the text signed with a male name. In any case, according to WHO are Denmark's suicide rates below USA's:

>Scandinavia don't have culture
>niggers have culture
Are tou joking? I mean come on you used to be snowniggers but at least they were keep back by the inhospitable land they had, and don't forget that those people actually conquer someone outside of their land, the normann are a good example

All of it is wrong or a half truth. And the picture is an actress.

Right now yes, but overall the danish suicide rate is 20.8 for the last five decades while americas is only 12.7.

Scandies are also the biggest consumers of antidepressants in the world.

Also read this, Denmark(and the rest of scandinavia) is like the novel "a brave new world".


>It is all but impossible to `unplug` Danes from their `Matrix`, because they cannot or will not see that it exists, even when one presents compelling evidence that it does.. This coupled with the fact that they have been indoctrinated from kindergarten into believing that it is the perfect social model, and the only path to a just and happy life. All but a few react with extreme indignation when any failings in this `flawless` Danish state are pointed out, or idiosyncrasies in the Danish character are spotlighted. The very inference that Denmark is a Totalitarian State along the lines of Huxley's novel, which controls and micromanages their lives, causes a reflex `knee jerk` reaction which in it's uniformity of response is startling.

Atleast you're rich

I can't believe someone actually sat down and took the time to write that

It is true though, Scandinavian societies are totalitarian shitholes.

>Have some of the most interesting pagan myths and legends in the world, even tolkien took influence under them for writing the lord of the rings and his books
>used to sail and colonized iceland, reached america long before the british, the french and the iberians
>founded most of the big cities in ireland and scotland (including dublin and edinburgh)
>colonized greenland
>it's the place where beowulf is set in, i.e. the most famous and widely studied old english epic poem ever written takes its place over there
>good architecture
>wonderful landscapes and beautiful forests which inspired the minds of many nobel prize winners

>muh have no culture
>then I'll start importing ahmet because he has "culture" and he'll teach us

>falls into irrelevance and gets replaced on the long run
>complains about it

Yeah it's completely true. These countries are awful. Can't understand why anyone would want live here.

What good is being rich when your soul is poor?

You are basically the same as Sweden.

This meme needs to stop

you are reaching my friend

>Have some of the most interesting pagan myths and legends in the world, even tolkien took influence under them for writing the lord of the rings and his books

These myths are not exclusive to scandinavia

>used to sail and colonized iceland, reached america long before the british, the french and the iberians
>founded most of the big cities in ireland and scotland (including dublin and edinburgh)

Brute colonialism != culture

>colonized greenland

If that is supposed to be colonization anything is. Apart from a few settlements there is no nordic "culture" there.

>it's the place where beowulf is set in, i.e. the most famous and widely studied old english epic poem ever written takes its place over there

star wars was set in space. Does that mean space has a culture? no.

>good architecture

most of the houses there look like my garden shed. They literally make everything out of wood! The only redeemable scandinavian architect is alvar aalto and his buildings look like shit. (and copenhagen's redeemable architecture was modeled after golden age dutch architecture! ahahahaha)

>wonderful landscapes and beautiful forests which inspired the minds of many nobel prize winners

1) how is that cultural 2) do you really think the boring (yes boring, apart from norway there is literally no interesting landscapes in the whole of scandinavia) landscapes

I am getting the impression you have never been there.

Lmao sounds like a butthurt cunt
>success breeds jealousy

>t. Foxngrapes

How does it feel to be an anglo-germanic knockoff excuse of a country?
I get that you have history, but you have about as much cultural identity as Belgium before adding DUDE WEED

I think those suicide numbers include Greenland though.

>implying dutch and danish culture isn't exactly the same apart from the need to brag about it you guys have

dutch culture != anglo and you guys are germanic too

the total population is 56 000 it doesn't matter.

lol there is nothing justifiable about scandinavia

>50.000 live on Greenland
Doesn't matter if it's included or not.

At least we wuz vikings n shieet
The dutch just did the same thing as anglos


the franks (dutch tribe) conquered more of europe (I.E. habited land) than the vikings.

such as conquering the world and invent everything.


>These myths are not exclusive to scandinavia
But it's still culture, right?

>Brute colonialism != culture
If you have something to export (colonize) then it means you have a culture to use as reference
That's why iceland and the tiny cities located in greenland look nordic

>If that is supposed to be colonization anything is. [...]
Well, if you think that's not enough for exporting a given culture then I suppose you don't buy it that the falklands are british, don't you?
2 thousand people are enough for making a settlement and colonizing a place
Otherwise it would be argentinian today

>star wars was set in space. Does that mean space has a culture? no.
Star wars was invented as a futuristic fantasy story, beowulf was written by early english speakers that portrayed their ancient culture through the poem. I'm talking about history and culture, not about movies.
Beowulf is like the divine comedy of the english language, and the scandinavian elements had a huge impact not only on the anglo culture, but also on their language and architecture
By making this claim I assume you didn't even read it at all

>most of the houses there look like my garden shed. [..]
It's still culture, it's unique and it varies on personal taste.
If they could found a way of distinguish themselves from other people and other cultures, then they do have architecture culture too

1) how is that cultural 2) do you really think the boring (yes boring, apart from norway there is literally no interesting landscapes in the whole of scandinavia) landscapes

>I am getting the impression you have never been there.
landscapes are important for developing a local culture, in beowulf there are a lot of mountains and you can easily figure scandinavia by reading it. It's like saying the tiber river was useless for the romans back in the day, cicero wrote this shit surrounded by it.
Been to sweden and denmark, those are not perfect countries but they do have a local culture

Don't worry OP we got you covered in our biggest theme park:

cicero wrote his shit*

If you're new to this thread, please be advised that the inhabitants of this thread have a different outlook on the world and face challenges that are hard for regular people to comprehend. They should therefor not be subject to ridicule.

>Beowulf is like the divine comedy of the english language

lolno. That'd either be the Canterbury Tales or Paradise Lost. Beowulf isn't terribly relevant.

>tfw living in Northern Germany
Danes get the FUCK out of my parliament.

>But it's still culture, right?

Don't be autistic, yes technically scandinavia have "culture".

It is just that it is so bland and soulless that we might as well not have any at all. That's what people mean when they say we don't have culture.

finland is not part of this autistic union, autists can produce memes

What are they demanding? More bacon in school lunches?

It would actually. Around when Denmark and Greenland peaked some quick calculations would say that it counted for about 15% of the suicides. Even more so nowadays. Still seemingly relatively high numbers though.


Which cultures do you consider having soul?

lol thats alot of suicides for 56000 people... well still high rates as you say.

They really wuz though

Not being soulless automatons is a good start.

Almost everything outside of northern europe.

I was referring to the most old relevant book written in the given language
Beowulf is even older than the divine comedy, it was originally written in old english and the language went through many changes after the norman invasion
But when it comes to literary relevance I do agree with you on that

I believe you lack of culture is closely related to your mindset. That law of jante thing, I'm not sure how you write that, that stuff don't let you blossom anything relevant when it comes to collective identity. I believe you're generally too much individualistic for going further on culture aspects, but you definitely have some culture to take care of
Even if when it comes to taking care of it you generally don't give a shit about it because having culture is all about being not that individualistic as you generally are
So you do have culture, you just don't have a social mindset / structure focused on developing it on a meaningful way

Don't beat yourself up. Even though Germany and Scandinavia are not that different from each other we still have plenty of stereo-types concerning your countries. And most of them are positive (e.g. traffic safety, gender equality, nature, introverted and very polite people etc.). People here love Scandinavia and most of my friends actually want to move there (no not for welfare reasons). Being able to live in Norway or Sweden is considered luxury and a privilege here

Yeah, but you run into the problem of Beowulf being so old that it's actually kinda disconnected from modern English literary tradition. Whereas I can still kinda read The Canterbury Tales in the original Middle English, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who could read Beowulf in the original Old English.

The Norman Invasion shaped so much of modern anglo culture that anything before it is almost irrelevant in terms of influence nowadays.

After living here for half a year they probably want to go back because of the lack of culture.

>reached america long before the
Authorship != cultural value, that's a fallacy you just made there.
>founded most of the big cities in
Again, you're making a fallacy and assigning cultural value where this none.
>colonized greenland
I'm sure this was great for their economy but what does it objectively add to their culture? Is their culture imperialistic?
>most famous and widely studied old english epic poem ever written takes its place over there
Nice, they're popular. Famous != cultural value
>good architecture
Architecture can not be good or bad since it's a purely subjective art-form. You can not run architecture through an objective metric.
>wonderful landscapes and beautiful forests
They're responsible for this?
>which inspired the minds of many nobel prize winners
A culture of nobel prize winners?

>muh have no culture
>then I'll start importing ahmet because he has "culture" and he'll teach us

Ahmet's culture has introduced as much cultural value to the world as the Swedes'
>falls into irrelevance and gets replaced on the long run
Never going to happen, save for amongst the very lowest classes.
>complains about it
Yeah, put a sock in it, Swedes.


Law of Jante is highly collectivistic, Scandinavian societies in general are highly collectivistic where everyone is the same.

What you think of individualism in Scandinavia is the lack of family ties and tribalism.

>I believe you lack of culture is closely related to your mindset. That law of jante thing, I'm not sure how you write that, that stuff don't let you blossom anything relevant when it comes to collective identity.
The law of Jante is generally very misunderstood. Especially by foreigners, but also by scandinavians. It was written as a completely negative trait, and that is how it's seen too. Aksel Sandemose, the author of the novel where it originated, modeled Jante after the small town he grew up in, but he later labeled it more as general 'small town thinking', or even small organisations etc.

So the cultures you are most familiar with? Sometimes the grass is greener over the fence.

4u >influnece = culture

>It's still culture [...]
This, don't be so hard on yourself, Sven.

it still describes Scandinavian societies very well

What do you mean no culture? You have plenty of refugees

Beer and AD'S man

What is this thing with blacks, especially in the US, going on about "muh culture" ?
I always see some shit like "white people have no culture".
USA is a young country but it's made up of a shit ton of european immigrants who have a lot more culture than people with no trace of their history past the first cotton field they landed in.

Yeah, you're right on every aspect
But the more you get back in time, the more the original anglos had in common with the scandinavians
That's something that pops to mind, once a lot of danes went to britain during that age

You're missing the point of tradition. Tradition is culture. Those are not fallacies, are a sign of tradition.
If their tradition and means for exploring the places were not good enough for changing the environment, then the locals wouldn't have been colonized (in greenland)
They're not responsible for they landscape, but their landscape was responsible for a lot of aspects of their culture
If you spend more than 3 weeks there during autumn or winter, you will get it
People generally complain saying the way they behave is odd and all of that, but the geographical aspects do have a lot to do with their lives

How come Denmark, one of the happiest countries in the world have such high rates in suicide?

The dead can't tell how bad their lives are.

Yeah, but Scandinavia is a relatively homogeneous and sparsely populated place. It fits well. You really don't get the same in bigger cities. The point was that it's not uniquely scandinavian.

People act like that even in Stockholm (I live there).

It is not uniquely scandinavian that's true, but it describes our mentality very well.

They just can't get enough of that pork

itt. scandinavian people complaining about nothing.

No culture? kek wtf am i reading. Sacandinavian countries have a very rich culture from what i read on the internet.
There's nothing to be ashmed because of people living in huts before christianity happened.
Because there are no ultimate goal in evolution. You guys just need to gtfo of EU and carry on with your thing
People from sacandinanvia are very cultured and sophisticated. You guys have God tier music, god tier cinema, god tier literature. I'm not even going to mention names, you guys should know this better than me.


It's so happy cos they let s al the sad ones an hero.

>People from sacandinanvia are very cultured and sophisticated

t. someone who has never lived here. The highpoint of the average scandinavians life is getting drunk in the weekend.

good thing we found a solution to this
just import superior cultures from the middle east and africa

What is this memetastic "so self hating :(" coming from? It's not funny.

Bullying at maximum efficiency. Cutting out the middle man.

They're the Canada of Europe

You guys have Pewdiepie though

kill me

What the fuck is with all these cuckposters? Are they proxies or what? I'm half Swedish and I've never met anyone like them in my life (thank god desu)

Hanrejpostare dra till helvete

His name is al-Britani

Förmodligen kann du förklara vad är med alla dom här hanrejbrevare. Vad är fel med dom? När började dessa shitposting?

Your Swedish is atrocious.

Växte upp i utlandet men tack. Jag försöker endå, hanrej.

>I'm half Swedish

kill yourself and spare switzerland from your cuckgenes.

Why are you such a cuck? Leave Sweden now. Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

Unfortunately I am still in the shithole I was born in.

Why are disporafags always the most butthurt nationalists?