Tv can't open folder in external hard drive if the filename contains a colon

>tv can't open folder in external hard drive if the filename contains a colon

>his tv can open files

Holy shit it's like you woke up one day and said geewiz there's information the botnet doesn't have about me. I better remedy that.

It's just movies.

you'd have to buy a used TV if you want one that ain't internet connected


Can't you like not plug it in?

Sounds like a good idea. If consumerism has you brainwashed so hard that you just have to buy new then you could cut some wires and traces.

Why the fuck would a TV need an internet connection? The job of a TV is the same as that of a monitor: to display whatever its inputs feed. Why would it be anything else?


How the hell is it going to report your activities and conversations if it's a read only device?

You can - get this - connect a device capable of streaming to the monitor or TV. Groundbreaking tech.

What's the difference then? Besides, all fucking TVs now have internet connection.

it's wifi

You can control the software on one of these devices. You shouldn't be streaming anyway. You should be torrenting.

I am torrenting you fucking faggot can you not read the OP?

If they all had a forced circumcision device would you still use the same non-argument to defend them?

Why do you just passively accept whatever spying techniques are forced down your throat? Why would you buy a device with functions you don't need?

>tfw TV doesn't recognize Hangul characters

>tv doesn't recognize that the child consented

Yeah they all have wifi nowadays, and even if you don't connect it to your network, it will just connect to a neighbor's unsecured wifi for telemetry.

Even if you don't have a neighbor with unsecured wifi right now, you never know when one might pop up, and it won't take long for the TV to send out the telemetry data it has stored. Even a neighbor or you just setting up a new router or fooling around with the configuration might be enough for an unsecured network to exist for a moment long enough for that telemetry.

>this is the reality we actually live in now

If you're that assmad about it, buy an old TV

Being able to stream muh netflix and shit without an external box is pretty fucking convenient

you dont have to end every filename with desu~~ user.

Imagine being so tech illiterate you don't understand that there's more than one file system

I still have a pre-botnet TV, but it's disappointing that I'll be stuck with it until it eventually fails and then be completely screwed.

Buying something else used isn't really a viable option any more because of bedbug possibilities.

Just get a TV that isn't (((Smart))) and use a Pi / HTPC for streaming / movies / whatever

The only non-smart TVs that are still sold new are bottom-end pieces of shit, worse than my current old TV. And by the time mine fails there probably won't be any non-smart TVs left on the market at all.

Besides, who's to say they don't have wifi or cellular radios inside for telemetry even if they don't have smart features?

Got bedbugs?

I got a pre-botnet TV as well, bought a smaller one that could run off the generator during the hurricane and it's got wifi connectivity and shit. Incredibly useful.

why not just crack it open and see for yourself?

>Got bedbugs?
Maybe, haven't found any yet but some close relatives got them and we're at high risk and I'm freaking the fuck out about it. The messed up thing is that the relatives who got them are about as low-risk as it gets who barely leave the house, and never bought anything used in their lives, so that makes me even more paranoid. If they managed to get them, we're all fucked because they're starting to take over the fucking world.

A possibility, sure. It would be nice if actual smart TVs just had wifi cards that could be disconnected, but I have a feeling they just have BGA chips that are permanently attached.

at one point they had wifi dongles separately, but realistically no tv manufacturer is going to build a tv that is designed to be opened and tinkered with

Why would even make something so retarded that it can't even handle a :

Doesn't necessarily have to be designed to be opened up and tinkered with though.

I think Macs still have wifi cards inside even though they're not designed to be opened by the user, for example. Or at least they did for a while.

Maybe the same is true of some smart TVs.