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Technology #642
Most comfy PDF reader
When soylent drinkers write software
You can use only 1 compiled and 1 interpreted language for the rest of your life
/ptg/ - Public Tracker General
Went from AMD to NoVideo because mining
USA voltage and transformer issues
Why dont you just pay with your e-currency user, its so much easier
Just logged into Facebook while using Tor
/BST/ Battlestation Thread
How come allowing spaces in usernames are such a relatively recent innovation...
Sup Forums humor thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Fresh Install
Showers are technology
What the fuck Sup Forums. it happened again. another captcha from an area right where i live...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Bought this 3 day ago before all 1060's went up by a 100$ or sold out
Emergency missile alert issued by accident in Hawaii today
When is Windows 10 going to be stable? Next Windows edition, or..?
Is coffee Sup Forums drink?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Open Office or Libre Office
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Rate your laptop!
Remember when people could use old computers for web browsing? What the fuck happened?
RMS appreciation thread
Help me, Sup Forums. You're my only hope
How the fuck was this accomplished????
Site is a blank page with javascript blocked
Is the iPhone the most cringeworthy line of phones in the premium mobile industry?
Why can't Google into AI?
In this thread i will install arch
Need good C++ IDE
Sup Sup Forums
What is 4chans official torrent client pick?
Any UDEMY success stories on Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on skeuomorphism when it comes to UI design?
Console homebrew
Phone cameras
Is it a viable browser for Android?
Faces of Sup Forums thread
What irrational force is stopping you from using Free Software?
Just bought this
What would be the comfiest language?
Vpng/ VPN General - 3rd Edition
Let's talk about C++
Firefox extensions overlap/Which is best?
Is Bose a meme?
Whats a a hosting plan which requires no credit card and are free for the first month?
How do we compete?
How viable is it to use the original Nokia 3310 in 2018?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Phones which are still receiving security updates
So I upgraded to a better computer a while ago and kept these 2...
He seeds after finishing his download
Is it just me or has firefox become the new IE unless it is forked? It's quite sad. Opera, Brave...
Browser Supremacy
Who will you choose in 2018?
What's the eta on uploading our brains to cute robot bodies so we can be cute?
Sup, guys. There is a girl at the work with whom we have many common: she likes free software too...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Stickies Bread
Poorfag here
Does anyone in the entire world outside of youtube memers own one of these things? If it's just as I think...
Best password manager?
How can Gnucucks even compere?
The unix koans of master foo
Why Sup Forums doesn't support mp4? Fucking annoying to convert everything to webm
You own your things you say? tsssk
Why does Linux have a reputation of being difficult to use when mainstream distros like Ubuntu or Solus are so easy to...
Reminder that not buying Intel (R) processors is anti-semitic and an act of discrimination against the jewish race
[ROM][G9000Q/XY][2.1.2] UNOFFICIAL PooInLooOS 99.9 for Galaxy S9
Does Sup Forums like my thinkpad? What patrician Linux Distro shoudl I put in it? Currently running mint linux
An art student needed my help for developing a webpage for some project or whatever
AMD or Intel?
I am about to buy an ultrabook for $1500. Is the Macbook Pro the best I can get?
No Flags!
I want to close down every windows/google etc thing i have, but it's this tangled mess of linked accounts and programs...
Really good app gradually turns to shit because of the developers' money hunger
Powerbook thread
I know it's been meme'd to death already but literally what the fuck did this little faggot hipster toddler mean by...
Could this possibly be the female moot Sup Forums? Could she save from hiroshimoot and his botnets?
God tier phones
Anti gayming laptop BTFO
Sup Forums Humor Thread
Depressed IT Professional Thread
Does anyone elsr remeber when amdrones said "just wait" the 390 will be better than the 970 over time?
So I see you're running gnome
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
B.S. in Computer Science
Useful Proof of Works
Professor asks what .rar is
Why aren't you supporting the open sourced thinkpads in 2k18?
VLC alternative
Who do you trust?
Anyone use Fedora?
3d printers are technology
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Book thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is there a single digital 'x' to analog VGA converter in existence that can do over 1920x1080 and over 60hz...
Be me
/spg/ - Smartphone General
It's happening. The age of the thinshit is finally coming to an end. The iphone SE 2 is in the works at apple
The state of system76 users
Are there any good non-firefox/chrome based browsers?
How do you deal with hunger? I'm on 1000 cal OMAD. Just had a pound of chicken breast, 1lb of broccoli...
Remember when all the big youtubers revised their review on AMD Radeon RX Vega and made separate videos about the price...
lincucks will defend this
Game systems stolen, help!
W-what now?
For me, it's GNU nano, the best visual text editor
Sup Forums approved android apps
Do I have any excuse for owning an iPhone?
Neocities is for poor fags that don't understand servers and stuff and have no money for hosting
I don't like technology anymore
Mouse general
Whats so important about pointers?
Is this upgrade worth it?
ITT: pretend you're in silicon valley
UPDATE: Intel's Meltdown fix has bugs of its own
Neofetch/screenfetch thread
Tfw you fell for the 4tb meme
Are smart tvs a meme?
Genuine Upgrades
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
What kind of music player do Sup Forums use for phones and other devices?
Power Amps
Whats are the best browsers? I'm looking for the "vim" and "emac" equivalents
Intel creates quantum computing
AI Brain fed by Sup Forums Posts
Why the fuck is the cable so long? It's longer than a wired Xbox 360 controller's cable...
Okay, what the FUCK just happened to all my desktop icons?
You have three distros only to use for the rest of your life. Choose
Xubuntu is the superior linux distro
Thinking of getting one of these for taking notes during classes
Anyone have experience with Slackware? Thoughts, recommendations, tips...
Is there any reason to use office over this? Once you pass the learning curve it's pretty comfy to use...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Google "Microsoft Home use Program"
Tfw 120 V
What the fuck are these and why would I get one?
So I just recently replaced my high end Parasound power amp that my father gave me with a cheaper Emotiva A-300 due to...
Political correctness hits google photos on new levels
Someone explain to me what the fuck Russians and Italians have in common to be in the very top of hacking skill...
Install Arch Linux
RIP GPU Prices
Are Zippos the Thinkpads of lighters?
Yeah I run RAID 0 on my SD cards
Mechanical Keyboard Thread - /mkg/ - Peripherally Related to Keyboards
AUR, blessing, or curse?
You HAVE manually fixed Meltdown and Spectre, right Sup Forums?
Reverse Engineering
Alright which one of you is responsible for this
Pocket laptop
GNU/Linux Minimalism General
*refuses to die*
Why are you using this, user?
How likely is it for a pirated windows 10, from a trusted green skull uploader to have spyware etc...
Shite pc
Why isn't there a simple audio player like WinAMP was?
What's your age Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How did old computers handle an OS with several programs running at once with out inbuilt memory protection?
Newfag here, just checking in to ask the programmers on this board whether or not to learn python...
What will be Apple's next big innovation?
Intel and Microsoft created Meltdown/Spectre to force you to upgrade your CPU to Coffee Lake and your OS to Windows 10...
IPhone 6 takes massive performance hit after Spectre patch
/hpg/ - Headphone General - SMARTEST Edition
Sup faggots. Just got my hands on the apple iPhone 6
What is your favorite Linux music player?
What does Sup Forums think about Slackware?
This thread is about the appreciation of whorology...
Gentoo hate thread
Are you enjoying your free trial of Sup Forums Pass?
Floor protectors for your setup, yay or nay?
Tfw fell for the 144hz meme
Objectively speaking, what actually makes Linux a better operating system than Windows?
Best modern linux laptop that isnt an XPS?
How does this make u feel boi
No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'...
De-Google Yourself
Anyone tried to code something with this yet?
It's time to confess your Sup Forums sins and pay for forgiveness
How was this guy able to develop Linux and still have time to run a huge tech channel? Makes no sense
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/ptg/ - sumo squirrel general
Start torrenting a game or movie
It keeps happening
Command line jerkoff thread
Debian or Arch
Microwave ovens at 2.4 ghz
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I paid for windows
How the fuck do I install this piece of shit on Linux?
type something into google, press enter
Intel AMT Security Issue Lets Attackers Bypass BIOS and BitLocker Passwords
GNU/Linux Minimalism Thread
Remember this meme currency someone here started some years back as fun maymay?
Buy samsung s7
Fuck.... It's finally here
Will GTX 2060 outperform 1070? What about 2070 and 1080 (ti)?
2018: The year when crypto miners solved the Sup Forums problem
Who will you choose in 2018?
What does Sup Forums think of my new programming outift? :3
What video player do you use?
Name me a better all-in-one desktop PC
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's your favorite input method for smartphones?
What sticker should I use to cover up my Macbook's apple logo?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Toxic addon developers are killing Firefox
Macs are overpriced
Samsung S8 will only receive 2 years of updates
Oculus vs Vive! What would you recommend and why?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
C is the best programming language
Ham Radio Test
Intellectual property is bad
ITT: your favourite distro
The ride will NEVER end now. NEVER. EVER
Why do I have to learn this piece of shit language in every intro to CS course? Why can't brainlets handle C or Haskell?
Why has no one decompiled Windows 7?
How long untill adblockers become useless? The day it happens is the day I'm fucking done
Is this legit? Am I gunna get mined?
Front vs Rear fingerprint scanner
Why don't you use solarized, user? It's the most beautiful and balanced colorscheme out there...
So I have this old shit 2004- era desktop running XP that I have no idea what to do with...
Hey Sup Forums I want to start a website but I do not know where to begin
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General
What body type do you have Sup Forums
Are there any decent modern laptops that don't use an x86 processor?
Have you bought your programming uniform yet, Sup Forums?
Legacy Captcha no longer supported
New Sup Forums Malware Ads
What Sup Forums meme have you fallen for
Well there's this
Would you use an addon for your smartphone that adds this keyboard?
It's clear that mining isn't going anywhere so why aren't Nvidia/AMD increasing their order sizes...
Ajit Pai's FCC
How does Sup Forums stay productive?
I have everything except the Phillips Screwdriver. How can I possibly build this now?
Tfw you can multi-select tabs in Chrome
25k for a racecar chassis
I've finally come to the conclusion that C++ is a bad language
Why does your computer look so weird??? Linux? What is that? Ugh
Redpill me on learning functional programming
Cel-data, wi-fi cancer cover up
Redpill me on learning lisp
Skype is now encrypted
Its time for a chair thread. Post your chair itt and any chairs you're thinking about getting
Malware Ads
Just installed windows 10
Older versions of Windows have a larger performance impact because Windows 7 and Windows 8 have more user-kernel...
DE thread
The existence of MacOS makes Linux pointless outside of servers
Codin' Fuel
Are cryptocurrencies a scam?
Why is my grandson so angry? What happened?
Hey guys, /k/ommando here, im looking into getting into amateur radio. Is there any hams here...
Virtual Lan to Lan VPN
Is it still shit?
Universities can give away free software
Unused RAM is wasted RAM
FOSS LineageOS
What is the best linux window manager?
Cable Cutters United
OnePlus discovered YET AGAIN to be stealing customer data...
Thinking about getting a vpn
My adviser is a literal jew and he's unwilling to provide me with the computational power I need to wrap this piece of...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Will it ever be finished?
Systemd cucklets literally sit there waiting 1 min 30 every time they want to shutdown their computer
Reminder that Tor is and always has been back-doored
Why arent you using Vivaldi?
Twitter caught on tape
ASUS announce its VR headset
I3 or bsp?
For how much longer will "traditional" factory jobs exist?
Credit card went over limit
What web browser do you recomend Sup Forums?
It's over Intel is finished
Fucking wp
God, I wish my Mac would just let anyone access my files and personal info
Thoughts on this hiney?
Best of both worlds?
Is C the trap of programming languages?
What is your backup solution? Are any cloud services worth anything...
What's the least intelligent post of all time on Sup Forums...
Which color is better?
Why arent there more meme operating systems?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/neofetch/ thread
Does Sup Forums agree with this youtube intellectual that windows is superior?
So let me get this straight
Need to fuck but don't want to deal with women? order a fleshlight and look at whatever porn you want
Is watercooling a meme?
GNU/Linux minimalism Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How does wifi work through walls?
Is it possible to install Linux in Android?
*knock knock*
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why do shared hosting providers keep using this?
Easy programming language to learn?
Dark Web
More like this please
Fucking livid right now:
Does anyone use Pale Moon?
MacOS is just a distro of Linux
What phone OS version are you currently on?
Nvidia: our GPUs are immune
Have you installed open source emoji on your devices?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Equator is saving the truth
Max from LinusTechTips thread
TFW Laptops are finally getting to the point where you can actually game without weighting a ton
Text Editor Thread
Aaron Swartz died today
Web apps
Be me
BIOS programming clip
Fuck You Eset
Well, Sup Forums?
You will see the collapse of Twitter in your life time
How you feel about motherboards with a cover?
Why do normies hate this thing?
Bidets are technology
Define 'technology'
So the whole meltdown thing is a meme?
Lol user, you don't have an iPhone or Galaxy? Wtf is that thing, Motorola??? user, everyone has an iPhone...
Fuck's sake, he must have $200k worth of tech on his desk alone
Are these guys ever going to get their shit together and patch spectre and meltdown?
Sup Forumsuts thread
The golden era of tablets is already over
Why do you guys say stuff like
The Future of GNU/Linux
/ptg/ - Ultra Smart Anime General
Ads in package manager
Intlel's external/NAS DED
I have amassed enough BTC to buy and develop a cyberutopia on an uninhabited islands...
Am I the only winfag who didn't recive meltdown update? Why? Is my windows update service fucked up again...
After several years starting with XP and now Windows 10:
Companies outsoruce to these ppl
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
I recently grabbed a 4k torrent to try out on my 1440p monitor and the video is lagging a lot...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
So what if I torrent on my PC, through hotspot via my phone?
College note-taking
Build me the most powerful gaming pc you can with a budget of $2000. Go on, do it, if you think you're hard enough
Why does Sup Forums hate this?
I keep hearing over the years that studying algorithms makes you an infinitely better programmer
Seems like the i3 8100 is a true quad core and performs better than an i5 7400 and as good as an i5 6600
What's the most optimum text editor's color scheme to maximize your programming skill?
How the fuck do all these computer manufacturers get away with charging $1k and upwards on these shitty fucking thin...
Stop calling the linux operating system “Android“
Finds moisture RMA denied
Does TOR make you truly anonymous?
If you don't use Windows, you are either a faggot, autistic, a neckbeard, a computer illiterate normie or a SJW
Programming contest
Git pull
ITT: Obscure filetypes you have used for one thing or another
Tfw your only justification for using an objectively terrible operating system is games
Install qBittorrent 4.0.3
Blocks your path to the computer
C++ thread?
Tfw finally got access to gigabit internet at home
IPhone 5C Password Bypass
Waitfags BTFO
/lgt/ LaTeX General Thread
I just installed Antergos, first time I've ever really gotten into Linux. I really feel like a computer hobbyist again...
Hijacking a Facebook account:
Hi Sup Forums, what can be done to get more women into tech? Right now it's a complete sausage party...
Does anyone on Sup Forums know WTF this thing is, and if it works?
Cable Guy
Scroll wheel breaks 10 months in
Worst Korea to ban cryptocurrencies
Artist says he was given advanced technology by aliens
Intel confirmed slowdowns: 5-10%
Can my grandma use ubuntu?
You have 10 seconds to explain why haven't you built your portable linux machine yet
Pick guaranteed delivery by Wednesday on Amazon
Installed Gentoo
What does the cowsay?
Who uses Linux Mint and why?
Sup Forums Laptop
Any tip of basic hacking?
Linux as a Student
Is two monitors a huge meme...
Radio General
What the fuck are we supposed to do now?
Oh user I see you're enjoying your Touch ID on your iPhone
I want to replace pic related with something similarly lightweight
How do I start to love programming?
So why are you not using a trackball mouse user?
So Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on the predictions of the cons of technology portrayed by Black Mirror?
Hey, ambassador from reddit here. Are you paying attention, Sup Forums?
Applefags are making fun of us again
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Anyone else noticing that recently Linux has been offering better battery life on laptops than windows?
Ublock Origin pop-ups
Use integrated Intel graphics
/sqt/Stupid Questions Thread
Help me Sup Forums you're my only hope. This is my onlky computer and I can't afford another one and I'm not smart
I miss windows 7
I bought a Thinkpad P51, and it shit...
Well the bios update slow down is not a meme, thats for sure
Wake up
What version of Linux does Sup Forums use?
Why is there no Pentium 5 ?
What has been going on with Gnome lately? First the memory leak, then this...
Is the Pixio PX277 the best 27" IPS, 1440p 144Hz monitor at $400 or less?
Tell me about a time you jewed the system Sup Forums
ITT: Describe computer sounds and we guess what it is
/hpg/ - Headphone General - No edition
I love linux. It gives me so many options
What do (You) do with GPUs you don't use anymore?
30MB ram usage
When will the pixel war be over?
What an absolute clusterfuck of a format
IPhone update for Meltdown-Spectre: before/after performance benchmarks
When will the GPU shortage end?
Net Neutrality was repealed
Is this real?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Explain ricing to me
Why aren't you using internet explorer, again?
The Great Debate
I built a new pc two months ago but I got on board audio issues popping crackling etc So I bought myself a external...
How do I host my own website without paying (buying a domain)
Apple quietly joined the alliance as a founding member, according to the group's website...
So can i download anything or what? I'm on my last strike with my ISP
My job has turned from shipping computers - to hardware repair, thin client configuring and management...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Well Sup Forums, have you made the decision to dump the mouse to exclusively use the keyboard for everything?
Why would you buy a rift or vive and not a hololens?
Stop what you're doing and take a screenshot
What's Sup Forums's opinion about Telegram?
Socket 775
How to request purchase advice:
Are drone-style personal helicopters going to be a thing?
Is one 4TB hard drive big enough for an anime collection?
Why are linux users like this when they take a screenshot of something?
Vim as an C/C++ IDE
I don't have a faceberg account and I don't want to play shitty free to play microtransaction-ridden "games"...
Winshit still can't focus window on mouse over
Oasis or paperwhite?
Can you self teach yourself a better CS education than MIT niggers?
Which desktop environment do you use for Ubuntu and why?
Why are you wasting your money when the best laptop in the world doesnt even cost 200 bucks?
Phone trends of 2018
Why do techies look like this now?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
MacBook Pro
Let me guess: you "need" more
Is it worth risking bricking the motherboard to patch meltdown?
Solus just werks
/brg/ - Batoto Replacement General
Say something nice about him
/wt/ Watch Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Smartphones with physical keyboards are back!
Clover is back!
/mpv/ - what's next?
Sun goes down
Why no open source community project alternative to twitch?
Typed atleast 500 lines of code in the whole month
The internet is a botnet
Just use this de-botnet tool and windows is fine
Fucking cunts, just throw another 1gbps NIC in there and it's the perfect small PFsense box
What's wrong with Mint?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Torrent finishes downloading
Is my Computer deaf?
Fund the Linux Foundation
The Official Sup Forums Router Discussion Thread
Built a 2000$ PC
Tfw sandy bridge on windows 7
Whats the selling point of buying an AMD laptop?
Just bought this chink thermal paste for 1$
Best gaming laptop for $1500 or less?
Sup Forums humor thread
Drivers are written in c/c++
What is the best linux kernel?
I'm on nofap, can I somehow block all the nudity and sexual content from Sup Forums?
Would you accept the botnet into your life in exchange for your own hologram gf ?
Hello my friends
/ptg/ - Sumo Chipmunk General
You've done well so far user, but how about you sum all primes under 2 million now?
Spend all day programming
Older Windows will have significant performance drop compared latest Windows
Apple Privacy Feature Costing Ad Companies Millions
Speedtest thread?
Name one good reason to buy this, other than fanboyism
So, this is what happened after installing KB4056894 (on Windows 7)
How did it manage to be both comfy and extremely ugly at the same time?
Wow, thanks Google!
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Bash vs python
Whats ghe best torrent downloader for linux? Im using qt
If you see this thread on 0/1, you have reached absolute ZEN
In-screen fingerprint sensor
You want to hear a good joke?
How do I open a file with no extension? This has been sitting on my desktop since 2014
Itt we list good and bad memes we fell for in the past five years
GNU/Linux minimalism Thread
Get an SSD they said
What are the capabilities of this car?
Hello does anyone have a script or extension that will change a bunch of pictures' image md5?
Why couldn't he get Wi-Fi working?
Tech user Indigo - AMA (Broad Technology AMA)
Come home, white man
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
He actually believes 'they' will let him have a virtual waifu
Stop being NEET
Soldering Thread
First part of my build arrived
Dog dog = new dogFactory(&dog, "Puppy");
Simple question coming from a brainlet
Is opening veracrypt possible
Is there an actual browser that is really fast and reliable...
AT&T caved to political pressure to drop Huawei phones, Verizon being pressured to do the same
Why are all modern display technologies complete garbage?
I hate my life
Worth it :^)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Microsoft reveals how Spectre updates can slow your PC down
Trying to install windows 7 on ryzen
Justify Qbittorrent with this bullshit
ITT: Botnets you use
Convince a windows user to switch to linux
What does Sup Forums think about Computational Engineering?
Why aren't you using the superior german gnu/linux distribution?
The absolute state of Apple
Daily reminder that blocking ads deprives content creators of their livelihood
ITT: Confess your tech sins
You can type any arbitrary html code here
If I encrypt a file with 7zip using AES-256 would the police be able to open it up if they got a hold of it?
Is it planned obsolescence?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Portable media players
How often do you reapply thermal paste?
Apple wants to compete with samsung
How do you browse Sup Forums from your Apple iPad anons?
How the fuck did anyone ever program in assembly
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
If you see this thread on 0/1, you have reached absolute ZEN
Pirate Wangblows 10 LTSB
Where can i find a Sup Forums imageboard but without the cancer?
Speaker thread
Recently, my apartment has been harassed by some young adults of the tan persuasion...
Hey Sup Forums, brainlet here...
Your computer monitor is arguably the most important peripheral, so let's have a thread about monitors. What do you use...
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General
Holy shit this thing is FAST and it's not even the new one
What is a good non-botnet coffee maker
What the fuck is the deal with HDR?
Is the Phenom II 910e still a viable CPU on 2018 for basic tasks and entertainment?
Apple iPhone battery 'EXPLODES' in store injuring seven and sparking emergency evacuation
Sup Forums confession thread
Government spying is a reality
Where he goes? Heaven or hell?
Raspberry Pi 2B
The latest drama ~
Why didn't you switch to GNU/Linux yet?
Official Sup Forums Router discussion
All these people ditching their 1-2 year old Intel builds
XPS 1488
So my father bought a computer with a fake windows license. Need help
What are pros and cons of Deepin OS? Please elaborate
Why can't modern computers run two copies of the same game in seperate windows with seperate inputs...
He walks up to your girlfriend in the apple store and tells her she should be retroactively aborted
Image downloads
How could one man cause so much division in so many open source communities?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wt/ Watch Thread
Why are people so tech illiterate nowadays?
Screenfetch Thread
Is it safe to go back to desktop yet?
NZXT now makes motherboards
Why is it better than Apache?
Serious question: Why is my Mac with 8GB RAM faster than my equivalent Windows machine with 16GB RAM?
/hpg/ - Headphone General - Template edition
Mozilla FireFox 57 (Quantum)
How accurate is this chart?
Technology that was way ahead of it's time
Mfw trying to center something in css
Meet Intlel's new security taskforce chief
Sudo vs root: which is best Sup Forums?
Snowden Joins Outcry Against World's Biggest Biometric Database
So their whole selling point is that they dont use cookies?
Hey Sup Forums What do you think about qutebrowser?
Macs are now cheaper than Windows computers
Somewhere on a cia nigger server is a file linking all posts you ever made to your real identity
Is it bad to keep a card overclocked for its entire use? as long as temps are low it should be fine right?
Phone Acces
Bug on Intel CPU's
Malware ads and saftely of browsing Sup Forums
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Java 9
AMD Athlon 64 X2, Windows 7 after Meltdown/Spectre patch
Macbook pro 13 inch non-touchbar 2017
Redpill me on Version Control
Who here has the oldest PC/laptop as their daily driver? What is it? How old is it?
Are audiophiles fucking retarded? went over to an audiophiles house the other day and he showed off his equipment...
Amd finally accepts their anime destiny
I know this isn't Sup Forums but you had to admit, the PSP was something special back before smartphones existed
Whats a website hosting plan which doesn't require credit card and is free for the first month?
All dating applications are nonfree botnet
Should I buy Zen+ this year or wait for Zen 2?
Have had a shitcan PC for years
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Bought expensive computer speakers (79 USD)
NUCs are the future of desktop computing
This triggers Sup Forums
Where do you time to learn programming or other stuff after work, /g? I come at home at 5:20, eat...
Blacks and Hispanics more likely to use android than iPhone
It's now 2018
How badly is Intel fucked by Meltdown?
This could be you...
Be 19
*blocks your path*
With WPA3, Wi-Fi security is about to get a lot tougher
Is mini ITX a viable long term platform...
/wdg/ - Web Development General
4k TV as PC monitor
Using (((free))) software
Macs are a third as expensive to own as Windows PCs, IBM's IT guy says
What tax software do you use ? I am too stupid to do my own taxes
Compile C code with GCC
/gai/ - Sup Forums wAIfu project
All my personal files are gone becsuse of microsorts bull shit!
Reminder that not standing up for Intel during this time of hardship means you are a homophobic asshole...
Need a good laptop to program stuff and use for college. Light and long battery life...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
Every single picture of the audience of cppcon is WHITE MALES
What are some "must have" add-ons you use for Firefox?
Sup Forums's Calculators
Use gimp for 4 years
*breathes in*
For years tell my appledrone friends and family that apple is intentionally slowing down their hardware to force...
Has anyone here achieved this?
James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google
ITT : people who can enjoy Sup Forums flawlessly and without any of Hiroshimoot ads
Easy-to-fix devices
Redpill me on this laptop Sup Forums
Previous thread >>64208044
Debloating Windows 10
Video Editors
57.0.4 broke pretty much every website I use. How to roll back an update?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So, what do you think of the Planet Gemini PDA? Comes with Android but you can put Linux on it if you want
Post your latest Sup Forums related purchases here
Intel CES keynote thread
Guts thread
Google Memo Author Sues, Claiming Bias Against White Conservative Men
Thoughts on his new specs?
Google's getting sued
Are curved monitors a meme?
What makes Windows 7 better than Win10 LTSB?
The law in my country allows 14 days grace period on electronics
ITT: We pretend it's the year 2000
Is obsessing over retro tech a mental disorder?
Why aren't you using spotify?
Whis is the best way to update drivers: from Windows Update or from GeForce Experience?
Vive Pro
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
When gaming 'journalists' attempt to build a PC:
AMD Concedes Desktop Graphics to Nvidia
Wow, it was fucking nothing
Why 144Hz?
What is Sup Forums preferred way to block ads on android (in chrome and apps like youtube) ?
Cryonics: The Future of Legal Death
Which distro would you recommend that's lightweight, has huge library of compatible programs...
Work in a small company mostly doing software audits to banks and retail
NUC with RX Vega I7-8809G
Switching back
Why are appliances getting worse?
Do u use it?
Hey guys I'm employed with a major computer manufacturer and we're on a conference call now. Just a heads up...
What's wrong with OpenPEPE, besides systemd and bloat...
ITT we post the absolute best Android apps in their category
Greetings Sup Forums, I'm a friendly reddit-spacing sperg coming in peace from >>>/r9k/
Does Sup Forums agree with this? Should you lock your computer with a password your partner doesn't know?
The absolute state of google
Terry is missing
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
GNU/Linux minimalism
What is your Haxxor name Sup Forums?
What is happening to programmers/programming?
/brg/ - Batoto Replacement General
Talk about kicking them while they're down
If you had a local 3D print shop what would you print?
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Why does Sup Forums hate minimalism again?
Which one is your favorite?
The logo of Perl is not a pearl, it's some ugly camel instead
Post your internet speed test result and how much you pay
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why doesn't Sup Forums like good sound...
Why don't you have a Mac / Hackintosh?
Which one is more efficient?
Random phone in my mailbox
Car wont start
SSD's are a fucking meme. Wow you can boot in 10 seconds instead of 30! Whoop de fucking doo! MEME!
ITT: Sup Forums horror
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...