Why are people so tech illiterate nowadays?
I just spent 2 hours attempting to explain to my girlfriend how network stacks work and afterwords she just said "so it's like WiFi".
Why are people so tech illiterate nowadays?
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Why the fuck would you expect a regular person to know about network stacks, especially if it takes you 2 hours to explain it?
Normies don't understand or care how things work.
The extent of their understanding is:
>Things have names
>You operate the thing
>You get a result
The whole world is a black box with inputs and outputs.
Pull trigger gun shoots.
Push power button computer starts.
Not only did you expect a normie to understand tech, you expected a normie GIRL to understand tech. You would be lucky to get them to plug in color coded AV cables even though it's equivalent of putting the correct shape in the correct hole.
t. windows power user
Can you name one period in time when the general population were knowledgeable about technology?
>can you name one period in time when then general population were knowledgeable about any topic ?
I spent 15 minutes on the phone with my granddad trying to get him to spell my email correctly. It's literally my full [email protected], he just couldn't spell it. I don't know what the fuck is going on, it's like people just get this extreme tunnel vision when a monitor is in front of them and they turn into some sort of neanderthals. I've helped him buy shit off ebay probably 50 times now and I always explain the process to him slowly, it just doesn't sink in.
There's also this thing I call computer instinct where, even if you don't know what you're doing you can sort of do what you mean to just by trial and error. It's some sort of instinct of technology where you just know what stuff does.
I call it the tech aura. It's when the computer knows that someone competent is on the way and it becomes much more cooperative because it knows you won't mistreat it.
My granddad learned to use a computer and a phone. He even download apps and I never taught him to do that ;_;
>Why are people so tech illiterate nowadays?
Because there's no advantage in being a dweeb.
I notice you claim to have spoken to a "girl" recently. Really?
Look at yourself. You cling to stuff that makes you "special". You are totally ignorant of things that really matter: art, politics, finance, business.
No matter how you try you'll never amount to anything.
Wimmen can't into anything beyond preschool level.
I do oil painting and local level graphic design
I don't disclose how I vote but I assure you I'm very much into politics both local and federal
wouldn't have made it this far if I didn't care about finance
way too broad of a subject to speak on
>No matter how you try you'll never amount to anything
sounds like projection
unless it's preschool education
Modern mobile devices are too easy to use and the OSes are locked as fuck. No one gets truly challenged to understand anything anymore.
Sounds like OP wasted two hours.
Sorry man.
>and the OSes are locked as fuck
>t. iToy user
>The whole world is a black box with inputs and outputs.
pretty much
Android is pretty closed as well.
Takes some effort to root your phone which most people aren't willing to do.
I just order every fucking thing for my family online. They'll never learn to do it, but if they don't do it they get ripped off. It gets me some cashback and other rewards ordering for them .
The absolute state of Mactoddlers.
>things that really matter: art, politics, finance, business.
So, basically, you're saying lies are all that matter? In that case, you forgot feelings of superiority, and a false sense of intelligence.
>projecting this hard
Man, I love seeing nerds get put in their place.
>ask an apparently rhetorical question to try to start a circlejerk and stroke your fragile ego
>get a frank answer to the question
>"I don't understand those things! s-stop belittling me!"
sometimes I wish I saved reaction pics on this machine because that's goldface-worthy cringe, you're probably a redditor judging by how smart you think you are for being able to regurgitate banal trivia anyone who actually cares can learn from the first result of a Google search
at least she has the concept of wifi lol
>so it's like WiFi
She knows what ethernet is at least, right?
>"Isn't that the Wi-Fi cable that hackers use to steal our internets, user?"
>Man, I love seeing nerds get put in their place.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Kind of like how some people, don't know how to cook, change their oil, or sew a button?
You got roasted by OP for projecting on him and u reply the first guy with "projecting this hard". I pity for your parents, kid.
who the fuck doesn't know how to do those things?
are you fucking trolling me right now?
It's the ability to build abstractions. I think that's the fundamental issue. When you "teach" a tech illiterate person how to do a thing, they don't integrate that into a general mental model of how that thing works. Ie, they might know "I buy a thing online by pressing this button, then this button", but they don't really build an abstraction of "there's a results page, a product listing page, and a cart page. I navigate to a listing, add it to the cart, then checkout. There will always be a button to add to cart, and there will always be a button to checkout. They might change names, colors, or layout, but some sort of control will exist."
>Why are people so tech illiterate nowadays?
>I just spent 2 hours attempting to explain to my girlfriend how network stacks work and afterwords she just said "so it's like WiFi".
enjoy your arranged girlfriend pajeet
most people don't know how to change their oil
if you spend two hours explaining/teaching something to someone and they still don't understand, then you are simply a bad teacher.
well that's just pathetic
I've never changed my oil, but I bet I could figure it out. The only hard part in my mind is knowing where to dump the old oil.
You amuse me, user.
I'm sure this is all true.
>change oil
I've heard going to an autoshop is cheaper.
what part is hard to believe?
business / finance is something every adult should know about
and art is just ez/hobby
Simple explanation
They don't care.
It also doesn't help that the vast majority of tech dudes are horrendously bad at explaining things to people without experience. Your grandma doesn't need to know how a router works to know that the connection is slower and less reliable the further away it is.
Glad I put a smile in your mind, user :)
In the US every place that sells motor oil must also accept used motor oil. I just wait until I have a 5 gallon bucket full and take it to Walmart, they have big tanks that you dump the used motor oil into and then it goes off to be filtered and recycled into some other sort of oil.
If you're going to use synthetic and good filters then it's a little cheaper to do it yourself, not enough to make up for the extra time and effort involved though. I like changing my own oil because it gives me a good excuse to crawl under my vehicle and give the whole front end a good look-over while I'm doing it. That way I can see if I have any tie rod ends or ball joints or whatever going bad and I can replace them at my leisure instead of having one shit the bed while I'm on the road.