For me, it's GNU nano, the best visual text editor

For me, it's GNU nano, the best visual text editor.

Congrats man. Now go and use it.

Use what you want.

But it's nowhere near as good as vim. Can't do much with structured text, the best you get is some syntax highlighting and -with a parameter / setting- the ability to open multiple files.

Vim goes far, far beyond that. Worth learning if you often deal with configs or code.

>Using vim and tmux and nixos
Is the GNU side stronger?

I don't see people bring up mg often enough.

I think mg is a much better editor for tiny installs. It's very much like nano but with a standard (emacs) set of binds.

that looks neat, post your .vimrc

>not using nixos and emacs configured as a daemon in configuration.nix


mfw you can just hit i in vim to enter nano mode

>uses eta instead of nu as a logo

do me a favor
tell me how to get it to stop saving files .. if you break out of nano and it is editing something ie. you close the bash shell window

get a . file with

b0nano 2.5.3

i hate this .. it is leaving these files all over place

For me I don't get why the fuck text editors are such a highly discussed topic in the Linux community?
>muh emacs
>muh Nano
>muh Vim
Who gives a fuck, are you actually using the fucking thing or masturbating to it?

things are so much better than 'notepad'

there's more than notepad on windows (for example, vim and emacs)

Same here man, I usually combo it with Vim. Sucks it doesn't come preinstalled on the AWS instances I have to use like the old server do.

Because some suck for certain tasks.
I agree that it is sometimes irrelevant, e.g. when editing small config files, use ed for all I care, but when you want to do actual text editing, use emacs or vim.

Vim is too bloated.
Vi has bad, unchangeable defaults.
Emacs lol.
mg is just right.

it's clear that you never wrote anything besides a couple of hello world examples faggot
come back when you have worked as a dev for at least a couple of years kid
same goes for those retards talking about vim and emacs
this place is full of retarded millenials

>millennial accuses other millennials of being millennials while misspelling millennial

so what would you recommend?

>Vim is too bloated.

Jesus Christ, the absolute state of Sup Forums.

I can't say, I don't use visual text editors I only edit my text using harmonics

why's no one ever talk about notepad++ in thee threads

the correct answer is neovim, you cunts

>nano users are numales

reading comprehension, user