Book thread
Best tech book you've read lately?
Book thread
Best tech book you've read lately?
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I haven't read any tech books yet but I'm interested. Do you guys read them on ebooks or physical?
I just finished The Friendly Orange Glow by Brian Dear. It talks about the history and application of the PLATO mainframe system. If any of you haven't read it yet, i would highly recommend it.
I can post a bunch of really good programming textbooks if this thread is still up later
Mostly c and cpp
The Linux Command Line was a pretty informative read
I wish it had some practice exercises though
oh that would be nice
never felt that confident in unix, just enough knowledge to cat files and pipe commands and stuff
where did you get this picture of me???
reply if u want any of these books:
the andrei alexandrescu one is super awesome
The Old New Thing.
I'll take the lot.
The Information by James Glieck
A good pop sci book about the history of IT, starting with Boole.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Bishop.
I don't read.
I did listen to an audiobook though. This one:
Principles of model checking
GNU/Communism is cancer.
Does anyone know a nice introductory textbook on cryptography? I'm mostly interested in the cryptographic primitives there are, and what you can do with them, and not so much in the actual mathematics/implemenation of these primitives.