Has anyone here achieved this?

Has anyone here achieved this?

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>not using 2 odroid-XU4

Out of all the arm crap, why do people like those nigger pis so much? You can get more bang from your buck on almost anything else, without the broadcom cancer.

I would like to get some arm64

Not sure anymore considering the state of modern Sup Forums if you're a paid shill or genuinely sharing insight.

Raspberry Pi's are simply shit for server workloads, maybe you could convince me with a docker swarm and lightweight services but only due to the fact that you could move a single pie to a remote location while staying in the swarm.

The downsides are massive increase in surface area for hardware and software failure, far less power efficient, Far slower processing speed but most importantly IO.

Not too mention arm is vulnerable to Spectre.

big name support is more important than having a chip that costs 32 cents rather than 24
every pc can do the same shit now, hardware doesn't matter anymore

When did it matter?

idk but check this 2


>Not too mention arm is vulnerable to Spectre.

>how to be wrong 7 times the post

It just had to be rainbow colored huh

Apparently the Atom line isn't affected by the new issues Intel is experiencing.
There are Atom SBC's.

Could you please tell me which ones? I'm interested in buying one these singleboard / power saving computers and would like to know if there are options available that are cheaper / better than the raspberry pi.

>he plugged in 4 gay cables

they're popular so they have a lot of support, lots of linux distros have versions targeting the Pi platform
unless you're planning on mass-producing something, getting a cheaper board doesn't really matter that much

only atoms from from 5 years ago and older arent affected

please delete your post now

You think they stacked themselves?

cute cat

how much effort did it take to print those standoffs?


>broadcom cancer
Broadcom's GPU drivers are in the fucking mainline kernel and Mesa. If you actually want to use your GPU with anything but the exact kernel the vendor shipped it's by far the best option. It's only the firmware that's proprietary.

What are those white things used to stack those rpi?

plastic m2.5 standoffs

atom x5 isn’t affected but x3 is.

Interesting, thanks but the lack of branch prediction isn't much of a feature, branch prediction is great it just needs to be implemented in a more secure way

>But can't argue one of them

Probably a combination of price, availability, and the many online resources available.

How much could you stack in one column before the ones at the bottom broke under the weight?

>big name support is more important than having a chip that costs 32 cents rather than 24
For normies. Because if they can't copypaste then they're screwed.

A lot.

Atom x5 is affected, the Intel list is incomplete

>Rainbow coloured
Meaning has colour? Nigga what

So what does this actually do?

Doesn't get cheaper (and still usable) than Rpi 3, but check out Orange Pi.
> Better

If you want a full fledged X86/X64 PC though, then wait for AMD's 2200G/2400G. They have been announced already, 2200G is $99 with 4 cores/8 threads and onboard vega graphics. Not as cheap as singleboards (not low power, for sure) but fairly cheap and low power consuming than used i3/i5s.

>I can't understand color coding
I know it may seem popular to be homophobic but it just makes you look dumb.

you can get pi zeros for like £5 which have the same specs as a gen1 pi desu pretty good desu

The job of 1 good intel cpu most likely.

Those gay colours, besides that "Cluster" will be raped by any Ryzen.

Fucker should have bought AMD instead of being a hipster cuck

not him but how does a dislike of a rainbow colour scheme make you homophobic?

well yeah, but I also run VMs on intel machines too.

Color coding? I don't see the brown or black. It's just a fag.

>You can get more bang from your buck on almost anything else
No, you really can't

I will expand my cluster to seven at some point.

I have a first edition pi NIB, is it worth anything?


Neck yourself.



who is this semen demon?

I would say the same as assembling a gaymen computer

at a fraction of the intel cpu+mobo cost

I think he's being genuine. The odroids generally have a bit more power than their generation equivalent rpi's while having a smaller community.

Because it's a real British product for real British people. None of that shoddy foreign muck. Right lads!?


How does this work and what can you do with it?

can one of you nerds post some good docs on how to do this sort of thing

Cables have color you fat fuck

Post proof.

I've had no problems using the orangepi
However I've had countless with raspberry pi

y do numales love their wristbands so much? you can't say he actually uses those because he has fucking 40 of them around his wrist and 1 actually in his hair

would this work as a home theater pc

So what does this actually do?

you masturbate to it

Red lights... red lights everywhere.

Absolutely. If you have a Pi 3 there's a Kodi package for it.

Can someone tell me what the point of any of this is? Why would you string together a bunch of shitty not-PCs? What do you use this for?

>every pc can do the same shit now, hardware doesn't matter anymore
>implying raspies aren't the Apple of the shit-on-a-board hype train

My pi says made in the UK. Is it really made there? Doesn't everyone say that computer parts would be thousands of dollars if not made in china? Was Sup Forums right and we don't need globalism?

Through the power of openmpi.

What it means is assembled in the UK.

I, too, would like to know what a practical application for this sort of cluster would be.

>ARM is vulnerable to Meltdown/Spectre tho
What a fucking retard


Microcenter by me has 2 models of the Raspberry Pi 3. One for $30 and one for $35. One is made in the UK. One is made in China.

And yes, globalism is nonsense. Sup Forums was right. Only just this once. Don't tell them though.

they aren't sold in my country, and I don't import soc systems only to serve my little contrarian Sup Forums m8s

>spending more than $100 dollars on slow hardware with a slow network link
what a fucking faggot

So an overpriced piece of shit that only normies care about?

I didn't know you could power raspberry pis via gpio pins, thanks user.

>raspberry pis
I'm not sure you can.

Jokes on you, the boys who adjust pricing just forget that we have 2 separate pi because separate SKUs for different vendors. Although it's very clear that they need China to produce higher quantities at a slightly lower cost.

They are about the same but the Chinese ones tend to have better solder jobs. I guess doing it thousands of times a day for you're whole life gets you good at it.

>We do not believe
[citation needed]

Do they still not use USB for power? Do they still need special EMMC cards if you want to not use a flash drive instead of a vanilla SD card slot? Do they still need their high output power supply that they conveniently don't bundle with an already expensive SBC? If the answer to any of those is still yes, Odroids are still shit and should be avoided.

you post this everytime im starting to think you just do it for the (you)'s