>mfw applels gonna enjoy their 70% performance drop
Carson Morris
Shut the fuck off
Jordan Hall
Sebastian Wilson
either ifags defend geekbench or they say that geekbench doesn't show true power and android takes the top another win boys
Ayden Gray
Why would the performance drop be any better on a Microsoft os
John Anderson
still higher than most android flagship phones
Camden Davis
>iToddlers throttled TWICE
Josiah Watson
That pic is how Android flagships scored in 2012.
Oliver Martinez
The patch doesn't affect Geekbench though, because it isn't syscall intensive.
Wyatt Jones
>As Apple already stated, the iPhone iOS 11.2.2 update is of great security importance. Don’t hesitate to update. The performance change is not worth risking being hacked and bad things from happening as a result. BAD THINGS, GOYIM.
Jayden Carter
Landon James
why the peasantry cant stop obsessing over apple Sup Forums they are literally fabricating lies at this point
Isaiah Morris
Eh, Apple owners have been used to rapid performance drops after updating their devices for ages at this point, they're probably the only ones who won't even mind much.
Jose Turner
nice oy vey there
Brody Johnson
I think this is manipulation of the market. In order to get steady upgrades Intel had this in mind for over a decade. They can get lazy with the next generation and people still feel they get their money's worth because all they need to do is to just fix the CPU and there you go - free speed boost. Where is the lawsuit? Where is it? Why don't normies cry about this shit, are they so stupid that all they do is stare at their own selfies and take photos of their breakfast?
Isaac Fisher
What does Intel have to do with iOS devices? Are you that much of a drone you cannot critically think?
Julian Turner
Fake news, apple ARm cpus are not vulnerable
Wyatt Roberts
yeah they were, and they were patched before anyone else support.apple.com/en-us/HT208394 (iOS 11.2 was released back in Oct and macOS 10.13.2 was released in Dec)
Nathan Stewart
Lets see the before/after for android.
Aaron Harris
How do you know if you have received the patch on Android?
Ryder Diaz
Haha, patches on android. You're funny
Henry Hughes
Security patch level, need Jan 1st at least. So most people will either not get it or get it in 6-12mths
It's fucking nothing. There's some deviation but it's all margin of error stuff.
Camden White
Doesn't make sense, they aren't using intel products
Wyatt James
psst.. meltdown wasn't Intel only
Cameron Lewis
eh, the normal CPU that the X/X Compact use are not affected, their boost core was so most of the time you wouldn't see anything
Michael Gutierrez
So? The performance cores are used whenever performance tasks are done, so any games of highly intensive stuff. The performance cores are used in the single core benches and all cores are used in the multi core.
Nicholas Brooks
But...but...this improves the battery life right guys?
Owen Evans
Well, it affected the latest ARM core design but we have no data on it affecting Apple's designs, let alone the chip they used in the iPhone6. But then Spectre affected just about everything and mitigation against that causes some performance hit as well.
Though it is possible that they took the patch from Intel (because they probably got it from Intel) for Meltdown and applied it to their iOS/OSX shared codebase and tossed it through, resulting in iOS getting punished for Intel's cockup.
Connor Carter
>Even worse than the 30%ers
Matthew Martinez
tfw my ancient iphone 5 wasn't forced to get ios 11 and is immune to these processor flaws truly the greatest iphone
Xavier Sanchez
I bet you take selfies of your ass and masturbate to photos of your own asshole. Thats where your iphone sees most usage. Then you brag on Facebook how good your "girlfriend" was last night.
Christopher Flores
no problems on my iphone 8.
~4200 sc ~10000 mc before ~4200 sc ~10000 mc after
Aaron Williams
updated my SE yesterday and don‘t feel a difference desu
Yeah because phone benchmarking is fucking retarded to begin with (especially GookBench) and barely matters in day-to-day usage on either Android or iOS
Grayson Wilson
... wat. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? iOS devices are ARM based something Intel has no control over.
Charles Hill
Meanwhile wincucks will get hacked just by looking at a webpage like twitter or Sup Forums.
Brayden Turner
Their design has Intel patents and the kernel exploit is one of them.
Ryder Ward
>gimped by bugs >gimped by apple
iphones lol
Kevin Torres
>yfw he literally made this shit up
Carson Hernandez
Blake Barnes
>being this delusional i kinda feel sorry for you now
Justin Walker
Because they are fanboys and not genuine tech people that dont mind criticising apple because they like their product line.
Dominic Myers
>the state of iToddlers
Sebastian Bailey
>",but "
Charles Gutierrez
>using the smiley with the carat nose
Samuel Gomez
Iphone 6
Wooow you know everyone who isnt a poorfag is on the 8/X right? Thats 3 years old
Josiah Rogers
>Iphone Spotted the poorfag.
Thomas Gray
So now it throttles 40%+ immediately instead of within 5 minutes of gaymin.
Apple steals people from Intel and Imagination and copies their designs, but has no fucking clue what thermal envelopes are.
Jeremiah Wright
the fixed CPUs will be slower, Intel and Apple were cheating, that's why AMD shit was always slower than intel, because they weren't using those workarounds to make their chips faster with the price of security.
Dylan Rodriguez
source? i want to see the full video
Samuel Hall
The author of this article is misleading you. The performance hit is from Apple throttling the CPU due to battery wear, NOT Spectre / Meltdown.
Benjamin Stewart
Adrian Howard
Easton Reyes
He’s really trying his damndest to look like Jobs
Jayden Davis
Apple A6 processor on iPhone 5 already featured out-of-order execution. Even the previous A5 featured this.
They're probably vulnerable.
Austin Watson
>personal >not personnel 2/10
Brody Martin
Why does Sup Forums have to lie? Pathetic fanboys all around.
Carter King
Parker Rogers
It's funny, because the sole useful purpose geekbench has is comparing a single CPU on a single platform against itself, in different states, such as hardware throttling or software limitations like the meltdown patch.
Kevin Gutierrez
Jaxson Cooper
Whoah Apple what you smoking?
At least A11 et all are already performant
Aaron Watson
they patches spectre. that makes iPhones better than all desktops and androids.
>used to be an absolute macfag because Applel used to be good >got ass fucked with iOS 7 update on an iPhone 4 >got ass fucked with the Yosemite update on desktop and laptops >move to Android in the form of CyanogenMod >move to Lineage OS later after CM dies >move away from fagOS and find out that Linux and Windows Enterprise are better >finally take the plunge and install LuneOS on my phone Look at me! I am the hipster now.
Cameron Nelson
>Applel used to be good
Isaac Sanchez
Quads of truth
iOS 5 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard were the pinnacles of computing on Macs.
Leo Miller
iPhone X: No performance drop
Pic related.
If the stats in OP are real i am guessing it only affects the 6 and older.
Hunter Stewart
>android takes the top
Except new iPhones aren’t affected at all, and nobody has actually tested android phones yet from what I see you they could be affected
Cameron Phillips
iPad Pro: no performance drop
I am pretty sceptical of the numbers in the OP, but even if they are true then we know that the iPhone 7, 7+, 8, 8+ and X are all unaffected by this.
Charles Lewis
How will iToddlers ever recover?
Joshua Bell
Andreets BTFO.
I look forward to seeing some benchmark with any android phone that has been patched for specter.
Jason Taylor
Full of shit.
Hunter Nguyen
Stop replying to your own thread.
See: Sorry, but even if the stuff in the OP is real, iPhone 7 and onwards is unaffected.
Bear in mind the iPhone 6 is over 3 years old which meant if it was an Android it wouldn’t even receive security patches anymore, lol.
Ryder Cooper
So as expected the OP is full of shit and iOS devices won’t take any performance drops from the update.
Meanwhile, android phones over 3 years old (that would include the iPhone 6 if it was an android) won’t even receive any spectre update because android phones stop receiving updates after 3 years.
Hunter Davis
This guy is just trying to promote his website
No impact on my fully patched iPhone 6 with a new battery.
Tyler Morris
They can't.
Jeremiah Cooper
>t. that one turbo autismo britbong itoddler samefagging himself this hard We all know it's you. How many times have you gotten banned today?
Benjamin Peterson
See pic: iOS 11.2.2, no performance drop on iPhone X
Dominic Adams
Care to revise your bullshit statement?
Isaac Nguyen
Nice try iToddler, we all know your about your multiply gay fruit toys.
Dylan Myers
This guy is so sad. Same gagging in his thread, desperately posting sources like the OP even though it is clear they are not valid.
I wonder what causes his hatred of apple products. Pic related is very relevant here
Alexander Jones
>owning iToy kya
Sebastian Roberts
refute this
>iPhone 6 >iOS 11.2.2 >same score after the patch as before the patch
Jaxon Green
Eli Roberts
>-30% from battery >-39% from meltdown is apple kill?
Ethan Ross
>i feel bad for you >i don't think about you at all
>be apple >trying to figure out how to slow down users phones without taking any blame >Linus calls, says I've got some news you might like...
Nicholas Hernandez
This is next level autism. What is it about Apple products that turn otherwise functioning human beings into turbo autistmo fruit cultists?
Jace Sanchez
You have been misled by the OP.
There is no performance drop from iOS 11.2.2.
Ryder Hall
Uh... it is not a bugfix, it is a new feature! People were using the phone too much, so Apple enhanced it phones to promote a healthier lifestyle in its fanbase.