Java 9

Are you looking forward to private interface methods?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. People are just gonna hide bad code in them.

>multiple inheritance is bad don't use it
>fuck, interfaces are not good enough, let's make them more like actual classes

about time.

literally why

You can already do that in default methods. What's the difference?

You can hide more bad code.

>features are bad because some retard will use them wrong
I bet you use Go.

What is the use case for private interface methods?

It's just compiler-enforced documentation.


fuck java

>interface methods
but why

It says "please don't use this method it's an implementation detail and it might change"


Default interface methods can be useful to implement a state pattern, for example.

>using java

>inb4 hurr durr you'know if you had a job
I have a job.

Please give an example for a brainlet

Finally, AI can start taking some of these coding jobs now that the IDE is in the driver's seat.

What do you use? memescript or do you enjoy to suck ms cock?

What's the point of interfaces if they can do what classes do exactly?

Java doesn't let you inherit from multiple classes, so they added interfaces.
Now interfaces can do almost anything a class can do any way.
Bravo, Oracle.

>Now interfaces can do almost anything a class can do any way.
Those bastards.

>Work at autotrader
>Literally dozens of pajeets cranking out code
>At least 10 AbstractViewBeanBuilderFactory classes with one line of code in each.

Rahul's knowledge of Java is based on their studying for the Java certification tests. They don't have any actual practical knowledge.

State pattern, you want to have different states for a match.
You define an interface called MatchState, and you add methods like AddTeam, AddPoint, FinishMatch...
You give them a default empty implementation, so in the individual states (say, for example, Waiting, Playing, Finished) you only have to actually implement those useful for the particular state (so the class Finished would only have GetWinner).

Sounds like an invitation to build eveil hcaks and workarounds..

If you want some state in your class you should have implemented it in the first place. It's really a sign of bad design to backdoor this much functionality by interfaces..

Tunring complete templating in Java when?
To me Java8 > Java7 > Java9

>To me Java8 > Java7 > Java9
I mean lambdas are cool and all but nothing can beat try-with-resources

>Turing complete templating in Java when?
They already are.

Back when Java was created someone decided that multiple inheritance was the antichrist and should be avoided at all costs. (Funny if we consider how many langauge have multiple inheritance without problems..)
And just as many other curious design decisions with Java (checked/unchecked exceptions, anyone?) it turned out that reality is not like that. So they strong-armed workaround after workarround into the language, created design pattern after design pattern and included API after API to somehow make this huge pile of delicious clunky legacy code more digestable. Wow, after two decades someone found out anonymous classes are shit and we labda now. Congratulations! Maybe we can expect non-shitty constructors (like in C#) and actual OOP numbers (like in scala) in 2040?

It's beyond my comprehension why people still use Java in 2018. I guess it's a case of "too big to fail" here?

>checked/unchecked exceptions, anyone?
This is a good thing, fuck you lazy cunts. Document your code.

I guess. Doesnt really matter

> It's beyond my comprehension why people still use Java in 2018. I guess it's a case of "too big to fail" here?
Name a strongly typed multi-platform language that is "better" than java

JVM langs like Scala, Kotlin are a direct improvement.

How about every single language on the JVM that is not Java? (OK, let's ignore Groovy here..)

C# and F# are both way better.

And that's coming from someone who really hates Microsoft.

C# is the worst Java alternative. To Java it's a lesser version of what C++ is to C.

goddam the retards are out today. point me to a large scale software project on GH with a lot of users with that language
>protip u cant


When will Java add properties?

Properties are a misfeature.
>When you can't even trust not to throw an exception.

Yes but mono is shit, doesnt have the latest language features, not as tested as JVM

I take it you never used C# then?
The I/O, constructors, generating exe-files, async/await, better primitive data types, LINQ..

Java has nothing on C#.


How they differ from Java constructors in any way?

>hence hobbyist language
your point? no one uses those for actual development.

Agreed, but mono is shit. So what is your point.

Memescript is pretty much everywhere these days. Sepples along with C is niche. So it's either Java or .NET and they both will have to use memescript anyway, since most of the projects are web applications and you can use memescript for desktop shit nowadays.

For Scala:

Clojure is big in data analytics and networking/web stuff, examples being:

As for Kotlin, IntelliJ has rewritten some parts in Kotlin..

Honestly I don't feel like doing a contest here.
The JVM itself is written in C isn't it? So is mass = quality of the langauge?

There are many mature cross plattform languages out there today and there is reall yno good excuse for Java today except "that's what we always used" and "you get 10 developers for 10 bucks".

>features are bad because some retard will use them wrong
t. any Sup Forums programming related thread

>you can use memescript for desktop shit nowadays
No, you use memescript to render a "webapp" into a whole fucking browser without options.

I know, but there is a shitload of applications using it.

WASM will fix this.

>not using rust in 2018

Java is just shitty pre-2011 C++ wtf

I noticed that they finished and shipped java 9 32bit version just to scraped it later and say "we don't support 32bit anymore"

>still believing SJWzilla's meme language will ever be relevant

>ebin memes

Waiting rebuild Java on most modern language.

>your point? no one uses those for actual
XAML + teleric/devExpress

iis , with a 14% market share

.net core for linux

>Worked at some Toronto tech company
>Pajeet festival, nothing gets done
>Go sit near a Pajeet to see what's going on
>Pajeet litterally goes on s.o. and copies a block of code
>tfw Pajeet trial and errors the piece of by pasting it at random locations
>tfw Pajeet click all over the place in hope it would do something
And these people are paid 80K+
Also one of the reasons I quit working for them.

>using rust at any time.

>hehe guys don't actually use default methods they only added it so streams would work

Why the fuck would anyone put a method on a fucking interface. Code does NOT belong in an interface.

Oracle disagrees.

do you even dot net core

user implements Faggot

At least I get to implement suckDick(int girth) myself, rather than taking Oracle's BBC directly

what an open minded community

Is it even worth knowing Java anymore?

It's brainlet-tier easy to learn so sure.

Swift > C# > Java

Reminder you can do this in swift
enum Tree {
case node(T, Tree, Tree)
case leaf(T)

let t: Tree = .node(10, .node(5, .leaf(2), .leaf(2)))

not a fan of this but the rest is cool