Which one is your favorite?

Which one is your favorite?

Personally I love Vue for the simplicity/performance.

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React+MobX+TS(X) for enterprise scale, Vue for quick fiddles and experiments.
Angular is overengineered shit.

Have you ever used VueX? How does it compare to it.

>web development

dope presentation if anyone is interested

shut yo broke ass


Vue is simpler and easier to get going, but the React ecosystem as fucking everything.

What can you do in React that you can't do easier in Vue?

The best of all worlds.

Vue is really nice desu

Vue doesn't have two way data binding.
Literal trash.

but it does l0l

Uh no sweety it does have two way binding and it is dynamically updated too.

>he thinks he's a programmer

You faggots think that broken hierarchy system that vue uses is real two way data binding? Try passing up and down your vue hierarchy and then tell me how light and simple it is. Angular2 the whole fucking way.


I used Angular 1.x for quite some time, now Vue because we use it at work as well. So far it's great.

how is it hard? XD user PLS


It's simple and it works.

Compose class-based components that are far more friendly to static analysis than Vue's "this" magic?
I know Vue sort of supports writing components as classes and even JSX, but both just feel like secondary priorities there.

Does Preact work properly with Enzyme yet?

>now Vue because we use it at work as well. So far it's great.
Oh yes one downside. The fucking build system hell. Angular worked without. Anyways, I got it working.

No one is forcing you to use templates or the emit functions. Just stick to the basics of you can't handle it.

Why the would you even want two way binding instead of an elegant and simple piece of syntactical sugar that also conveniently defines a convention for one-way binding and update events?

Not saying it is hard, saying it is gay.
Angular2 components make so much more sense than the retarded mess that is a vue component.
Also typescript is /literally/ the future.

Because two way data binding makes fucking sense when I want a website to be nice and interactive, rather than fucking with various one way shit. When I change something to the DOM, IT SHOULD FUCKING CHANGE IN THE FUCKING VUE.

Typescript was a mistake.

Lol strongly typed javascript is a mistake. Fucking get real user, go back to your var null == undefined == '' == 0

>typescript is /literally/ the future.

Not the present?

those examples are not real world examples you are brainwashed by memes LMAO

so simple to get started with

Stop writing in caps, loudmouth.

> Using "==" in any js dev.

Seriously, with ES6 (let, const) and ===, you shouldn't have any need for "strong typed js".

Nice meme. Why the fuck should I use Es6 when I could use typescript without all that faggotry

I guess you've never had to hunt down 20+ places to change around a 20k+ LoC frontend after somebody just had to make breaking changes to the API objects in the other end?

Angular was a mistake though.

I never use "evil twins", but I still need to ensure the correct object type is passed to my functions.

>not using es8
>unironically kys

VueX seems more like Redux to me.
I don't really like writing that much boilerplate even if it has some advantages.
Vue already behaves much like React+MobX by itself.

Angular because typescript makes Javascript relavant. It's also the easiest one

I work with php files which have HALF that amount of code lol. And functions with 500 LoC.

what the fuck is wrong with all of you

Angular is the future