Google's getting sued

$100 says James Damore commits suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head - twice.

>JAMES Damore, the former Google engineer who was sacked after penning an internal memo criticising the tech giant’s “politically correct” culture and affirmative action hiring policies, has filed a class-action lawsuit against his former employer.

>“Google employees who expressed views deviating from the majority view at Google on political subjects raised in the workplace and relevant to Google’s employment policies and its business, such as ‘diversity’ hiring policies, ‘bias sensitivity’, or ‘social justice’, were/are singled out, mistreated and systematically punished and terminated from Google, in violation of their legal rights,” the lawsuit reads.

>“Google’s management goes to extreme — and illegal — lengths to encourage hiring managers to take protected categories such as race and/or gender into consideration as determinative hiring factors, to the detriment of Caucasian and male employees and potential employees at Google.”

>The suit goes on to allege that Mr Damore, Mr Gudeman and others were “ostracised, belittled, and punished for their heterodox political views, and for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being Caucasians and/or males”.

>It says that Mr Damore and others were “openly threatened and subjected to harassment and retaliation from Google” when they challenged Google’s “illegal employment practices”, with Google employees and managers “strongly [preferring] to hear the same orthodox opinions regurgitated repeatedly, producing an ideological echo chamber, a protected, distorted bubble of groupthink”.

>According to the lawsuit, after the memo went viral Mr Damore received a late-night email from Alex Hidalgo, a site reliability engineer at Google, which read, “You’re a misogynist and a terrible person. I will keep hounding you until one of us is fired. F*** you.”

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Why on earth would anyone try to sue google? They have literally all the money in the world

>You answered your own question

It's very unlikely you beat google in court with the caliber of jew they can afford

Oh, it's another one of these threads

>beat google in court
are you fucking dumb?
you dont goto court.
you get an out of court settlement.

>doing this prevents precedence from being set in the event James won
Life is suffering

> tfw only enough money for Moshe Bergenstein
> tfw not enough money for Schlomo Makowitz Greenblattsfeldstein Mega Kike Personal Shoah
Feels bad man

Good, I hope he suicides and his incel groupies follow suit

Google will probably settle to avoid discovery and drawing out a PR disaster.

>yfw feminism empowers women by making women emotionally unstable and incapable of caring for themelves
Equality, ladies and gentlemen!

Based on the use of employee blacklists and the hardcore SJW shit that leaked out of Google at the time, there's a good chance they'll just settle for an undisclosed amount to limit the damage caused by discovery.

how do we solve the vagina problem?

fuck it

t. unstable woman

>work for gov contractor
>more rigid diversity quotas than normal
>Every monday get a swath of new hires, ~10 total
>Usually 1 white male, and then a bunch of Indians and nogs
>Constant memos, posters, emails about empowering women, metoo, no sexual harassment, diversity, LGBTQaklsjd;f etc.

I just want it to end

honestly probably this
all these feminist cows just need a dicking and they will stop complaining

as crude as it sounds its actually pretty true. most of them are angry, fat slobs who don't have any love in their life. most just need a good dicking to snap out of it. not all of course, but the vast majority.

modern day "feminism" is more about gibmedat's, so it's in their interest to play up the "poor baby woman" angle to get that society sympathy. Women and children first, as usual
Fucks shit up for sane chicks that are ok with actual equality of opportunity and treatment, of course. But those are "internalized misogyny" non-allies and gender traitors, of course

are the indians or nogs any good?
Purely diversity hires or ????

politics treating the symptom instead of investigating the "problem", as usual
>The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox
>While Sweden, along with the other Nordic countries, tops the international index of gender equality, we perform abysmally in terms of female entrepreneurship and top managers.

same reason I bought ripple stock


My own personal shoah?

I work at a research institute that receives department of energy grants

The amount of diversity bullshit we have to report to them every year is mind-numbingly retarded. They withheld some of our funding this year because we didn't prove well enough that we're promoting a "inclusive" culture

75% of our researchers are Asian

>implying google choosing to settle such a high-profile case wouldn't pressure others to do the same

>75% of researchers are this ethnicity
I get that it's a generalization like white people including various European ethnicities but how is that diverse exactly? Do they get the privilege of being divvied up between gook, chink, slope, nip and zipperhead?

>how is that diverse exactly?

Barely any white people :)

Google is one of the very worst offenders in the industry, and a precedent wouldn't mean much.

I wonder what moot thinks of this

They are definitely diversity hires. But this is also a gov contractor. We don't attract the brightest.

They also actively promote women and minorities to achieve diversity in higher levels of management. This has led to me dealing with some truly incompetent managers who only got promoted because of their sex/race

they probably have a minimum for blacks and mexicans

With his views on free expression and as the creator of Sup Forums, I'm amazed he hasn't been forced out.

>woman (male)
ftfy, and I'm stable as fuck

If you haven't, read the complaint. It's insane. They are suffering from forcing social media in a workplace full of crazy SJW's and a few really talented white/Asian people. Then they packed HR full of diversity hires and it is finally going off the rails. They had groups for furries, polygamy, and all other sorts of degenerate non-work bs all over social media. If you even dared to question any of it with even with rational critical questions you are blacklisted. They have a legit case and I hope they don't settle.

>who only got promoted because of their sex/race
Dilbert Principle meets SJW

That's certainly true. At the very least they just shuffle the worst engineers between projects every 6 months. They will produce nothing of value and then get moved onto the next project. I guess vaginas and black as night skin protect you from being fired

>Page 27, Clause 127.
I hope goolag dies in a fire.

Fuck I meant Clause 123

Moot was the one who leaked the memo IIRC.



degenerates will defend this

>heterosexual monogamy

How quick we are to forget our history.

> 3 For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as “a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin” and “an expansive ornate building” presented a talk entitled “Living as a Plural Being” at an internal company event.
>sexually identifies as an expansive ornate building
You can't make this shit up, holy fuck. The attack helicopter guy was way before his time.

Where can I get a rip of this pdf that isn't from this cancerous website?

My fiancee refuses to believe people actually identity as those things. She says they're doing it to make a point at how ridiculous the culture is. I really want to believe that is true

How many thousands of years for something to be traditional? Or do we frame things before the greatest civilizations the world has ever known existed? Pseudointellectuals fuck off.

Well i mean, i like the idea of fucking a goat-girl as much as the next fur-fag, but why would they cater to sexualities? Keep that shit in the bedroom, i say!

Non-traditional monogoamy means cucking, i think.

>otherkin and furnature kin

Women were a mistake

So what do these google employees think about Google's dealings with the government, intelligence agencies, republican campaign funds, etc? Or are those just the vocal sjw's and all the people that do all the real work/know all the secrets know to keep their mouth shut?

for user
>files fm /u/ 32qqmunp

They are a vocal minority and mainly get ignored unless necessary for work reasons.

>a literal Drumpfkin alarm


It's interesting that your mother's poodle identifies as your fiance. Or, are you just projecting that identity onto the poodle?

They have a fucking silent alarm if Alex Jones was ever to enter the building.
> The state of silicon valley



>"My wife is having her boyfriend over, and I wanted to give them the house."

What do Google mean by this?

If you hire people in minority groups and with disabilities you get tax deductions and money back. They probably get more money back than they pay all of them

That doesn't even make any sense. You don't have boyfriends when you're married.


tell your sister we say hi

He actually has a solid case he got a email threat from another employee

whoops, i'm retarded and linked the small version

oooops you accidentally posted on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums! easy mistake to make—they're both full of absolute drooling retards. I am posting a goatse ITT as an experiment. If the mods delete it but leave this thread up, we know who's to blame for the state of Sup Forums!

>damage control

>For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as “a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin” and “an expansive ornate building” presented a talk entitled “Living as a Plural Being” at an internal company event.

I kek'd

Moot probally keeps his mouth shut and collects a fat paycheck

You don't understand the power of the jews google keeps on retainer

You do when you're a cunt or secretly gay

I hope he gets tens of millions of $. Fuck Google.

I can't decide if google is scarier now that we know it consists of social justice zealots.


moot was already compromised by the time all the gamergate shit happened

polyamory is different than polygamy.


The wording these people use sickens me

Luggage Lad wanted that sweet SJW puss

Is the reason Google try to target women because they can pay them less?

>honey, could I see your hand for a second? Someone on the internet doesn't believe I'm engaged


>someone on the Internet doesn't believe I'm engaged, I'll just upload that photo I sent to friends and family after I proposed

She thought it was amusing too. We encourage the others weirdness

stop fucking feeding him holy fuck


user we both know you just made your sister put on that ring really quick, now post tits or GTFO


What are the organizations that are non-compromised?

Here in Australia even the military went down this road.

CIA was on him since before he publicly came out as cuck, they have passive brainwashing techniques and have been using them for decades.

That doesn't seem an appropriate thing to come out with at work.


>implying gamergate and the fappening didn't completely make him turn 360 degrees and walk away from this trashfire

He probably actually makes money now too instead of of all the lawsuits draining his cash

None of this shit should be tolerated in a professional work environment. This is what happens when part of your job is to engage on social networking with your diversity hire SJW co-workers who are backed by antifa members in HR.

moot died, move on with your lives anons

moot's just playing the long con, right?

That's what I'd be doing

You should identify as a woman/trans