When gaming 'journalists' attempt to build a PC:
Pic unrelated.
When gaming 'journalists' attempt to build a PC:
Pic unrelated.
The absolute state of numales... I bet he would break his wrist turning a wrench.
>part two
wew it takes me like 15 minutes to assemble a PC it would generate even less article content than this post
>Trying to fit the cooler on top of the case, as the instructions told me, then freaking out because it blocked the RAM, only to be informed by Twitterers that I could in fact just mount it to the front.
>Spending at least a half hour trying to jam in the video card, only to realise that I had removed the wrong two back-panels and had misaligned it.
>Discovering that if you don’t have tiny hands, it can be very hard to screw an M2 SSD into your motherboard.
>Realising that the ASUS Prime 270K manual is truly horrendous, especially when it comes to telling you how to properly install RAM.
>Learning the true horror of every PC builder — figuring out which little pin goes with the power switch.
>Being so entranced by the work that I forgot to eat dinner or drink water for a solid five hours.
This is like a parody holy shit
> After 5 hours of building
> For the next 2 hours
How much is your time worth Sup Forums?
>twitter screencap
>kotaku link
>reddo spacing
Can you google yourself some suicide methods or want to me do that for ya?
Do it for me
Found the Twitter nigger. A twigger
After five hours??? Last machine I built was for my 5 year old. Even with his "help" it barely took 90 minutes.
Why is Sup Forums so hostile?
At least he build a PC and learned some stings.
Thanks to people like Sup Forums hating on all the new builders the self build market will probably soon collapse and then nobody can build their own PC's.
>the self build market will probably soon collapse and then nobody can build their own PC's.
Take your e-celeb video game nigger thread shit back to Sup Forums
I fully disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled a Pentium Pro machine when I was 10 in two hours. The ones without an IHS where if you put the heatsink on incorrectly it'll chip the die, and where BIOS settings were done with dip switches.
What the fug.
Is he like 10 years old?
I honestly have nothing bad to say about this journalist. Yes, building a computer is fairly simple as long as all goes well; but it's the troubleshooting that is the hard part. I don't think I would have done better the first time I built a computer, with no spare parts to test with and no experience tracking down broken components.
>tfw outdated bios is incompatible with your cpu
That's nothing.
When I was 8, I installed an 83mhz Pentium Overdrive in a Socket 3 486 motherboard.
Took me 30 minutes to figure out the right jumper combination for FSB and clock multiplier by reading the inscriptions on the motherboard itself and referring to the overdrive manual on how it doubled the FSB and certain multipliers.
My first time building a computer took me about an hour because I was not about to rush the process and brick something. I think this is just something to tack onto the "video game journalists know literally nothing about the things they review" trope. I wish I saved that gif of a cuphead reviewer compared to a bird trying to reach a treat.
I think we were all technologically retarded at some point but in the past 10 years is it literally even POSSIBLE to struggle at putting together a PC?
Lego sets are far more complicated. 500 piece puzzles are more complicated.
He couldnt figure out which way the ram goes in, dude is probably functionally retarded
I did it when I was 12 and back in that day you had to autistically set jumpers for shit to work and no one bothered to machine the inside of the cases so you could unironically cut yourself
>Being so entranced by the work that I forgot to eat dinner or drink water for a solid five hours.
onoes! how will they ever recover?
based steve
The only problem with building I have is shit like radiators that you have to somehow hold in place while screwing down the 5 mile long screws, only to find that you can only fit 1 layer of its fans and still close the case. AIOs were a mistake.
120mm AIOs are good for ITX cases
240mm AIOs are good for short cases that can't fit a D15
Tabloid journalism done full-time should be made illegal
>too lazy to do simple research
>shit talk one's hobby cause they can't be assed to learn
>"oh well, that satisfies my article quota for the day"
Jesus fucking Christ. Just how dumb do they have to be to find it this difficult? Young teenagers can manage it.
desu I'm considering just shelving my AIO when Ryzen+ arrives since they don't need that shit to keep any cooling quiet compared to Intel. Might even use the stock cooler if it's good enough.
Ever seen those toys for babies where they have to put plastic shapes into the right holes? This guy is genuinely struggling to solve exactly the same type of problem.
Just grab any $25 tower cooler with like 4 heat pipes
Ryzen + may use more power if it's OCing higher
>“I don’t want to see us descend into a nation of bloggers. I think we need editorial now more than ever.”
He was so right. America is now a nation of bloggers.
>“We all moved to reading on the Web…What we have to do is get people to start paying for this hard-earned content.”
Nu-male uses Intel cpu ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah
>you need to be technically proficient to analyze video games
Since when? It's not like you're making the things, you're seeing how the story and gameplay interact to make a satisfying experience. Along with that, technologically minded people tend to have the worst ability to make critical judgements about art. It's no coincidence that so many tech man-children are into video games, comic books, superheroes and anime
those prices are complete horseshit lmao
You don't need to be at all technically proficient to assemble a computer. It's about as difficult as a mid-range lego set.
You didn't even look at the date of the video did you
He wasn't wrong.
na, LEGO sets have more pieces
i had one of these when i was younger, and it took a lot more manual reading and time to put together than a computer
This fool writes for a blog that pretends to know what they're doing.
You mean this one?
>Realising that the ASUS Prime 270K manual is truly horrendous, especially when it comes to telling you how to properly install RAM.
>how to properly install RAM
jesus christ, what? Every time I've "installed ram" its literally just a 1 click thing. I dont even think you can do it wrong
Although he could have done worse I guess, it all worked in the end, and I do know how the hours can slip away when you're problem solving. If you dont have other random parts lying around it can be tricky to diagnose hardware issues
Building PCs is too hard; you better spend $3,000 on a custom super i3 system from Alienware.
I honestly expected him to have forgotten the standoffs
This reminds me of that Twitch stream where the fag was trying to build a PC.
It took him 12 hours, and it didnt even boot.
>I dont even think you can do it wrong
I once managed to install RAM backwards on a cheap foxconn motherboard.
No, I don't know how I managed to do it without breaking anything.
Funnily, I ran into the exact same issues the first time I built my PC too. Broke off a piece of my mobo trying to unplug a cable too (fuck whoever added internal notches to the usb3 connector). Somehow he does sound annoyingly whiny though.
The stock cooler is keeping my R7 1700 3.7GHz at under 45˚ under normal load, while staying remarkably quiet, and it looks good too. I'll probably keep it whenever I upgrade.
>the self build market will probably soon collapse
Good. More cheap parts for me.
>ITT: people fall for the trick game journalists use to generate clicks
And here I thought Sup Forums was smart.
>And here I thought Sup Forums was smart.
that wasn't very smart of you
The building in that image actually looks quite good. It's using a lot of eco-friendly techniques like covering certain surfaces with organic material (i.e., in this case grass). Building designers in the US are fucking brain dead. Every building looks the same. The best we can do in the US is putting more fucking glass all over everything. It's depressing how bad US architecture is.
the difference is maintenance costs
in 50 years, when all the concrete has cracked under that grass area holding moisture long term and water leaks from all the fucking angles, you will realise a a simple square building is easy to maintain
thank you based user
While I agree with his point, he can't just compare his 'speed build'ing with a common person. He clearly has enough experience in building pc so he can build it quickly. But, for a """normie""" who is building his FIRST pc, and as most people who build pc nowadays build a gaming pc, which depends on the spec, not exactly cheap, the person may be afraid to just go straight to assembling. He may had to look up tutorial/video several times before he does it, which explains why it would take a long time.
it still covers the basic steps of putting together a PC though
>first time build PC was when I was 14
>assembled in an hour
>then this soyboy did it in more than 5 hours
I know, but his approach is mistaken. He should have made someone who isn't technically adept, or maybe even a kid, to do it. So in the end he could say 'See? Even a kid like him could do it in xx minutes. You can do it too.' or something.
fucking kek
>Being so entranced by the work that I forgot to eat dinner or drink water for a solid five hours
Is he retarded?
My first build 7 years ago took like 4h without any kind of help
hostility is good. the mentally strong learn from it and the mentally feeble cry about it.
Are people really this stupid? Most PC components nowadays are idiot proof and can't be installed the wrong way. There are also tons of material on the internet on how to build PCs. They should be thankful that they don't need to fiddle with jumpers.
not gonna lie it took me a couple of hours when i built my first pc but that;s because the case was too small to manage the cables and the fact that forgot to plug in the psu
what the fuck even is that thing?
It looks like someone parked a capital ship 400 years ago and it grew crass
i forgot to plug in the CPU power cable, kek
>linking directly to kotaku
Finish the job your mother couldn't and end yourself
I hard a hard time installing the heatsink, I was so frustrated trying to get it secured. I also ended up cutting myself on it couple times. I also forgot to plugin the fucking fan into the CPU fan header and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't boot.
Also my fucking 1 tb hard drive came formatted with mbt so it was actually unusable until I managed to switch it to gpt
Is that a thing? It was a wd 1 tb blue
I mean MBR
I built my first PC when I was 14, and Youtube didn't even exist back then.
Adblockers are the best.
i hope more stuff like this is made so less normies invade from consoles
keeps those annoying children in their containment system
Stop being a woman
im using a 212 evo and its more than my 1700x needs
212 evo is too loud for my tastes but whatever 5 heat pipe CM thing I had before didn't have ryzen brackets so this will do until I want to spend more than $25 again
Why not? Kotaku is one of the only vidya sites actually doing any journalism. Everyone else just reposts press releases and shitty point-based reviews while pandering to the PR teams with weak interview questions. Not to mention it's fun to watch a console peasant freak out over something like this. This is really what it's like for normies. Good on him for not only taking the financial risk of something they might not like/might not work but also documenting it so they internet can laugh at him. I'm sure his PC playing co-workers that spurred this on in the first place are laughing at him, too.
Building PCs is easier than playing with Lego in the current year. You literally can't fuck it up. Prebuilts cost about the same because of this. Get the fuck off Sup Forums you retarded redditfag
Underrated post
I wonder how Sup Forums hostility has changed me over all these years
My last build stalled for an entire month as I struggled with aftermarket heat sinks. I just couldn't get it on in one go without it moving and possibly introducing air bubbles in the paste. I kept returning them and trying differe t models and waiting for everything to ship back and forth and then i finally got one on and was happy with it I noticed the fucking thing could be slid around despite being as tight as possible without being too tight. At this point I said fuck it I'll just use the easy pop on intel stock fan, but I was out of paste. So there's another 5 days wait. So yeah, my build took maybe 3 hours for every other component, and 30 days for the heat sink. Maybe I'm just ocd about placing the heatsink contact squarely on the cpu without smearing the paste, but fuck those pressure bar contraptions
Took me a few hours because I'm a poorfag and I can't afford to damage anything. My time is worth much less than the components of my PC.
Everything worked out fine though the first time I hit the power button.
reading this made me physically cringe, holy fuck.
My first PC build was an Asus CUSL2 mobo with a P3 Tualatin CPU. The combo required modding the CPU and socket to isolate/jumper certain pins. Shortly after building it I made my own water cooled setup by JB welding aluminum sheets to a stock air cooler, buying a small fountain pump from home depot, and finding a small radiator from a drinking fountain. Fuck I loved that PC. Had the cool ASUS drive bay display to go with it.
>Being so entranced by the work that I forgot to eat dinner or drink water for a solid five hours.
He didn't eat a meal between lunch and dinner...what a sacrifice
>Doing journalism
get fucked soy boy no views for your biased website
>Learning the true horror of every PC builder — figuring out which little pin goes with the power switch.
This actually is a nightmare though.
Maybe if you're retarded
Soy kills the brain cells by turning you into a woman.
Or if you're a fully grown human. You need little girly hands to fit shit into those fucking pins.
>build first PC
>reset switch plugged into on/off
>don't bother fixing it for months
>built first PC
>reset switch accidentally plugged into turbo button
>never fix it, always have to press the turbo button twice to do a reset
ITT: "My dick is way bigger than that guy's"
If you have fat meathooks for hands use a pair of pliers as a kind of step down converter from your obese hams to human hands
I'd rather have Sup Forums overrun with tech support questions from console newfags if it means cheaper components due to a larger market.
Estronaut should have bought a Switch
>let me just build this PC without having any idea of what to do
>let me just ignore the infinite amount of youtube videos telling me how to do it
>let me report on how much I fucked up, being so much of a nu-male soyboy that I think it is worth uploading my failures to the internet
That's nothing. When I was 3, I created my own supercomputer from transistors in 30 seconds.
step up, i fabricated a SoC capable of simulating the universe while in my mother's womb