Does anyone on Sup Forums know WTF this thing is, and if it works?
Does anyone on Sup Forums know WTF this thing is, and if it works?
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A LaRp ass zero energy aircraft people allege came from Tesla's hidden works.
pasta maker
It's a prototype of a beyblade designed by the nazis to win the ultimate championship and dominate the world.
It's NAZI AYYY LMAO flying saucer.
But what if it is real?
It isn't .. look into it for yourself..
It's a rabbit hole so prepare.
Some sort of aircraft I guess. Flying saucer esque designs have been attempted like the avrocar in pic related.
Time to get mind fucked.
It sounds like Ralph Ring is the dude with the know on this design, but no one has gotten this shit to work.
Because the laws of nature prevent it.
This shit is from the birth of geocities in youtube. It was a boomer obsession that actually went prime time and swindled tons of people out of money. Some guy even created a prominent company and was hosted on dateline and shit. When things weren't digital, boomers had physical ponzi scheme schemes like this. Now all the ponzis are mainly digital in nature.
> muh crypto hashes and chit
> muh digital revolution
New age. New mask. Same schemes
True, money goes in, bullshit comes out.
You think the CIA might be playing us too, using Tom Delonge as a front man?
People many times play themselves.
See what's before your eyes and don't believe in shadowy lies. Life's pretty simple in that way. If aliens exists, it means nothing until you witness irrefutable evidence yourself. Word of mouth/hearsay is always how lies and bullshit creep into the psycho-sphere. There are artisans of this. Let your own hopes and reams carry you forward not those of another man.
japs are into some fucked up fantasies
weaponized schizophrenia mixed in with some profound stupidity
But for real has anyone tried this shit and have it not work, then post a youtube video debunking it as BS?
Fuck it, I'm drinking the koolaid and debunking this shit.
but, for real, you're an idiot, because the basic premise of this stupid device is evidently defective, which you would know right away, if you had any technical expertise or scientific background beyond watching cartoons
Fuck off to /x
Tom Dong is the most obvious disinfo in years mate. how much of a normie are you?
podkletnov was replicated by many including ESA and NASA.
I think there was a thread on /sci/ a while back, it can work but is terribly inefficient. Antimatter would be needed to levitate such devices.
Also its pretty much accepted Herr Schmitz , a Nazi, got to the Moon first.
That's not how evidence works. You need to make the device and have it work
and the Italians were on Mars already (on a German rocket).
and for the autists that can't understand that, it's a satire, trying to emulate the speech of the old fascist propaganda news.
space doesnt exist you brainwashed retard.
do you seriously want another Flat Earth thread on Sup Forums ?
Go back to sleep
Nice sources you're quoting there
I'm sorry you missed out user
It's a alien spaceship blueprint found by area 51 researchers, and yes it does.
Post more frogs
Bullshit and no.