So let me get this straight

So let me get this straight.

Sup Forums uses Windows LTSB or Windows 7 to avoid the "botnet" (lol,the same fucking botnet is still there in the kernel you retards).
Sup Forums uses third-party software software made by Chinks and Russians to prevent Microsoft's telemetry (lol, the irony).
Sup Forums unironically believes disabling updates is better for a system.
Sup Forums unironically believes Windows 7 is more secure, faster and reliable than Windows 10.

This board is so fucking stupid, I wonder why if any of you shitters even have a job.

thats a weird way to spell reddit

Nobody here uses Windows, gtfo.

Anyone using windows 7 to avoid the botnet is a fucking idiot. It's an outdated piece of shit at this point, and the security updates pretty much force you to install the telemetry anyway. STOP USING 7. If you don't like that Windows is forced botnet, switch to linux.

I use LTSB fully aware that the botnet still exists, I just plan my activities accordingly. LTSB is fantastic for what it is: fast, lean, and stable. And no stupid fucking feature updates that break shit every 3 months. I can't recommend it enough.

I have a question about LTSB.

Is it true you have to download the patches manually or can you use Windows Update to get it? And do you get it with the other Windows 10 versions or do you have to wait longer for the updates to arrive?


Sup Forums uses GNU/Linux.

I don't use Windows.

Spot on lad

get wrecked m8, straw-poll from Sup Forums:

What else would we run our gyamans on? Wine, like a retard?

Literally no one on Sup Forums does any of those things.
Fuck off back to where you belong.


You can *fully* disable the telemetry in LTSB, it's been tested for outbound connections in a VM.
LTSB has auto security updates like other editions

I guess there are some smart people left on Sup Forums after all.

I don't delude myself into thinking that using LTSB gets rid of all of the botnet shit, I just never use Microsoft Edge, the Microsoft Store, Cortana, etc. I like getting better performance on my laptop not having all that garbage running in the background that I never use anyway.

>i pretend i don't like games because i hate Sup Forums

Install gentoo

I haven't played vidya in years.

install gentoo

Wishful thinking


Sup Forums is very retarded, OP.

Although, Win 10 is not all good, windows has done some pretty fucking annoying shit, but Win 7 is not better at all.