>typed atleast 500 lines of code in the whole month
>get payed 6k usd
i feel something wrong, i feel like developers are huge scammers. we should have same wages as mcdonald cucks
Typed atleast 500 lines of code in the whole month
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A lot more jobs than you'd realize are that way.
I'm head engineer at a manufacturing facility and I actually work maybe 1-2 hours a day while receiving praise from the company owners.
The amount of lines of code doesn't say shit about the quality of your work. Sure, if you wrote 500 lines of shit code you don't "deserve" 6k usd, but if you wrote 500 lines of quality code you probably do. Also this . People generally browser facebook etc on work all day instead of actually working. You're not the only one.
give me a list of all jobs were you work the least and get paid >50k a year
How do people actually work 8 hours a day? Why is this the norm?
I slack a lot too. I'm supposed to work 5 hours a day, but God can come down to earth if I do more than 1 or 2 hours worth.
I don't even have a job, lmao. But if you are uncomfortable getting paid that much, why don't you talk to someone from management?
Don't worry intern, you probably won't get a return offer after.
They've still able to make money off of your labor so there's nothing wrong here
t. capitalist
>work at mcdonalds
>constantly bust my ass for 9 hrs a day
>constantly working the register, serving customers, organizing stock and keeping up the teams morale so they don't start spitting in your food
>get shit on and yelled at by my boss
>get abused and assaulted by drunk customers
>get home exhausted
>can't sleep because of huge internal void
Well thanks for the McChickens
consider a comfy tech job friendo
for some reason the easiest jobs pay the most and the hardest pay almost nothing.
I also have this feeling. I don't get economics.
Well it's a known study by someone I can't care to remember that many jobs handle dead hours incorrectly. While decreasing productivity because a worker who's motivated by a job well done and fast to organize their times as they wish is prone to more successful life than someone who's enslaved by lots of unrewarded tasks and unnecessary dead hours at a stalling job.
sometimes, getting paid less makes you recieve more.
those 500 godly lines probably make the company alot more they you cost.
It's a total amount of hours paid for the week. If within that amount of time your worker doesn't fulfill his role effectively you're allowed to consider hiring a better employee. It's a voluntary slave contract since many jobs don't even require four hours to complete. But this comes with the territory of having a job with either lots of tasks to complete throughout the day or just a couple distributed as the employee sees possible
>make the thing that keeps the company afloat for a very low price, no overhead
>"well i mean, i like getting payed for my hard work and all, but could i get payed less please?"
this is why code autists are getting shafted in compensation and treatment compared to their economic output
t. michaelochurch
>Literally go into a zen programming state in which time seems to pass at 10x the speed for 8 hours a day
>Get paid for it
Comfy job.
But it's pretty fucking shit when I don't have a full list of things to do and I end up sitting around reading documentation waiting for the clock.
>boo hoo my work passes seamlessly
>but sometimes instead I have free time and can better myself
god dammit
what did he mean by this post?
>ITT: incels and pajeets (perhaps both at once) scream autistically at programmers that get payed better than them. Makes me think of the typical functional programmer.
Sometimes I write negative lines of code. Lines written is not a valuable metric.
You're paid for your expertise and knowledge in maintaining the software and the paycheck is an excuse to keep you there.
What fucking code how long does it take to learn? I'm sick of being a wagie. Reeeeeee
Dunno bro, I deliver pizza and I made $4210 in December. Who's the bigger scammer?
From my experiences, people pay for things they need, but can't provide for themselves; especially if it's something that seems anywhere near complex. People just don't know how/don't learn how to do that stuff. They just don't understand you.
500 lines can be worth quite some money.
There are months where I write 20.
Delivering pizza is a demeaning and dangerous job. You deserve your $4210.
It honestly is. In 3 years I've had 2 car accidents from women without drivers licenses crashing into me.
God damnit nigger tell what code the goyim will pay me to write
You could buy nice shitbox with one month's wages
Depends on what the code is really. 500 lines can change everything in the right case. Some codebases are only a couple thousand lines, but they do very powerful things.
I feel i earn what my work is worth and I'm on good terms with my managers and colleagues. What's there to complain about?
Insecure young programmer, never feel wrong about get pay for your work which had spend learn and polish ,time you spend on workplace never gets back,just enough and gets better, people pay you because trust you deliver software don't for amount code lines.
Be proud be better
Pizza hut user here. Where the fuck are you delivering? Also, here is something to piss you off.
>be me
>delivered for 2 years
>gud money
>car shit
>superbowl sunday
>people buying $80 worth of shit and more
> did 30 trips
>45 houses
> only made $39.86 in tips that night
>all of fucking southside des moines that i deliver to from i 235 down south to farmlands
>barely made enough for minimum budget.
>mfw 6 years of uni, 3 years of specialization, regular 48h shifts i literally sleep in the fucking ambulance and nowhere near 6k usd.
What code is it? Or do I need to learn all codes?
>i feel something wrong
You shouldn't.
> i feel like developers are huge scammers.
Yes, we are. between stackoverflow and IDEs that literally write code for you, it's common to have whole days with nothing to do.
Currently working on vidya games when I have nothing to do.
> single handedly rewrote my company's flagship application
> it's way better than our competitors and brings in millions for the company
> mfw there were 3 guys team sustaining the legacy version and they all got fired
im probably the lowest paid developer in the company, but it feels good to put cumskins out of work
I started there for a language I didnt know, but was able to demonstrate I was able to learn things without being spoonfed training. I ended up managing half of the team's project and was personally thanked by my boss and their boss for sticking through it despite a lot of nervewracking corporate bullshit.
Got moved to a new team for a larger project and it's the same deal: I dont know the language or their project or how they use anything. Just need to be ready for anything and be ready for unexpected problems that can be nervewracking sometimes. Prove that in an interview and you've got a shot at the job.
That's why I keep doing it. It's more about the potential lifelong injuries I'm worried about if those women ever ram me with their ram 3500
Get a fuck off sized ute.
Western Canada. First 2 deliveries I took yesterday were $262 and $115. First guy told me to make it $300 and the second person gave 10%, so effectively the first 15min of work I made $50.
Maybe i should take my uncle's offer to move to washington. Min wage is 15/hr and stoners tip a fuckton sometimes. And there are alot of stoners.
Usually I have about 60% tips 40% paid from pizzahut, last year I made about $42000. About $4800 of that went into gas and another $600 into tires, brakes, oil etc.
Any given night I get about $60-100 in tips.
what does it take to become a pizza delivery guy?
Bachelors degree in STEM field (Masters preferred) and 6-8 years experience minimum, at least 5 managerial references
I get paid 20k a month at Snapchat and write an average of 1000 lines of Java a month. This is including all the boilerplate, comments, and testing.
Snapchat devs aren't soyboys. They're dudebro fratkids.
Ez Pz, where do i start?
>boss makes millions off of your solo work
>pays you like 1% of that
Good goyim!
My ex colleague once pumped out 600+ lines of heavy Perl in a day. All unit tested good, too.