Need good C++ IDE.
Bonus points for being Free as in Freedom and not being a huge memory hog.
Need good C++ IDE
> VSCode
Not an IDE
>the year 2018
>running a pentium
4coder + something for debug
Either or QtDevelop.
eclipse unironically
there's no better than this.
>not bloat and being free as in freedumb
That's quite a stretch but on the other hand a lot of editors use more RAM these days.
performance has improved a lot with the newer versions and it's open source
Spacemacs, very comfy with cmake
Spacemacs actually has an absurd amount of functionality for something that idles at ~300MB RAM usage.
t. pajeet
That's neat to hear.
It's EPL though. Open Source doesn't make it Free as in Freedumbs and not having a patent retaliation clause makes it somewhat moot.
>something that idles at ~300MB RAM
OP - What are you developing? If you are still learning then use a text editor like VSCode or Notepad++ and command line tools like make, gdb, valgrind, etc. You'll ease into an IDE much easier later on.
It's an enormous config set for Emacs. You should try it sometime.
i'm not even pajeet dude. lol
>an enormous config set
>memory hog
pick both
I use Codeblocks and if codeblocks fucks then Visualstudio 2015 enterprise
Why do you need a C++ IDE? It's 2018, you should be using Rust for your projects.
I want to maek vidyas
>black person
>beating you in an argument
nice meme
IDE not editor
literally why is this a question
Second QtCreator
make rust video games
Advanced C++ IDEs qtcreator or eclipse c++ vim for anything else