Will Spectre and Meltdown be potential for jailbreaking modern consoles?
Is there anything beneficial they could be used for to gain access to the system?
Console homebrew
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Read the memory? Oh wait they use AMD CPUs
Wheren't PowerPC affected too? I.e. Xbox 360 softmod.
I've heard a couple people say that it could be used to break DRM.
Read >Modern consoles
Aren't AMD CPUs still affected by Spectre by a degree? I heard they are only safe from Meltdown.
The Xbox 360 E came out three years ago and it does not have any softmod. Perfectly viable contestant for the topic.
OP here. Under modern I mean anything that's still supported.
Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, etc.
Wii U and PS3 already have exploits softmods. Xbox 360 only has them for early firmware and modchips, none for the newest revision.
Till today AMD CPUs are still largely only 'theoretically' affected; there is no exploit that worked except a very specific use case with a function that is off by default enabled. As for PPC, I am not so sure.
Spectre only affects processors with out-of-order execution, right? PS3's unaffected then.
Lucky that PS3's already got two new exploits recently, so that's pretty much a non issue
>Aren't AMD CPUs still affected by Spectre by a degree? I heard they are only safe from Meltdown.
Theoretically affected, but those 3 vulnerability types haven't been demonstrated on an AMD chip yet. And only 1 type is actually exploitable but again, very trivial to exploit and/or patch. It's just regular Intel PR push suggesting that it cucks everyone, ARM and AMD are relatively extremely safe.
Modern consoles are boring, I want to go back to the good old days of homebrew. Where the fuckups were lulzworthy like Trucha.
Ishin subtitle mod when?
Do superslims finally have CFW?
xbone and ps4 are amd based
xbox 360 is power based
you're clueless
You can still exploit Spectre on AMD based systems if you have local access to the machine. So it might be possible.
Nobody is stopping you.
Soon(tm). They're working on a hard drive read/writer.
All Fats and half of the Slims now have a web exploit.
Rest of the Slims and Super Slims are getting worked on right now with a new exploit. It already works, it's just not public yet.
Didn't we already establish that a while ago?
Pretty ironic to call out clueless if you're literary the dummy.
You need a little bit more than that, boy. You can use it on android phones only if they are unlocked and rooted. For PCs, booting into bios and shit. Even then, specter is hard to pull off on AMD. Even then, if you can some memory out of it, do you know what to do with it?
Consoles are very locked down. I don't think they would be vulnerable to specter at all.
The holy grail at this point would be emulation of ps3, for them exclusives.
The whole chaos about Spectre was running it from a web browser.
Sure, thanks the the fact that they are AMD it's harder.
Both PS3 and Xbox360 would be nice, Wii U emulation is already solid.
It shouldn't be surprising. The Wii U CPU is still using more or less the same microarchitecture as the Gamecube.
Personally I don't really care, I like the convenience of just picking up a controller and playing on your TV more than emulation. Specially on downloaded or pirated games where you don't even have to put in a disc and just pick it and play. Even when it's shitty 30 FPS frame rate, resolution and mediocre graphics.
Sure in terms of making the games more available and future proof, emulation is a must.
Yup. It's pretty much a G3 that's slightly beefed up. I mean, the whole console at its peak only takes 40W of power.
They had a pretty good groundwork to start developing the emulator on, it's going to be much harder with the PS3 and Xbox360, even when recently the development has picked up speed.
No you never had sex?
No you don't have an education?
No you like traps?
No you're a dumbass?
No what!?!1
Is the nintendo switch affected by this?
>it affects AMD
>it does not affect our console with AMD
As XBO runs basically Windows and Microsoft had no idea about it and only released the patch for Windows recently, I'm pretty positive that they only fixed it now with an update and it's a plausible problem for older versions.
They are full of shit as always.
AMD is not affected by spectre no matter how much Intelfags are trying to imply that it is.
XBO runs on a VM with Xbox Kernel & a special version of Windows 10 for XBO to runs the APPs
VM = Hyper V
So probably the same for PS4 which is AMD as well and a closed system.
But Spectre affects VMs too, specially Hyper V.
AMD CPUs aren't affected by meltdown. Spectre can affect AMD CPUs but it requires physical access to the machine and if you got physical access then you can use so many other better exploits.
But you have physical access to PS4s and Xbones
You are a special kind of stupid
Not him, but he's semi right, it's affected but not to the same extent.
> "AMD is not affected by Spectre"
> "it's affected"
> "he's semi right"
no, he's just wrong
But rather than Intelfags implying, it's AMD's official web page directly and clearly stating that they are vulnerable.
>three years ago
It came out in 2013.
Yes, 2013. Somehow I was thinking it was still 2016.
>it's affected
Then he's objectively wrong
What the fuck is up with the anons here?
Arguing about if AMD is affected or not.
Someone post actual credible source for claims that it's affected/ not affected, so we can stop with this shit.
has anyone done a working exploit though like we have with intel cpus?
>Spectre) is applicable to AMD processors.
>Spectre) is applicable to AMD processors.
>Meltdown) is not applicable to AMD processors.
So it's true, AMD is only affected to an extent. It's not fully affected and it's not fully safe.
>Didn't we already establish that a while ago?
Clearly not, as op felt the need to make a thread about it.
It is my understanding you need to run malicious software on the computer in order to take advantage of Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities.
Spectre Variant 1 will be great because you'll be able to have access to unencrypted memory.
Finally, we'll be able to read keys.
>Finally, we'll be able to read keys.
exactly what I was thinking
>It's pretty much a G3 that's slightly beefed up
The PPE is based on POWER4, that'd make it more closely related to a G5 than a G3
Correct. The one more related to G3 was GC and Wii.
if a major system update is pushed out within the next couple weeks I'm willing to bet it will have these patches applied
Didn't they already?