>Macs are overpriced
>ok, show me a similarly priced computer with similar specs. Remember the 5k iMac starts at 1.6k, has a 5k display, a fusion drive, outstanding build quality and an i5 processor
When will this meme end?
>Macs are overpriced
>ok, show me a similarly priced computer with similar specs. Remember the 5k iMac starts at 1.6k, has a 5k display, a fusion drive, outstanding build quality and an i5 processor
When will this meme end?
>5k display
>fusion drive
a WHAT!?!?? Kids these days, lol X D
>outstanding build quality
Metal case and painted PCBs is quality now.
You won't find a PC with similar specs and things because half of it is meme-tier. This Mac appeals to nobody other then man children. This is a gaming laptop-tier device.
80% more pixels than 4k.
>Fusion drive
A combination of a good SSD and a HDD.
>80% more pixels than 4k.
4K is already a meme at working distance. This is just a spec race that won't contribute to the useability at all.
>A combination of a good SSD and a HDD.
So that's just a hybrid and they combine the down sides of HDDs with the downside of SSDs. Hybrids are nowhere near the performance levels of SSDs. It's really remarkable Apple cut these corners to shave a bit from the production costs.
>all this constant forced wireless shit
no wonder jobs got cancer
Just by building yourself your computer, you can get a better config for less, with a shiny curved 4k screen
>80% more pixels than 4k.
More pixel doesn't mean better screen quality
>A combination of a good SSD and a HDD.
It's called a SSHD.
Exactly, it's a meme.
>thinks 5k is a meme
>prefers curved 4k screen
the absolute state of this Sup Forumsay board.
>all this constant forced wireless shit
I assume it has ethernet?
>Preaches 5k
>Implies homosexuality of others
wewest of lads.
5K is literally fashion. No real use case that requires 5K, fa.m
>4K is already a meme at working distance
Funny, phones have much higher PPI than computers and andreets always tell me how important the slightly higher resolution in Samsung phones are... yet here the 5k resolution having twice the pixel density is irrelevant.
Wireless is superior.
>Wireless is superior.
if you want to lower your testosterone levels and get cancer, yes then it is superior
Remember to report advertisement threads
A superior 5K Dell screen is 1k, but only retards would get that right now when 4K is way cheaper.
You can easily build the rest for the $600 and it'll run circles around that mac.
You anti apple retards are completely full of shit. 5k is twice the pixel density of 4K, it is vastly superior. In a few years you’ll be preaching the greatness of 8k despite now saying 5k is unnecessary.
>superior 5k dell screen.
Discontinued. Not in production anymore.
Do you not have a phone or wifi in your house?
The whole apple hate thing revolves around this
>apple is overpriced garbage with shit specs!
>"but the specs are actually good"
>yeah but WHO needs that much good specs?
Why not just use a CRT monitor? It's way cheaper than 5K or 4K and you can use the left over money to build a super rig.
Nobody who knows what that 5K stands for other then it being higher then 4K is interested in it. It might be superior because it's "higher" but that doesn't mean it's not meme-tier. Replace that 5K display with a 4K display and no user will notice.
Lol just get a decent 8k monitor
i have a phone but i dont use it more than i need to, no i dont use wifi
>Funny, phones have much higher PPI than computers
This is indeed completely retarded. I would be happy with 720 or 1080 vertical pixels in a phone. But don't forget that phone is easily 3 times closer to you face than a PC display, so angular resolution should be 3 times higher as well.
If you live anywhere close to civilization you are constantly being bathed in wireless signals. Might as well give it up lad.
>good specs?
High specs aren't exactly good specs. An unnecessary high res screen will eat your (V)RAM and CPU cycles. That 80% extra pixels decimate any performance advantage.
We need a fair comparison here. Same specs, same things. It doesn't matter if you think you don't need something, that is not a counter argument to "this is overpriced". The argument against it is to show something similar for less, so go on and find a similar build, even if you think it's shit, monitor of a similar quality included, for a lower price.
If you just want to argue that you don't need half those things, that's just saying "hey I don't consider that my money is worth spending on that particular bunch of things", that is all.
Check Dell Precision, Lenovo ThinkStation, HP Z series workstations. Also you can check "what is DreamColor/PowerColor Displa" or "professional Displays from Eizo and NEC" fucking human garbage iFaggot. KYS
sitting close to a receiver is 10x as bad as sitting within range of a transmitter
>When will this meme end?
One thing that will never ever change on Sup Forums is the amount of poorfag apple salt. It's hilarious
>you have to be poor to shit on apple products
good post
Hi there shill
You had better arguments in your earlier threads. I could almost agree with you desu.
Though in reality applel wants you to pay for the shit you don't need so it's still a bad deal.
>the daily Apple shill threads always talk about the screen since they have nothing else to go with
>a part that different brand users might already own since it's not integrated and it also means it's upgradeable at any point
Well I'll see you all in tomorrow's shill thread. We'll be talking about the screen then as well, I can already tell.
>When will this meme end?
Daily irony dosage received.
The cheapest one has a Vega 64, an 8-core zeon W, and ECC memory. I don't understand why you would exaggerate these things so much, there is a good case to be made for the iMac being too expensive but it makes you look retarded when you can't even make a simple argument without lying.
Guess why
That tends to be the case
I was an apple hater too until I started using macs. There is simply no contest between the quality of macs and the shittyness of windows or linux
I think he meant you have to be poor to shill for apple
It's sad to see how Sup Forums has changed over the years. Why are so few people interested in giving reasonable arguments anymore?
I'm far from an Apple fan, but i do own a 5k iMac. The main reason i bought it is because i did not want to risk using hackintosh as an iOS developer. I write software for major companies, i can't afford to have my developer account suspended for even a single day. FYI, i spend only a fraction of my time developing iOS apps.
I know it's a weak argument but as a software developer, the price of an iMac is very small compared to your income. A good developer easily charges 120+ euro's an hour. It's worth buying an iMac if only it saves the hassle of setting up a hackintosh system and taking the risk of having Apple fuck you over for using the OS on non-apple hardware.
The advantages of 5k over 4k are pretty much none existent, in my opinion. Maybe it would make more sense if the monitors were bigger than 27 inch...
The quality of the display is absolutely superb though. I love the very high maximum brightness level. I'd rather have a 4k at 16:10 than this 5k at 16:9.
The hardware is clearly overpriced, although i can see how buying a 5k monitor seperately would cost a fortune.
Literally all components inside a Mac are heavily overpriced. I don't see how anyone could say otherwise... It's just a fact.
I can't recommend an iMac to anyone outside of my own, very specific use case. The operating system is very easy to use, though. So i suppose i'll give this iMac to my mother a few years from now.
>That tends to be the case
At least not in my case, I started out with apple products and dropped them later in life.
Delicious pasta senpai
wait what? i just fucking typed this...
Should be take advice from someone who thinks a PC, operating system and a kernel are the same thing?
Nobody earning 120+ euro's an hour and worrying so much about spending time on setting up a system would bother with posting that here.
>that is all
suddenly reading your post in the overseer's voice from fallout 3
Is it because Dell hates money?
>5k display, a fusion drive, outstanding build quality and an i5 processor
iNiggers falling for buzzwords as usual
When macfags stop being retarded, so never.
>a fusion drive
dumbest shit ever.
I'm on my afternoon break.
120 an hour is VERY normal here in Belgium...
I started my career at 75 euro's an hour, which was way too low.
My wife is a self employed nurse and she makes 80 euros an hour.
I had no opinion on Macs before I bought one myself, used but not much, there was no signs of wear and it was just the previous model when the new generation was released, so not that old. A white Macbook (many years ago). It physically broke in several ways just for carrying it in my backbag to school. It was designed so the screen bumpers hit the palm rest so close to the edge that it breaks a part off the palmrest. It stopped recognizing that the lid is closed so it didn't go to sleep after closing the lid. Sometimes it woke from sleep in my bag where it had no room to cool down so it was hot when I took it out. The charger cable turned black and smelled like burning plastic and it bloated the battery. The Wifi signal was crazy bad, much worse than my old Acer. I only had experience on Apple from iPods before which I liked except I hated how they couldn't drag&drop like other brands. I contacted my local Apple repair dealer about the battery and they said it won't be covered, that's "just how they are designed to do when they get old". That whole device should have never left the production line. I later learned that in Apple products there's always at least some defect because they cut corners and it always gets in the news. They don't recall bad products, they just fix it in the next generation. I didn't buy the next generation and I won't. I moved on to Thinkpads which have lasted a lot longer and I don't buy their phones either when other brands exist.
I don't know about the white macbooks, but the aluminum macbooks are the GOAT and define the mac era today
I can see its usefulness for editing 4K video, but for anything else I'd rather have multiple 4K monitors.
2/10 made me reply.
another user here
in my opinion it IS fucking stupid to put anything more than 1080p in a smartphone
just look at the S7 and S8, they have a 2k display and THEY SHIP DOWNSCALED TO FHD BY DEFAULT
just why...
enjoy your manboobs
the average belgian gross hourly is around 30€ laddie.
You might be getting 120 as a developer in a really nice job, but it's not "VERY normal"
A fucking TRUCK DRIVER costs 65 euro's an hour to the employer in the poorest regions of this country. This is the highest taxed nation on planet earth. When you're self employed, you HAVE to charge 100+ to make a decent living in a major European city.
Well, either the Belgian grey economy represents a very large portion of the actual one, you live 300m from the comission and think that's representative of the entire country, or you're full of bullshit.
Whatever, gotta go enjoy the weekend....
>Wireless is superior.
Thread should have stopped here. If there was any doubt you're posting in a troll thread this should have cleared that up.
>fusion drive
God I hate applefags so much.
wtf is wrong with you people?
65 an hour is a dead normal rate for a simple truck driver. That's what the employer pays. Someone with a net income of 1500 euro's costs the employer like 7k. Any business here worries about the cost of employment. The cost of their equipment is peanuts. If you lose several days of work because Apple suspends your developer account for using hackintosh, your damages are a lot higher than the cost of an actual iMac.
The cheapest plumber here charges at least 60 an hour, and that's excluding VAT.
This phenomenon exists all over the world in any major city. Even in places with low tax rates.
Do truck drivers make average pay, above average pay, or below average pay?
>buying Intel products
Mouthbreathers genuinely believe this
But iMac throttles.
>fusion drive
With that money I can assemble PC with 90% better specs and only SSD drive with same capacity.
When has that been against the rules?
Half the threads on Sup Forums are ads for different things.
The iMac is overpriced because apple only makes meme desktops. It's has very niche features (all-in-one, 5K instead of 4K, fusion drive) which many consumers wouldn't prefer over a cheaper, traditional desktop computer running mac OS, but they are forced to buy it, because they literally have no other option. If you're in the >10% of people who actually want an iMac, then it's not a ripoff, but if you just want a desktop running mac OS, then it is.
As much as I like Linux and Windows, Mac does have a solid OS. Name another OS that you can text from without any additional apps. Or, be able to edit videos out of the box. It's the small shit like that that I miss.
Do I need those little conveniences? No, no one does. But that doesn't make them any less pleasant to have.
>reporting a thread will make the mac boogie man go away
Fuck off faggot
the 2011 iphone 4S is like a 60s james bond device
you wont do heavy apps on it well or at all but if your objective is microphone quality and wifi stability you're golden
i just bought another one for backup
my main one is on call 23/7
and i get this stellar quality and sturdiness for about 100€ which is the price of an entry level model of any shitty android brand
so yeah
i used to have an imac when they were those weird colored CRT bubbles, i loved mac os and the hardware didn't cause me issues (but no games, that sucked)
i'd be very wary of apple nowadays now, as they're clearly left the farm for big brother territory a long while ago
as for smartphones, they seem to have lost the leadership position after jobs died; instead of leading the market in design and quality of prestigious components like screen, they're copying samsung and others' ddesigns and don't have the best screens anymore
i might get a 5S or an SE in the future, but i dont need them as my moto G does all tablet jobs well
i bought the two models above second hand for my daughters though
i want reliablity and quality
there is undeniable superior quality floating around the apple brand, whether it's always there or not is the point of disagreement
i strive to buy from 100% apple certified refurbishers, it's worth the up price
so even for "poorfags" apple can be a great deal if you know what to buy from whom
also remember they do these amazing 12 months zero percent interest loans when buying their new stuff at the apple store
i'd be very wary of buying an apple computer though, we all know the shitty deals that come with them
but denying the upsides of the brand is just ignorant
it's just marketing
>have the best screen (on paper)
>innovative design
>keep your market share
now that apple phones have strayed from this model i'm expecting them to fail
i wonder what the apple X and 8 sales look like
say what?
france here
i had no clue belgium was like switzerland wages wise
marketing marketing marketing
jobs was a marketer, woz was the engineering genius
i know you prolly know that
Take your faggy little ass back to L.eddit
you know plumbers are the most expensive tradesmen, right?
over here in france it's more or less the same price for their hour rate, but people are happy if they do actually get "minimum wages" entry level jobs which is i dunno, less than 15€ an hour
are you op?
methinks op has been btfoed on
to quote:
Hi there shill
You had better arguments in your earlier threads. I could almost agree with you desu.
Though in reality applel wants you to pay for the shit you don't need so it's still a bad deal.
Fuck off Applel apologist
The Fusion drive is shit. The price would be justified if it came with a 1TB SSD, regardless of whether or not it was a PCI-E SSD.
No. I'm talking about your faggy little sense of "humour" it's obviously L.eddit tier gay shit
>Le now reading ur post in le pop culture reference le voice le OMG le so funnay le upboated XD!!!!!!!!!
You're beyond obvious
>Waaaaaaaa Macs are overpriced waaaaaaaa!
Shut the fuck up you disgusting neckbeard piece of shit.
>X1 Carbon 5th gen.
>CPU: Intel Core i5-7300U Processor (3MB Cache, up to 3.50 GHz) Intel 620 graphics
>Display: 14.0" WQHD (2560x1440) IPS Anti-Glare Non-Touch(shitty color and "display lottery" as talked about on many forums.)
>Memory: 16GB LPDDR3 1866(slow shit)
>Storage: 256 GB Solid State Drive OPAL2.0 PCIe-NVMe
All this shitty chink hardware comes out to $2,019.00 in Ameribucks. With super ultra chink automatic "discount" it still costs $1,817.10
>2017 MacBook Pro non touch.
>CPU: Intel Core i5-7360U @ 2.3 GHz turbo to 3.6 Ghz Intel Iris Plus 640 Graphics
>Display: 13" 2560x1600 IPS with P3 color gamut
>Memory: 16GB 2133MHz LPDDR3
>Storage: 256GB SSD which has historically been faster than comparable wintel machines for ages now.
>Cost of Mac is $1,629 Ameribucks
>Apple has consistent customer service which is regularly rated as the best in the industry.
>Lelnovo has absolute fucking nightmare customer service and has prloaded fucking malware on their machines in the past(Superfish or whatever the fuck the chinks called it).
>Mac has good non botnet gaymer OS
>Thinkpad comes preloaded with shitty gaymer botnet OS
The Mac is the better deal in this case.
Go back and stay back
>when the shills aren't meeting their quotas so they get mad
>1.6k for an i5 box
Bruh ...... Also >intel
>thread is about iMacs
>start comparing ultrathin meme laptops as damage control
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?! No, it's... GOALPOST!
You should probably wait until all the kinks are worked out of the Intel chips before investing 1.6k dollaroos.
Stop spamming this shit.
It won't. These imbeciles will continue to spam here, unless more people start reporting these threads.
Sorry op, no way would I spend that much money on a system I can't 100% maintain myself with the flexibility of installing parts as required. Burned once, never again.
Macbooks have terrible thermals and are shit but im so angry about the pricing on the X1 and Lenovos general lineup these days that i have to give you a (You). How can they afford demanding these prices? Who buys all the new lenovo hardware for them to keep this going?
They're a bunch of dipshit chinks who think they can charge Apple prices for their fucking garbage hardware. That's why I use Macs instead. If I'm gonna pay that much money, i want some good hardware instead of having to make excuses for overpriced chinkshit
Are you people comparing devices to OSes again?
What graphics card does it come with?
>When the neckbeards can't think of a proper argument when getting BTFO'd
please report shill threads. Even if the jannies are too busy eating hot pockets at least some of them might lose their """jobs"""