>Still needing one of these to use a wireless mouse even though every computer has more than enough protocols already
What did they mean by this?
Ask Apple with their dongles.
I wish I had an Apple mouse, since I already have a mac and those are the only ones that actually don't need dongles. I bought a logitech wireless gaming mouse and it now occupies half my usb 3.0 ports
I tried it once and it was way too flat. there are better bluetooth mice.
Otherwise I like my logitech g602 because it has a shitton of buttons on the side to replace my macbook trackpad gestures. inb4 mac toddler
>get a Bluetooth trackball
>Bluetooth only works on Windows and need a dongle for everything else
The whole reason I went for a wireless one was to free up a USB port.
>you need one bluetooth for each bluttooth devices
Why didn't they invent an asyncronous protocol so every device can connect to a single bluetooth adapter all at once?
>Bluetooth only works on Windows
what did he mean by this?
I'm not saying Bluetooth is a Windows-only feature. I'm saying the trackball's Bluetooth only works on Windows.
bluetooth is still that shitty
>>you need one bluetooth for each bluttooth devices
What? I use Bluetooth to transfer photos and videos from my phone regularly and my Bluetooth trackpad doesn't stop working while doing it.
Those are Bluetooth adapters. Cheap wireless mice come with proprietary dongles. If my mouse came with a regular bluetooth dongle i'd be happy to have gotten a spare one.
>If my mouse came with a regular bluetooth dongle i'd be happy to have gotten a spare one
>wireless mouse
I'll take swapping rechargeable batteries here and there over a cable getting in the way any day.
I still have wired mouse and keyboard because the router sits on the same table. Life is suffering.
Is bluetooth not strong enough to be able to have a receiver on the motherboard for like 5 devices? Personally I think bluetooth is mostly trash. Only use I've found is having a waterproof bluetooth speakers in the bathroom for when I take a shit or shower.
>not plugging your phone into your bathroom's receiver and playing music through the ceiling-mounted speakers
Will do all that shit when I buy a house this year. Can't wait to have ethernet, USB and aux ports everywhere.
what are you, on a bluetooth v1 or sumthin?
>I use Bluetooth to transfer photos and videos from my phone
Which BT version? How fast is it nowadays? Last time I tried it was disgustingly slow for anything other than text files.
you're absolutely retarded
look up the new anywhere mice. they run with the dongle so you actually have low-level support, or you can switch to bluetooth as well
>using a mouse on a usb 3 port
you should kill yourself, you stupid twat
Should have gotten a Logitech MX Master 2S. Uses bluetooth, has over 6 months of battery life. And you don't have to flip it over to charge it, like the Magic Mouse 2.
>cable getting in the way any day.
Use one of these cable holders.ks777 rowet
I don't see how a cable holder's going to prevent the cable from getting in the way of typing when the trackball's directly in front of the keyboard
Is your mouse in front of your keyboard too or something?
I have keyboard in front and mouse to the right. The cable is in the air from the mouse to the cable holder, which is on the edge of my table.
Never had any cable problems even before the holder.
I wish bluetooth was a standard built-in chip on motherboards. I hate having to dedicate a USB port to some chink piece of shit adapter.
like 80% of integrated or dual-mode cards that support bluetooth are not OSX or Linux friendly.
It's fucking annoying.
What mouse?
Just bought myself Ninox Venator, why?
You asked about my mouse. I asked what mouse because I don't use a mouse.
Let's see. 11ms latency bluetooth vs proprietary dongle with 5ms latency.
Both are shit, one is less shit.
Also, your pictures are of bluetooth dongles, you probably meant proprietary ones mice use.
But 80% of those use off the shelf bluetooth ICs that have driver support, on both macOS and Linux, it's just a matter of adding the custom device ID to the driver as those are not always the same, even when the chip is.
It only makes sense on a part-starved laptop. You have a trackpad that you can use to set up the bluetooth connection and a wireless card for bluetooth. You probably aren't going to be bothered by that latency anyways if all you're doing is browsing the web or something like that.
Then how can you have cable problems?
Just run it under the keyboard.
MX Master is too bulky, desu. MX anywhere would make better sense. It has most of the stuff that the MX Master has but smaller so it's perfect for circumstances where you really need a wireless mouse, like lugging it around with your laptop that has a pathetically small number of ports.
Then I have to undo it when I place the trackball back next to the keyboard.
I don't understand wireless mice
when has the cable ever been an issue with a mouse?
do people not have a clear space for the cable to move around?
> Using a wireless mouse
If you are on a desktop you literally don't need a wireless mouse, if you are on a laptop you should not use an external mouse.
If you are not following this advice leave this board.
keyword "friendly"
Why are you constantly changing the position of your trackball? Isn't the idea to not having to move it?
>when has the cable ever been an issue with a mouse?
I don't get the ones that require dongles but for ones that use bluetooth, they're great for port-starved laptops.
Because I prefer having it right in front of me for some games but prefer it to the right of the keyboard for normal cursor control
>perfect opportunity to lay laptop on a desk
>forgo opportunity to use superior input device because "it feels right"
You should be the one leaving this board, desu.
Buy the second one? Or plug the second cable? You can even use hub, so only 1 first is taken.
Or buy one of those trackpoint keyboards. Or were a keyboard with integrated trackball.
Seriously, that's the most bizzare problem I've heard in a while..
>Laptop on a desk
And sit like chimp, because it's way below the level of my head? Also, were to you have such a small table that only laptop fits on it?
>And sit like chimp, because it's way below the level of my head?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you literally hold your laptop with one hand just to have the screen level with your eyes? Are you under the impression that laptops are forbidden from being used on any sort of table top so you either have to be literal about its name or you sit on the floor like a retard? If I'm on a park bench, then of course I'm going to use the trackpad but if I find myself in a library with usable tables and I know that I'm gonna be there a while, it wouldn't make any sense to continue torturing myself with a trackpad when my laptop is already laying on top of a smooth surface.
None of that made any sense.
1.buy second trackball
2. Buy second cable, so you can just reconnect it when you want (use USB hub to save PC ports)
3. Buy a keyboard with trackpoint
4. Wire one yourself with integrated trackball.
That's the stupidest post I've seen this year.
If I _must_ sit at an unknown place, then yeah, I'll be forced to cope with laptop being too low.
That said, I will not pack my mouse with me like some king of autistic neckbeard.
If I'm at home, or at work, I'll use some variation of pic-related to work in comfort.
>1.buy second trackball
Why? I already have one.
>2. Buy second cable, so you can just reconnect it when you want (use USB hub to save PC ports)
Sounds rather dumb when I can just simply move my wrieless one back and forth
>3. Buy a keyboard with trackpoint
Why? I already have a trackball.
>4. Wire one yourself with integrated trackball.
Then I can't move it. Besides, if I wanted a keyboard with a wireless trackball there's already a version of my current keyboard that's exactly that. I'd simply buy it.
*keyboard with an integrated trackball
no offense but you sound like an extremely autistic retard
.buy second trackball
>Why? I already have one.
So you don't have to move it.
. Buy second cable, so you can just reconnect it when you want (use USB hub to save PC ports)
>Sounds rather dumb when I can just simply move my wrieless one back and forth
It will be the same with 2 cables. Just move and plug.
. Buy a keyboard with trackpoint
>Why? I already have a trackball.
Because for some reason you need to move it.
. Wire one yourself with integrated trackball.
>Then I can't move it. Besides, if I wanted a keyboard with a wireless trackball there's already a version of my current keyboard that's exactly that. I'd simply buy it.
Why would you? One is integrated and another one is wherever the hell you want it to be.
>Wireless keyboard
I'll never understand you
At least I'm not the one who thinks that you need to hold the laptop in your hand to have it at eye-level.
>packing an innocuous peripheral that can become useful in a lot of situations are for autists
>needing a specialized non-portable support for a portable device just for your special-snowflake neck isn't
I'm guessing you don't get the point of why laptops exist in the first place.
BT has 1.5-2.5 ms latency over tcp/ip data link, tested it myself.
Actually, you are. You're the retard here that complained about the laptop being below eye level when placed on a desk.
>So you don't have to move it.
I would anyway, I don't want the trackball in front of the keyboard all the time.
>It will be the same with 2 cables. Just move and plug.
How is having two cables the same as zero cables?
>Because for some reason you need to move it.
Yes, and none of your solutions are even remotely helpful.
>Why would you?
Good question. Why the hell would I want a keyboard with a built in trackball when I can use my separate one and place it wherever I damned well please?
>>wireless keyboard
My keyboard's connected over USB.
>can become useful.
For what? Gaming in an unknown location?
Do you also pack external keyboard, headphones, external GPU and a monitor, because they may be useful? It's a portable and self-sufficient device. You literally don't need anything to take with you.
>needing a specialized non-portable support for a portable device just for your special-snowflake neck isn't
I'm pretty confident that you have a humpback or neck problems by now.
>I'm guessing you don't get the point of why laptops exist in the first place.
Well, I use them for portability.
I can take them on the go if I need to, but that doesn't mean I have to use it like some chink in a basement that can't afford a proper workplace.
Did I hurt your feelings?
>complained about the laptop being below eye level when placed on a desk
Yeah, I guess I drew this () piece of genius too.
I'd like to have a mouse with no usb module, but it seems I have to choose between extra side buttons and the module. And I really each of the 8 buttons on the side.
>For what? Gaming in an unknown location?
General quality of life shit, you fucking autist. Mice aren't even that difficult to bring around in the first place and you're comparing it with other shit that are much more difficult to bring around. If I can't use it, it stays in the bag. If I find a table, I can whip out the mouse. You're reasoning is beyond retarded.
>find a place with lots of tables
>still think that mice are stupid because I use an autistic neck brace at home
Your reasoning pretty much just amounts to "it just doesn't feel right to use a mouse with a laptop"
>not tripping on battery acid and becoming a gay frog
I don't play gaymes so I don't give a shit about dpi or accuracy. And yes, I meant the proprietary dongles
It looks ok, but not enough side buttons :^(
When I bought it I didn't realize it would require a dongle since I've never used on before. And I have a laptop with my mouse in the desk drawer so it made sense to have something more portable.
>if you are on a laptop you should not use an external mouse
If i'm working at my desk all day in my room then I don't want to be hunched over my laptop. Before I got the mouse I never wanted to spend more than a couple hours here, but now I'm good all day. I don't take it with me like some autist.
I guess you leave your powerbrick too. Only autists carry powerbricks with their laptops.
yeah, unless I'm leaving for more than a day
>middle of work
>battery runs out
>place you're in allows people to use their outlets
>can't charge laptop because only autists charge their laptops outside of their house or hotel rooms
the only place i ever bring my laptop is to work on projects/homework with other people. In the unlikely event that I stay there for 9+ hours then I'll just go back and get it. It's only autistic to bring gaming paraphernalia for daily normal use.
Bluetooth does, but every bluetooth HID stack does only 11ms.
No, high latency is shit even for browsing. People who never used proper mice will never understand what it feels like to have a smooth and responsive cursor, so I'm not even going to try to argue with you guys.