Bash vs python

bash vs python

python, obviously. It's bash on steroids.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but doesnt linux heavily depend on bash? If you use linux on a daily basis wouldnt it be very useful to learn bash?

there's no "vs" in this. bash is its own little thingy, python is its own BIG thing.

Try uninstalling python on linux.

Aight, thanks for clearing it up.

they're totally different. this is like asking whether a tire iron is better than a wrench. what task are you trying to do?

The linux kernel doesn't depend on bash at all.


Bash scripting is God awful.

Depends on the distro. There are plenty of ways to make and use a Linux system without python. There are very few ways to effectively make and use a Linux system without a Bourne compatible shell.

Idk man. Its pretty comfy.

Awk is nice and I enjoy it. Perl was a bad mistake.

>not learning both

>The linux kernel
go be autistic somewhere else
even you understood that user did not refer to the linux kernel, you are just shitposting to be obstinate

pretty much everyone says "the kernel" or "the linux kernel" if they mean just the kernel.

C shell

I don't know if you are retarded.


If what you're trying to accomplish can be done with awk, grep, sed, find, etc and some pipes, bash. Otherwise python.

Completely depends on what you need to accomplish. Knowing a shell very well along with Python or Perl would be good.

generally python scrips are more readable and clean-looking than bash scripts.


How does it feel to be fucking retarded?

pls no bulli :^(:^(:^(

Real sysadmins use bash. If you want to pajeetify yourself, use Python

> If you use linux on a daily basis wouldnt it be very useful to learn bash?

If you use Linux on a daily basis the best idea would be to kill yourself



>implying GNU+Linux is worse than windows or macOS.