Vim as an C/C++ IDE

Getting used to using vim controls all throughout my environment. As I'm learning programming, I would also like to use these shortcuts in my work. Looking on how to make Vim a IDE is expanisve. There doesn't seem to be one way to do it, and as someone new I don't really know what I need.

I would love for suggestions for .vimrc configs and plugins to use to make this happen.

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Vim is a text editor, user. IDE is IDE. With plugins, you can make Vim into a bulky text editor, but you won't make it an IDE - these aren't the same or even similar things.

But you gotta be a cool haxor

Just open two terminals pajeet
Have vim open in one, and use the other for compilation

Just download emacs

Get emacs. You’re going off Vim's usecase just because you’re a hipster.

Or get a Vim hotkeys add on for whatever IDE you want. (This includes emacs)

>spending months fucking with config files just to fit in with some neet lunatics
You're not very smart huh

Which anime is this?

Just get CLion - it just werks

Boku no Liru

don't listen to this nigger

Or even use Ctrl+z and "fg" if you are too lazy to switch windows.

Get spacevim.
You're welcome.

Have you fucking autists worked a single day in your life? How can you suggest to use vim as an IDE?

How are you this much of a closeted Emacs user? Just use fucking Emacs if you're this autistic.

>Spend months
Why, people out there did the work for you
Just copy and paste

or just :!gcc fizzbuzz -o fizzbuzz.c

What IDE functionality do you want to recreate in Vim even? No-one debugs, 90% of the shit in IDEs is not used.

I had to use vi the other day and that was the most autistic thing I have done in years.
I dont know how vim differes from vi, a quick search says its just an extended version.

What drives someone to want to use a text editor where you have to press button combinations just to unlock the ability to replace a specified set of charectes, then have to back out, and then press more combinations to edit more shit in the same file?
This wastes so much time. I couldn't imagine using this as an ide, especially for something like C/C++

The Kemono Friends movie

>not debugging your code

Long time daily vim user here. Listen to this man.

A lot of people been saying emacs. And I'll give it a try.

Also, should I just use spacemacs?

>just to fit in with some neet lunatics
Vim is extremely useful because of how portable t is. You can bring your configuration with you anywhere easily.

I had to ride my cousin's bike last week and I kept fucking falling over because he took off the extra wheels that normally sit on the side.
Why does it fucking matter if it theoretically "goes faster" if I have to spend more effort learning to use it?! Fucking put the wheels back on Tommy.

Have you fucking autist worked a single day in your life? Vim with a couple of the right plugins is excellent for small to medium-small projects.
Not everyone likes the same tools you like.

Emacs is bloated as fuck.
I'll stick to the Vim master race.

Not him, but that doesn't deny that 90% of people who use big bulky IDEs don't use 90% of what it has to offer.
Some kind of debugger, however, becomes mandatory for larger projects. I myself use gdb.

I am going to post the same sauce I give to newbies, you first have to understand what most plugins do:
Mastering the Vim Language
How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)
Let Vim Do the Typing

After that read Learn Vimscript the Hard Way by Steve Losh to move beyond any text editor (besides Emacs) has gone before

After that you will know what plugins you really need. My personal choice for whatever the case is Tag List because it makes use of Ctags to browse your code, is simple in design and makes Vim a true IDE
Another plugin you may want to is a completion plugin that can do your favorite language, either MUcompleteme or VimCompleteMe are said to be lighter than VCM

Beyond plugins you want to use the cgdb debugger (which is also for the command line but is impressive) or if want to include the debugger on Vim get a plugin like Conque GDB.

There, now you have a minimalist Vim without too many plugins but that can truly compete with and IDE.

I ssh to remote machines all the time at work and I can use my Vi setup wherever I want. Not to mention most of them even had Vim, not only Vi.

A very valid concern in the age of SSD and tons of RAM. Seriously, just run the server or never close emacs.

Not only do I use cursor nav keys in vim, I also use home, end and insert keys. If people get mad at this, I tell them I also use gnome-terminal's ctrl-shift-f to search, but actually I don't, even tho it does work. I just say I do to see if they get even madder.

Instantiating a new gui frame of emacsclient still lags noticibly on my machine. Might be spacemacs though.

*YCM, that is the bloated one. Fuck I've got too many misspellings.

I never understood leaving emacs on always in the background. I'm new to this. Someone explain this meme.

Not him but some people install a fucking package manager that is a bloated piece of shit just to get 2 or 3 plugins for Emacs, then Emacs run slow and the guy wonders why is so slow when the idiot just installed the package manager that just sabotaged Emacs speed.

> Implying that this isn't the age of having to chose between RAM and food.
Seriously, fuck these RAM prices.

This kind of mentality is exactly what has brought us the utter mess that is the modern Web.
Go eat a dick.

No one answered the question of what plugins

10% of an IDE is still better than 120% of a text editor. Not to mention, people should strive to use more of IDE's functions as they learn as that can drastically improve their efficiency.

What game is this anyway?

>these aren't the same or even similar things
What did he mean by this?

Wolf Girl with You

The game of lonelyness

vi is a text editor. Unix is an IDE.

I'm pretty sure its a hentai game

Oh, god, just reverse pornhub it.

just do
:!make && ./a.out

>doesn't have 10 bucks for license
>uses broken os developed by neets
>is a neet himself

Thanks! I'll definitely use this and move away from YCM.

if anything having to tell an editor that you wish to edit is the training wheels.

Wolf Girl and You Japanese translated game (uses out-of-browser flash player through an exe. Pirated versions have adware)

By artist: Seismic

Iv been using vim exclusively for most of the projects at my workplace for over a year. I write C, Java, Rust, Ruby, and some Perl all without ever changing my workflow or editing program. I open up vim and it automatically just works according to the filetype.
In other words, git gud

Having to use my mouse to tell the editor where to edit is my major problem with "normal" programs.