ITT: Confess your tech sins

I have no idea how github actually works.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can explain it to you in several easy-to-get sentences.

Please do so.


It's just git plus a website.

...and nobody knows how git works.



Is there a video to this image?

What the actual?

Thanks. I understand github perfectly now.

cute doggo

Been using Arch for 9 years and only just decided to install it(Parabola technically) the manual way today to prove to myself that I could if I wanted to.

I accidentally deleted my iptables save five years ago and I can't figure out how to remake it so I just don't use a firewall

you don't need a firewall behind a nat anyways, which is most likely the case

I'm not behind anything. I'm being constantly portscanned by chinese.

how would you know?


I use the same password
I still do.

I lost almost half of my data because I thought I was exempt from making backups.

>I pre-ordered Vive
>I pre-ordered Echo
>I had Google Home in alpha
>I have a Google Wifi router
>I have three Windows 8 computers
>I have 0 Linux computers
Also I pay for Sup Forums

I haven't used a desktop computer in over ten years.
I honestly know almost nothing about computers.
Why am I even here.

Same two passwords and minor variations
I let Google save all them for nearly every site I frequent, plus addresses and such
I'm probably max botnet at that point
Also got blackout drunk and pissed on my desktop this weekend.

Github itself is just a front end to git, the actual program doing the work. Github is just some servers for your repositories, you can easily host your own git servers like any other server

Forgive me Sup Forums for I have sinned:

I own two macs and use a third at work
I'm posting from a Windows box dedicated to shitposting and gaymen
I think Linux is a shitty desktop OS
I think with most free software you get what you pay for
I think most open source advocates are tiresome and inane

>Also got blackout drunk and pissed on my desktop this weekend.
I saw that thread.

I am actually afraid of messing with hardware, but still assemble my own desktop

I have a double digit IQ

So do I.

I allow my cat to sit on the airflow part of the top of my desktop tower.

I tried using a dual-booted Ubuntu on and off for like three months of total use time, and I went back to Windows 10 because everything on it, even though I knew a serviceable amount about the shell, was so inconvenient.


I don't understand polymorphism
Also, programming terms are just way too complex-sounding for what they really are: encapsulation- body that is between {}

>encapsulation- body that is between {}
Assuming troll

>programming terms are just way too complex-sounding
Kind of, but it's also useful to have names for things.

Consider the Java 8 docs:

>The identity value must be an identity for the combiner function. This means that for all u, combiner(identity, u) is equal to u. Additionally, the combiner function must be compatible with the accumulator function; for all u and t, the following must hold: combiner.apply(u, accumulator.apply(identity, t)) == accumulator.apply(u, t)

Now the Haskell docs:

>Fold a list using the monoid

The term "monoid" is pretty daunting, but it's also a really quick and concise way of expressing what the Java docs needs two paragraphs to do.

I have two raspberry pis and I want to buy a rpi zero

I think I might use one as an ftp server

I am lazy to learn useful keyboard shortcuts :c

I actually love to hate tech than actually love it.

I never fix thing right way, only fast and drity.
Laptor power plug is damaged? Replaced with car wire connector of some sort.
5V dc-dc blew up? Replaced with chinks module or LM7805 on giant ass heatsink.

The same in software I do.

still dont understand pointers

Pointers is simple. They are like word 'That'
So, you say, bring me that, and you do stuff with it.
Pointer 'brings' you a part of memory.

Get out from here, normie. It's unforgivable and disgusting.

e-noted you the fix :)

this is a confessional thread... not an unsolicited advice thread

i miss having my passwords emailed to me in plaintext


I have two PC: one from 2007 (AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+, GeForce 9600GT) and another from 2017 (Intel Pentium G4600, GTX 1060)... And I love the second one more.

idk wtf i'm doing at work. i get by because i'm a native english speaker and actually bother googling (i highly suspect the native english part helps with this) and reading through documentation/various links instead of just picking from the first few results of the first search.

I enjoy using systemd whether it be Arch or Ubuntu; it simplifies end-user configuration.

I was hired as a Chief Technology Officer at a big tech company and I only have a bachelors in business management

>I use tech jargon i barely understand to sound intelligent
>I don't fucking know what i'm doing when i download and upload git repositories, still have no clue how a git actually works, and too lazy to find out
>Mos of my algorithms are very straight-forward (and sometimes brainlet) solutions, everytime an user finds a much more efficient way to do it i feel inadiquate and question why i'm even alive. I give myself the excuse that "I didn't know about that idea before they mentioned it" which is true. But i can't shake the feeling and dread that i'm not as great as i think i am.

I don't know the basics of how the web works yet I've been on CS a long time.

>GeForce 9600GT

I've had two of those and on both, capacitors exploded. For some reason, I still have the last one.

I work for Google

I don't understand how computers work
I didn't even build my own computer
I have a bunch of performance gaming shit even though I barely game at all
I just recently learned, after two years of owning it, that I can change the light color of my Tor X10 mouse by clicking a button on the very bottom of it.
Nor the Internet
Nor Browsers
Someone showed me this image sorting software called Hydrus on here before, but it has no GUI and apparently requires me to install python or some shit so I said fuck that.
No really, if something ever requires going into cmd or terminal I don't ever bother with it.
I somehow knew about bitcoin in 2010 but didn't buy any of it.
I looked at at least 3 different programming books, (Lisp, Javascript, PHP) realized none of this shit made any sense, and never looked at them again.
My Android is unrooted and has most of the bloatware still on it because if I brick it I won't be able to get another phone right now.
I only have one computer monitor.

Not even trying to meme here, and it's not my main board, but i've used Sup Forums on and off for at least 6 years now.

Hey, making easy to understand algorithms is good too. Especially when there's little data and there are other people working on the same project.
Working on a system that is being developed for a few years now, I've started to appreciate simple and well documented solutions a lot more.
Anyways, you're probably not as good as you think. It matters not, though. Social skills are far more important than technical ones.

>Downloaded bunch of songs from YouTube
>Wrote this using a phone

>i cant code a single line
>i dont know what the difference between ethereum and bitcoin is or how it works
>i dont now how to access BIOS
>i never seed torrents
>i often wonder how an OS even gets put on a computer, as in how do you even get started? And from there how do you make all this work? How does the OS communicate with the hardware? How do you go from 1 and 0 to actual code? Are humans just geniuses that somehow figured it out? This seems to be literally more complicated than rocket science to me.

unlike 90% of this retarded board, you're logical

How do you fuck up spelling so bad?

>i cant code a single line

>Don't know the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoins

>i often wonder how an OS even gets put on a computer, as in how do you even get started? And from there how do you make all this work? How does the OS communicate with the hardware? How do you go from 1 and 0 to actual code? Are humans just geniuses that somehow figured it out? This seems to be literally more complicated than rocket science to me.

>git devs don't use git because they don't know how it actually works

cause 'repos' ,.,

i can't write programs from scratch in java, I have never internalized the main method syntax. C/python and such are ez tho. I have a bad understanding of internet security and web stuff in general.

I don't get object oriented programming.
I don't get why programmers use so many files in a single program.

send help Sup Forums

I haven't dusted in 4 years
I don't make backups and I don't have a disk drive
I'm nostalgic for WindowsME

I never have any idea what any of you are talking about and I'm only ever here hoping to find good deals

I'm -user, this shithead is not me.
Anyways, to put it out simply, GitHub works this way:
1. You need to have an account there to submit anything.
2. The site allows you to write and store code online (basically cloud service for code).
3. Anyone of the registered users can review the uploaded code and change it for better or worse - this is called a "Pull Request".
4. If uploaded code's change by other users was approved by original creator (or, if original creator left coding project long ago and there's now other people maintaining that work) and it was now added to the official build - it's called a "Commit".
5. Absolute freedom of actions in regards to coding is allowed on GitHub, but know that if you heavily fuck up someone's code deliberately during a Pull Request - you're bound to get ostracized and get completely locked off further attempts in the future (essentially a suspension or ban).
GitHub is basically FOSS developing platform that gathers people together from all over the world. As long as you have decent/proper coding skills and you're not a retarded shitposting POS kindergartner-tier kiddie scrub troll - you're welcome to try.
Basically there's two sides of coin, for the prime example: Cemu's development is proprietary closed source at this time, while RPCS3 is fully FOSS as it's hosted on GitHub. Two same goals, but different approaches.

>what is file system hiearchy
>what is short functions
>what is highly reusable code

I use GitHub for note storage and collab.
Not a single repo with actual code in it, just Markdown.

Fight me.

no it's not, it's called a merge as you're merging two branches

No, "merge" is still code being edited, just being lumped together for testing purposes. Commit is code that was fully reviewed and officially added to the main chunk.

You could've used PasteBin for that.

I really like macOS. It's just hackintosh is a bit slow on my system. Also I don't know how to "code" or program and I don't want to honestly.

My first torrent client was bitcomet because that's what i saw my dad using.
I don't know why my previous pc died so either not knowing HDDs eventually fail or being retarded enough to download viruses.
Buying prebuilt PCs (next one will be picked by /pcbg/ I swear)

Probably worth mentioning in between that your edits to already existing code is called "forking" where you are taking the existing code and making your modifications in a separate branch - so you don't overwrite the existing code or introduce errors. Once the modifications in your branch are complete, you submit a pull request for your branch to be reviewed for errors and hopefully integrated into the next revision of the existing code. It's a lot like a tree or vine growing over time.

I sometimes buy shit, even gaymen consumerist shit, to toy around with in the false belief that it's something I actually need when it's really just a stupid way to get myself busy and feel less depressed. I actually believe in creativity and self-improvement instead of aimless buying of toys with no long term use.

I recently graduated as a software engineer and I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

Forks are literally just "sub-pages/sub-folders" of edited code. This makes easier to supervise how many times a piece of code was edited (for example: original code -> someone's edit -> edit of someone's edit).

I'm what Sup Forums hates the most, someone who likes Apple shit and videogames and would use Windows/macOS over a Linux distro

I also think 8.1 is the best version of Windows

I don't use social networks much, but I do definitely use a lot of "botnet" services, most of them from Google and I can definitely not imagine using a smartphone with a custom ROM and no google apps

I find Chrome to still be the best browser even if it is somewhat ugly in my opinion

I find some chiclet keyboards to be really comfortable to type on in comparison to some mechanical keyboards and I would not like the idea of spending over 60 bucks on a keyboard at all. I like the apple wired keyboard.

I think services like spotify are quite nice

I still can't get into touch typing. I type fast with like 3-4 fingers but that's it. I almost use the entire left hand, but I just use my index finger on my right hand.

I too think spotify is quite nice, their botnet proprietary Linux library libspotify werks fine for enabling custom stuff like mopidy

I gave up installing gentoo because of the cli steps

I use nano for editing all files via SSH.

pic related is you

neon-Sup Forums in a nutshell

i don't know how to configure dzen2 bar to display volume level and cpu and ram load

Me too, brother

>and it was now added to the official build - it's called a "Commit"
You commit changes in your local repository, the act of adding it to the main branch is called "Merging".

Do you have nano configured to have syntax highlighting?

>neon-Sup Forums
neo-Sup Forums in a nutshell

>mfw the whole time

it's almost as bad as this jewish woman talking about hacking


You can merge in your local, but you have to push your changes to the remote repository.

I could use it via github desktop, thanks based tutorial. I couldn't use it via cmd

I do not (and do not want to) know jquery.

Seems like a virtue to me.

jQuery is unnecessary with ES6


Github is way more powerful for note-taking, cause it uses the power of git, which allows you to have a list of all the revisions you did.

Nothing wrong with that.
I used to do this too until I mastered VIM

I bought a -K processor and didn't know you needed a certain type of motherboard to overclock

I work with a team, and i need revisions to go back to in case my members screw up.