/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General

Infosec questions: building an obsessive need to find your own answers could be a key for more than one chain.

All are welcome here; the world is fucked and we are all in this together.

Cypherpunk Manifesto:
Cyberpunk FAQ:
>ftp://guest:[email protected]:21212/Books/Cyberpunk/Alt_Cyberpunk_FAQ_V5_preview12.htm
Hacker Manifesto:
Guerilla Open Access Manifesto:

Fables, realities, prophecies and mythology of a community:
What is cyberpunk:
>pastebin.com/hHN5cBXB (embed)
The importance of a cyberpunk mindset applied to a cybersecurity skillset.:
>[YouTube] Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters (embed)
Cyberpunk directory:
>pastebin.com/VAWNxkxH (embed)
Cyberpunk resources:
>pastebin.com/Dqfa6uXx (embed)

Cybersecurity essentials/resources:
Reference books:
>PASSWORD : ABD52oM8T1fghmY0
>pastebin.com/SCUbhpjP (embed)
>pastebin.com/VTXRAPxM (embed)
>Cntrl + F Basic Knowledges, Basic Training, Arms/Arm
>pastebin.com/rMw4WbhX (embed)
Endware: Heavy armor for anons, by anons:

Free Shells and more:

/cyb/ FTP:
>user/password == guest

>#Sup Forumspunk
>#Sup Forumssec
>(All require SSL)
IRC guide:

Thread archive:
>archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text//cyb/ /sec//
Thread backup:

Last Thread:

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For those interesting in a long read:

second for not dead general

So in an age where ISPs are becoming less and less ideal for the sec concious user and more and more authoritarian, we are inevitably going to have to explore alternatives.

What I'm wondering is how can we build networks larger than local neighborhoods with wires going from house to house? For an example of a success story, look at radio communities. Not only do ham operators communicate across the globe, my local cities radio club operates a handful of repeaters that allow a licensed user with a shitty baofeng to communicate with anyone within the next four towns and then some. How can small internet networks get that kind of coverage?

You're fucking retarded. ISPs are inevitable at any serious scale.

Certainly an interesting idea. Node wrote something about this recently

For global scale sure. But imagine pulling into Phoenix and being able to access a network localized from Florence to Peoria without relying on an ISP. Of course you could access it from elsewhere via ISP but within range it would be entirely independent. Radio communities already do this.

I've looked at this guy stuff on surface level. Haven't decided if he was just a dreamer or someone who could actually pull off his ideas. Either way, it's certainly the right mindset.

He's an idiot. Not to go all Sup Forums here, but any time you're talking about collective action to deal with bullshit from companies and governments, that -is- politics, especially if it crosses a national border somewhere. Any technical movement designed to cut out Silicon Valley, the CIAniggers, and certain large-nosed gentlemen will be shut down without a corresponding political movement giving it legitimacy. The technical side can be built one piece at a time, just like GNU replaced Unix one piece at a time.


is this a meme?

>The technical side can be built one piece at a time
agreed. A lot of people are just sort of imagining options right now for whatever motive. Im wondering if there's an amateur way to deploy the ham tower equivalent of a cellphone tower. link them together, find someway to incentivize hobbiest operators (unironically like blockchain technology) and release the software under gnu and your halfway there. The network is guaranteed to be slow as balls tho.

Mesh networks, stuff like B.A.T.M.A.N.. Also the future looks like it's going to be decentralized networks built on the internet - like MaidSafe. MaidSafe is probably the future of non-commercial internet activity, or at least something like it. Also it could probably function on a mesh network.

if I understand maidsafe and meshnets correctly, the data is decentralized, not necessarily the service. I think that we need is the opposite of that.

People will do it.


I know its >Vox, but it's a little video about how Cubans, who have been isolated from the internet, just smashed together their own mesh networks by running cables between apartment windows and shit.

If things get bad enough you know we could easily do the same.

MaidSafe is the data decentralization, mesh networks are the service. Instead of having a modem that connects to an ISP, your device could connect to a Wifi network with another machine that connects to another machine via Bluetooth, that might even connect to another machine via some other method.

Basically mesh networks - in particular wireless mesh networks - are networks built out of several machines connecting to each other in whatever way possible, and then sending data to each other.

the issue is both of these are too small scale. You have to be close enough to share wifi or link cables. Theres got to be a better option. I dont really see amateur satellites being a thing anytime soon unfortunately, but amateurs have pulled off some pretty impressive towers before.

No the point of mesh networks is that if I'm in LA, and you're in NY, then I connect to my pal X, who connects to his pal Y, and so on down the line until it reaches you. It's very slow, yes, but it allows connectivity. The thing is, you're never going to get away from having to use ISP cables, but you can reduce the level of reliance on it. Local communities can connect to each other without having to deal with ISPs - they only need one or two links out to the next local community. That kinda thing. It obviously won't be as fast - certainly not right away - but it takes power away from the ISPs.

I also would not be surprised at there being people out there who know how to launch their own satellites. I remember a project that you could pay to do just that a while ago. If things get bad enough, you'll see the pro crypto and privacy advocates getting shit done.

What I see in the future is a split between the corporate internet, and the private internet. People will still use corporate net for Amazon, and so on, but the darknets and meshnets for other things.

what kind of range do meshnets even afford though? If its only a couple houses you will still need a shit ton of people in very specific locations to get on board just to reach the next town over. Very unlikely for that level of large scale adoption for such a minuscule award. There needs to be something that reaches a max of like 10mi. You could get enough hobbiests to put those up aand cover most metropolitan areas. That doesnt seem impossible to me.

either way, your not going to get an indie network that reaches from LA to NYC. But you might get a network that covers all of LA, creating a unique geospecific internet.

The point of mesh networks is to limit reliance on ISPs. We don't have the tech or money to build out larger infrastructure. The point is that you have community networks connected to each other by themselves, without needing an ISP - which can then use ISP networks to jump to other community networks.

There are ways of creating WiFi extenders and shit too.


Once again, I know, >OWS, and >Motherboard, but it's relevant.

Old school cybsec

>/cyb//sec is dead
>outerheaven is down
>irc is dead
>little anime girl chans are all shitpost
>ajit pai is leading death squads throughout middle america against GNU users
>FCC partnered with black water and tiger swan paramilitary groups
>Black sites in Korea, Japan, Iran, Egypt, Ukraine, and India at capacity with "hackers", miners, node operators and internet dissidents
>normie PC's and Corporate servers (99.999% of surface web) slaves to botnet generating the appearance of social trends at the direction of the FCC, NSA, and GCHQ.
>Boston Dynamics hired by ATF, who is soon to be renamed the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Crypto Enforcement Beuro.
>ATFCEB enacting infrastructure to allow systemic parallel construction of criminal cases with the IRS and NSA
>anime legal for two more years tops

how will the world recover

what happened here? These threads had a population not to long ago. /was there a migration?

my guess is it has to do with the christmas break

>is this a meme?
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Do you even know what the word means? How the fuck does it apply to a post about npm?

>outerheaven is down
I don't recall a point it was ever up

it was up the one time I visited. Is Maderas still working on it or is he kill?

Last last (last?) thread he said happy New Years and that he is still working on it, but he was in the process of moving house so it's gonna take a bit longer than he thought

Just so you know the thread backup link is down. The person running a number of cyberpunk websites has taken down a number of sites. You might want to create a new page/site

Wack. I believe one of the pastebins have everything from the thread backup.

>Hacker Manifesto:

Written by Lloyd Blankenship who snitched on his friends when he got busted, not someone to idolize.

there will always be the last connection problem where you can't get to anything on the public internet without some kind of peering agreement or isp connection. most of the internet cannot be duplicated on a small mesh network and that means the reason to use the internet will disappear. ham radio works in that scenario because all they do is send voice messages.

>how will the world recover
It is mainly the western world that is descending into a neo-medieval era. Other countries such as Vietnam are on their way up.

Anyone here use lavabit? How long did it take you to get a fucking product of some kind?


Hi people, n00b here. I'm in the middle of studying for sec+ and I realised I have no experience with servers. I have a raspberry pi laying around and I'd like to set up a home server to play with in my spare time and perhaps start doing pen tests against. Any advice would be more than welcome, I have close to zero knowledge about this.
There are tons of guides on the internet and I'm not sure which to follow; besides I don't want to copy and paste some commands on the terminal, I'm looking forward to getting experienced with server environment. Thanks.

Just curious, how can you have close to zero knowledge about that when you are in the MIDDLE of studying for sec+?

>US-based anything
lmao why not use Windows 10 and GMail while you're at it

Are there any mail providers that realistically are not already under continuous surveillance?

Well zero knowldege about setting one up from scratch.

>repeaters that allow a licensed user with a shitty baofeng to communicate with anyone within the next four towns and then some
and they have to dox themselves with their government-issued callsigns while they do it
the amateur radio community was established in and old time with old ways that sand in the way of the freedom, security, and anonymity the modern world requires

> everything is a botnet
> everything is a meme
we need to stop reducing the adjective count

read the end of the article, idiot
> I know that sometimes my relentless sarcasm can be difficult to unravel by
> people on the English-learning path (and also people in need of lightening
> up). So just to be clear, I have not created an npm package that steals
> information. This post is entirely fictional, but altogether plausible,
> and I hope at least a little educational.

Bruh what do you think a server is?

Some magical box that only professional pros use? A super secret OS that only sysadmins know about?

Please tell me what on earth you were picturing in your head when you said you're "looking forward to getting experienced with server environment".

You want some real server experience? Take that rpi of yours and do a headless Linux install. Generate keys, push them out to your devices, use them to ssh into the pi. Set it up as a ftp server. Create a Wordpress or a website on the Pi. In the site you're gonna make posts about how you did the shit you did.

Tear it down and do it again. And again. And again. Until you understand WHY you are inputting those commands into terminal.

Oh but you wanted to use the real server environment, I forgot. Guess what princess, CLI is in use on more severs than you can possibly imagine. Why would I add the overhead having an X session on my server just so your dumb ass can configure it?

For some reason, this was helpful. Thanks user.

>Vietnam is on the way up

You work M8?

>TFW burger born to Vietnamese immigrants

Also why are so many people interested in HAM? Is it just radio shitposting?

>Vietnam is on the way up
>You wot M8?
>TFW burger born to Vietnamese immigrants

Also why are so many people interested in HAM? Is it just radio shitposting?

>Vietnam is on the way up
You wot M8?
>TFW burger born to Vietnamese immigrants
Also why are so many people interested in HAM? Is it just radio shitposting?

Man, I'm not gonna phone post using clover while sleepy again. I keep screwing upsnd can't even delete my posts due to ERROR

This is well-known.

Is it worth looking for an internship specifically in cybersecurity? It seems like it could be a good idea to get experience in other fields (system admin, network admin) before making the jump.

Checked the PISA scores lately? These guys are taking education seriously. Vietnam is having a huge influx of foreign companies leaving China, tired of Chinese contractors stealing trade secrets. I have been there, passed some seriously huge industrial park, with sign posts with names from a lot of well known brands.

As always, Vietnam wants to bury China.

It is a handy way of communications. Didn't you check out the pasta?

>Old school cybsec
Old school EW: youtube.com/watch?v=Zuqe8bnfzVA

How do I hack the Gibson?

HAM is neat, that's why.
No need to duplicate the whole internet. Maybe there's an online market on a closed meshnet that really only locals can access. Same goes for imageboards. It doesn't need to be the world wide web, but certainly a meshnet bigger than a neighborhood can be achieved.

A bit slow day today, not sure why.

Anyway, for radio comms we have a pasta made in this general a while ago: pastebin.com/9uYXMhVm
Hmm, I see that was back in 2016.

Also, for short range point-to-point comms you can use free space optics, check out RONJA. For longer range you can use WIFI or any other service at 2.4 GHz. And let us not underestimate the bandwith of a lorry loaded with QIC.

In any case what we are looking at is a two step process: first a physical (mesh) network that has sufficient coverage, though backbones are not necessary. Resilience and redundancies are needed though.

On top of that you need a logical network, and for your needs a store-and-forward type is sufficient. It has to be fairly self configuring and again fault tolerant. In a way that is like FIDO-net or UUCP. That is low tech, massively retro but simple enough to work.

no, host your own server or decide which provider to trust, and use temp emails for accounts you don't use

>no, host your own server
Trouble is, few will accept emails from private servers. Supposedly it is to stop spam but I suspect the real reason is that they want to see your email in more detail on their servers.

>or decide which provider to trust,
That is the problem, which ones are that?

>and use temp emails for accounts you don't use
Those too should be somewhat safe.

My circles don't extend as far as yours do. And a search did not bring up any confirmations other than that his name might be Loyd rather than Lloyd.

Page 8!? What is up, folks?

Bump with a cyberiffic picture. I guess that counts for "hacking the Gibson"

what internships should i be looking at if i am going to be getting an apprentice CISSP soon

/cyb/sec/ is not dead as long as you don't let it die. Good memes die hard, this is no different. If you want it to contiue then start shit, get people interested again, make new memes, etc. Be the motherfucker that makes it work. The destiny of this thread and all threads and generals lie in the hands of anons.

Now will you live, or die like a dog?!

I will neither live nor die like a cyber-pupper

It's helpful because it's truthful and direct. There's a lack of resources online that demystify server work, and I don't know why that is. Maybe the nerds doing level 3 want to feel special, I dunno.

The other good thing you should do to get a grasp on what servers can do is virtualise. Turn your desktop into a vm farm, and set up a good pentesting lab. Linux + windows sp2 + metasploitable 2.

You want a good challenge for setting up a server environment using desktop environments? Set up metasploitable 3.

This will be fun for you, because all the tutorials and guides on the web are wrong. I set it up using a method that's not online. Im not going to tell you, because you won't learn anything if I do that.

Any you can get your hands on? Please, tell me what you honestly wanted us to say to this ridiculously vague post?

This shit is sort of cool but also nightmarish.

Taking into consideration the advancements in sexbots, I wonder how long until real woman are considered obsolete. Thirsty men will just get sexbots and create children in artificial wombs. They sure won't be giving money to YouTube and Instagram thots.

The future is getting weirder and weirder.

Of course I forgot the video link:


nigga what about soldiers

Can anyone tell me the difference between OSCP and OSCE? I can't find very much online about osce

All wars are caused by Women.
Without women there will be no wars.
Therefore, sexbots will end all war.

The Sup Forums haiku (almost, they tried):
>All wars are caused by X.
>Without X there will be no wars.
>Therefore, Y will end all war.

Some X/Y samples:
jews/the fourth reich
niggers/lynching niggers

>adding y is the same as subtracting y
Y'all niggas bad at maths


MGTOW their own way right my dudes?

I wanna put a lab together. I'm thinking of going mostly virtual and build a server/desktop but I want to do it on a budget (poorfag ). I'm curious what are some required or recommended hardware.

Inb4 pcbg, that's all vidyafags.

delete yourself

>what are some required hardware
A complooter obviously. More ram and ssds as you need them.

Take note of that; as you need them.

Avoid rack mounted severs if you want to preserve your hearing. Dell tower servers are more quiet. You can find quite a few of these on Ebay.

>Take that rpi of yours and do a headless Linux install.
Hard mode: install VMS on that Raspberry Pi. Uptime is typically measured in years. Annual CVE count is counted on one hand.

there is no point to a network except content. you only open a browser so you can access information and opinions and entertainment; without any of that then there is no reason to connect to the network. if you have local copies of resources like ebooks and music and movies and things then maybe the meshnet makes sense. look at gnunet, freenet and zeronet to see what happens without content and you'll understand why almost no one uses those things; they're just secure meshnets hosted on the public internet.

>Trouble is, few will accept emails from private servers
As lang as you've got a domain and your server isn't actually sending spam you should be fine.
Didn't have an issue so far

>>and use temp emails for accounts you don't use
>Those too should be somewhat safe.
If you don't care if your credentials are leaked (ie forum that requires an account to download) a public one is fine.
If you've got your own email server, confugure it to catch all adresses and you can use a seperate email for any service, for example [email protected].
Then again, if you don't want an account to relate to you, use a fresh cock.li
Also if you're lucky bugmenot.com may list an account

been thinking about that aswell and will most likely get a somewaht powerful i7 and a handful dedicated nics.
the other thing would be getting your hands on a used security appliance - bonus points if it's a configurable router / switch aswell.
with that you could already simulate mid-sized companies with DMZ

>Hard mode: install VMS on that Raspberry Pi.
Rough. That's bloody rough.

Fuck you gayboy, im gonna give it a go over the weekend. KVM would be the way to go I imagine?

>somewaht powerful i7
Is that really needed unless you are doing brute force attacks or key cracking?
>and a handful dedicated nics
That is probably a better investment.


>Is that really needed
depends on how much you want to run on there additionally to the handful of VM's
hyperthreading and the plus on L3 cache definitely helps to keep things running smoothly

WROOOOOONG. Check out installing VMS on an emulated VAX in SimH.

Getting a genuine VAX, perhaps a VAXstation is rather tempting. The age means they are too old to contain government mandated backdoors so even if they are slow they do have a major appeal.

What is the general consensus on i2pbote?

Never heard about it before but a few things puzzle me, not necessarily in a bad way.

- The design documents are old and the project appears to be 10 - 15 years old, yet there is little visible deployment.

- Design documents appear above average in thoroughness but there is little discussion.

- Releases are regular but there is little in the news about it.

Long time no see, /sec/..

Yeah it is sparse. Actually was speaking to the guy who works on it. Pretty sure it is just one dude. i2p is sparse in general desu senpai.