Anyone have some stories about technology almost fucking them over?
>be me
>sitting in class with apple watch
>i have my chair balancing so the front legs are off the ground
>ask siri “Hey siri, tell my teache-“
>suddenly i lose my balance
>on the floor, mutter “shit”
>nobody hears it
>except for siri
>hear imessage woop
>wondering what was just sent
>look at my watch
>see the holy message delivered and waiting to be read
>teacher is not in town
>he comes in a week
>mfw i fucked myself over
>mfw i can already see my grounding
I hate my life
Is this bait?
Why would you even talk to your teacher using siri?
underage thread?
I can't even begin to tell you how stupid you are, frog. Kill yourself
Dumb frogposter.
>using crapple
>using crapple watch
>using siri
>using retarded automated functions
is this bait?
Just post more stories pls
the apple watch was too heavy for your soybot wrists, wait until they release a lighter model
>on a technology board
>some underage faggot posts about his Fisher Price toy
>sends his teacher a XD so funny text that's not related to technology
>window is closing in three seconds
Lol technology
>new to Sup Forums
>attacked for using apple watch
what should i use then?
>New to Sup Forums
You need to go back to wherever you came from, for your own good
>can't tell the time using the position of the sun
learn the ways of the ancients
>attacked for using apple watch
more like attacked for posting an obviously fake story and pretending it was real
There's a little button that lets you unsend texts on the Apple watch you dumb nigger. Fake and gay.
Get out while you can.
>new to Sup Forums
why did you come here?
>the state of iToddlers
Ask your dad to buy you a real watch for men. Even cheaper ones look alright.
Sup Forums is filled with pajeets, neets and other degenerates. Apple is despised here by people who cant afford Apple products.
>giving up loads of useful features to “look better”
Form over function, faggot.
no no absolutly not.
>cant afford
Nice projection there, user.
>Form over function
All of these "features" are present in any smartphone which you should have on you 24/7 in our modern age, not to mention most of them are dumbed down to fit the given form-factor which makes their "usefulness" quite questionable.
Meanwhile, you literally can't argue against the fact Apple Watch makes a man look like a fucking hobo because watches historically were and still are luxury accessories with valuable "features" being longevity, durability, versatility, looks, and precision of which Apple Watch has none.
You can make a knife that plays music, measures your heartbeat, and orders you pizza - yet none of these will make it a good knife.