Buy samsung s7

>buy samsung s7
>comes preinstalled with shitware fuckery that is impossible to remove

inb4 root it lerl!! cx

How about no?

The only reason to use android over iOS is because it is more versatile. However if said versatility is made unnecessarily difficult by phone manufacturers, there is actually no advantage to be had over iOS. Especially now that iphone has the file app, I think android phones are just fucking stupid.

>hurr dont be stoopid and just root it
Again, missing the point. There is no reason why I should even have to root in the first place to remove preinstalled shitware. I should just be able to long-hold an app and delete it if I want to.

Other urls found in this thread:

Then don't buy Samsung?

Preach Master.

It's "I say Android but I mean Samsung" thread again.

You don't need root to use package disabler. What a dumbass you are. Talking all this shit when you're completely ignorant yourself.

I have a Note 3.

Just root it, it is not hard.

You're replying to the answer you made
S7 edg fag here, I finally bit the bullet and rooted it. This is the situation sadly. You root or you lose.
Life hasn't been better since then, enjoying my no bloat rom, my MAC spoofing and Groove Coaster with everything unlocked


> does no research before purchase
> proceeds to shit on the board like his buyers remorse is our fault

How do you breathe with all those cocks filling your orifices?

>have perfectly good solution
>umm how about no sweety?

fuck off, faggot.


>take the apps in your drawer from samsung
>put them in a folder
>dont use them
If you didnt know samsung comes with samsung software you are stupid

Did you buy the snapdragon or exynos model OP? I want a good laugh

I don't know this meme. Which one is bad?

>drains your battery constantly
samsung fags will defend this


>voids warranty
>can fuck up your phone if you make a mistake
>inb4 dont make a mistake
>perfect solution

I returned it you nigger

False flag samsung hate thread. Cya

>I returned it you nigger
After you blindly bought it you dense cunt. Fuck off.

>I returned it
so what was the point of sperging out in this thread like a little dumb Sup Forums kid

>being this technically illiterate

why are you here, again?

Snapdragon model has worse multicore performance and worse battery drain.

>Buy iPhone 8
>Comes pre-installed with shitware like Apple pay, iTunes, Health app, etc you can't remove that waste CPU cycles and battery

So just buy any android that isn't Samsung. Or go back to iPhone. I really don't care. Just don't make another thread like this your mouth breather.

>have smartphone
>all of them get bloated over time
>factory reset the phone every once in awhile and restore a personal image
>speed is fast again
oy vey so difficult gevalt


you can remove Music, sweetie. also just root (jailbreak) it

>Paying actual money for a Samsung phone.


that voids your warranty sweetie and all the third party music apps on iPhone sucks when jailbroken

if you don't want to root just buy an iphone faggot,
no one is forcing you to use android

>There is actually no advantage to be had over iOS
How's that missing headphone jack and missing SD card slot

Hi nigger.

let me fucking fuck your ass right here and now.

What bloat are you talking about? samsung gear? Apple and all the other brands have similar apps.


touchwiz? 2011 called and wants it meme back. Touchwiz is closer to stock than ever before. and stock android is fucking stupid anyway, touchwiz is far superior and easier to use.

and thats about fucking it.

Oh and i had a iphone6 before moving to S7, and now S8. and i just cant go back, sure the iShit had its ups. but you cant even view webms in browser.

Cant save important files, can just email PDF
itunes for everything.
slow wifi.
and a ton more i cant remember.

So ill have my samsung gear app and just deactivate it. And since i have 64gb+256gb microsd, i actually dont give a shit if an app is taking 10mb of it.

brb going to /GIF to view webms on my phone.

enjoy your shitty iFag while i browse on my cool AF phone with less bexels than the iPhoneX

>just use ios
>even more non-removable bloat


>buying Samshit instead of something clean and stock like a Moto
kill yourself

you kill yourself.

moto is shit

Moto is great, basically stock. Only way to get stock without shelling out for a totally overpriced 1000 dollar pixlel

dont understand why anyone would want stock. its annoying to use.

Google: "Make it fast"
That's why you buy something with Stock.

>I should just be able to long-hold an app and delete it if I want to.

He clearly has no idea of the sheer magnitude of dumbasses (dumber than a second coat of paint) floating around in this country who would brick their smartphones in 5min with just a few taps if given the chance.

>no reason why I should even have to root in the first place to remove preinstalled shitware.

Not knowing how ext4 works, nor linux, nor android.

>buy a Moto Z Play
>buy the battery pack mod
And done. You have a phone that has everything you need, with fucking infinite battery. Battery > everything, once I realized this I can't go back to another phone now.
>tfw friends always complain about battery meanwhile I charge mine almost every 3 days

bought an s7 too few months ago. uninstalling bloatware is really easy.. no root needed. follow the steps listed here: