so why are you not using a trackball mouse user?
So why are you not using a trackball mouse user?
they're a meme worse than gentoo and dvorak keyboards
Because I'm not a masochist.
Adding got no thumbs.
Do you get to use only the trackball, or there's a laser undearneath as well?
I'd sure love to use optics for macro movement and trackball to adjust small stuff.
how do you feel about "audiophiles"?
audiophile here, it's a fucking terrible curse upon humanity. Please for the love of god don't take up an audio heavy project. It'll ruin every fucking podcast, every indie artist, and every other fucking bit of sound you listen to, and that's even assuming you have good equipment. Here's a good tip though, you can get great headphones for cheap. My waifu headphones sell for like $25 on ebay and are much more enjoyable than my studio headphones.
I do though
Might I inquire as to what those headphones are
JVC HAS400's. I don't think they make them anymore, the heated carbon nanotube filament gimmick didn't sell well enough to justify continuing the line I guess. Really nice for generic music, but the bass is recessed, which isn't ideal for working with male voices. The weight, portability, and the look make them an EDC for me though.
Because I'm not using NX11 at my house
I hadn't seen this until now, gonna have to get one, can anybody vouch for it?
Wired Elecom is near Logitech quality hardware wise now. The first few trackballs they made were crap.
More moving parts = more points of failure.
The ball gets shit on it. The sensors get shit on them.
They're an all around terrible product with a short lifespan. There's a reason why they aren't as popular as they used to be.
those new cst trackballs don't have gunk issues i hear. made in usa and are heavy duty.
is there a chinese one for cheap? like in ?
They use needle bearings to spin the ball. Vastly superior to most trackballs single jewel bearing.
I do and am too retarded to use any other kind of mouse
Im not a manlet
I'll take things that are utterly unrelated for $500, Alex.
I am, just this one a few weeks ago
>tfw I used a trackball for nearly a year before realizing you could play Golden Tee Golf and World Class Bowling whenever I wanted
Ever since I got this mouse for like $13, I don't even use my Logitech garbage. I have double ulnar neuropathy, and this brought me from self-harm to actually enjoying programming all day.
this actually works well?
Got one of those too, it's great.
is it true you can do up a gaymen with these? recent ambidexterous user here.
because all the semen drippings and cheeto dust from my hands would calcify on the ball until it resembled the shape of the earth
It's too bad that CST's are way overpriced and have a totally shit scroll wheel.
M570s pretty reliable start double clicking after 1-2 years.
>There's a reason why they aren't as popular as they used to be.
Because back in the 90s trackball mice had super low dpi and were really tiring to move across the screen. Almost all mice have a short lifespan. All razer mice will be lucky to last past two years and yet they are popular, so there goes your non-nonsensical argument.
Mine started double clicking after two full years of usage, so I slammed it into the table as hard as I could. Fixed it. Still using it two years later.
The only moving part in most trackballs is the ball as the rollers are usually just static mounted jewels or plastic on cheap models. Arguably mice have more moving parts at this point as the whole bottom of the thing has to move. Also the shit gets rubbed/rolled off the ball as you use it and usually there's a hole below the ball for that crud gets ejected out of.
Nice. I might try that with my old m570 that's just sitting in the closet doing nothing.
because m618 is better
Why do you need a mousepad with the trackball?
I fell for the MMO macropad meme.
I don't play FPS games that often but I've heard more than once that trackballs are awesome for them. Also it's not that difficult to set the trackball aside and grab a mouse when you want to game. Nobody's forcing you to only use one device for cursor control.
My nigger.
I can see why youd think that but it would only work if there was a hybrid device, and its only useful for peaking/ awping and even then...
Plua i think if it was actually useful even a single pro player would use one
no wireless trackballs or i would
Got a Tor X10 i've been using a couple years now and thinking of switching to one of these. Also because i'm tired of having to use a sewing needle to pick out my skin grease from all the holes on this damn thing.
You were saying, ops?
I'm using a wireless trackball right now.
Wouldn't a trackpad be a better solution than this?
extremely accurate
extremely inaccurate
>logitech plastic trash without driver support for anything that isn't windows 7
fuck off goylitech shill
A trackball's basically a trackpad that moves with your finger and allows better control.
If a Logitech shill was in a trackball thread I'd imagine he'd be shilling Logitech trackballs.
Anything input device will be flooded with logitech shills, I could have gotten a job at logitech as a shill, but I was too lazy to commute that far
>extremely inaccurate
Apple's trackpad is extremely accurate just like their laptops, at least on macOS.
Well yeah, but in a trackball-specific thread I'd imagine Logitech would be shilling their trackballs. `
I've got a Magic Trackpad to the left of my keyboard, I use it for gestures while using my more accurate trackball for actual cursor control on OS X. Don't get me wrong, the Magic Trackpad's a great trackpad, but trackpads suck compared to trackballs.
I'm using the m$ trackball
'cause it's retarded and imprecise as fuck.
t. logitech g400s user
If the earth was shrunken to the size of a trackball it would probably be smoother than an actual trackball.
When that does happen, I just lift the ball from the rest of the unit and wipe it off. Literally takes three seconds.
I know it's smoother than a basketball