Redpill me on Version Control.
Redpill me on Version Control
Use git.
use google drive
Git - the standard, regardless of knowing other, if you don't know git people will thing you are idiot.
Mercurial - the other good version control, sometimes comfier, but less adoption. choose git if you don't know
Subversion - central repository without branches. Only really good for gamedev where you need binary files and having them in sync with rest of code.
CVS - the ancient one, only OpenBSD uses it,, no branching (in practice), inferior in every way
GNU Bazaar - another laughable GNU project that no one uses
tarballing - make a script that saves sources into tar archive and names it with date/version. Example from suckless's Makefile
dist: clean
@echo creating dist tarball
@mkdir -p dmenu-${VERSION}
@cp LICENSE Makefile README arg.h config.def.h dmenu.1 \
drw.h util.h dmenu_path dmenu_run stest.1 ${SRC} \
@tar -cf dmenu-${VERSION}.tar dmenu-${VERSION}
@gzip dmenu-${VERSION}.tar
@rm -rf dmenu-${VERSION}
Fossil SCM.
deciding between Git and Mercurial for ue4, solo project
which should i use?
i use git on my solo projects and project templates
at work we use tfs
The best scm
fossil > git
svn for solo projects with large binary assets
inb4 haters
inb4 git fanboys
>that last panel
>my normie classmates forced me into that torture
>it involved emailing "really finallllll this time!! (1) (2).docx" files between each other
>not even something simple like google drive was easy enough for them
Absolutely fucking triggered. There's a special kind of hell reserved for those people.
the devil doesnt even want to be settled up with idiots like that
Give me one reason why i shouldn't just save my project to a comfy google drive every night
Can't create and work on branches.
>start a project without VCS
>it grows
>okay I will do an initial commit when I finish the current TODO list
>TODO list is over a month long
Why do I do this to myself.
Move binary assets to a separate repo
I don't care about you and your project.
I still add files for the initial commit even in your case. It helps me check the most recent diffs in the code.
what is CTRL+C ; CTRL+V
have fun merging
TFS as well.
>no mention of darcs
their model could be an improvement but maybe git is good enough.
>git commit -m "make FLAG_USE_LOGS const"
>receive scholarship
just use git(lab) jesus why people insist on using anything else really surprises me its like insisting on using a commodore64 with OEM hardware in the 21st century, just fucking don't
because learning git is easy as fuck and x100 better than shitty google drive who will watch everything you post into the drives.
seriously, you don't even need to know git in and out. you need to know how to make a push request, how to push to master, and how to set up a git repo. that's it. then you have a rudimentary version control system that can be improved once you learn how to branch, how to merge branches, etc.
pull requests aren't even necessary for personal projects, they're only used when collaborating with people like OSS where you have a shit load of ranging devs from retards to linus torvalds making changes to programs.
>create new function
>create return array - name it returnArr
>fuck thats not the last step
>tfw function has no variables other than $x, $y, $returnVal, $returnArr, $final, $finalArr
Easy my friend
For your own shit at home
isn't that filesystem? can it log, tag states, branch and merge, transfer to another machine and similar shits?
why not just use git-lfs now?
Yes, I use it at work, it's ok, but it doesn't have partial commits (at least it's not obvious) so if you've two different changes in a file you want in separate commits you need to do more work than should be necessary.
Apparently the version control is just part of tfs though, tfvc is the proper name.
>inb4 cucked by microsoft
As long as they don't force me to use it on my private shit I don't care.
k it seems like there are at least 3 things named TFS
Bazaar was originally a canonical project dude. Canonical just donated it to the GNU once git took off.
>not going through a design phase first with paper only
I know rapid iteration is the fad these days (again), but you should at least think a few step ahead.
I confess panel three all the way
Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, and Christ will probably forgive you after telling you not to do it anymore
However, I don't call my versions final versions, but v1, v2, v3, ... with a short readme on why there is a new version.
that was a cool read
This was the literal reason that I ditched my last job. The fucking tech lead would write spaghetti bullshit that was completely unintelligible because he loved to use loops like for (arg2 in arg1)
Deeply as fuck nested control logic. Fucking five dimensional arrays. His code made me want to kill myself. Not to mention he would reject my pull requests because "not everyone understands how interfaces work, just resubmit it without the interfaces" .
amateur unsafe garbage.
>I don't care about you and your project.
Thanks for the blog update
Very true. Mercurial all the way, very sane and easy and pretty nice tools. On Windows you get tortoise but I use hgv